
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Wheaton Bicyclist & Pedestrian Commission met May 17

City of Wheaton Bicyclist & Pedestrian Commission met May 17

Here are the minutes provided by the commission: 

I. Call to Order 

7:02 pm 

Members present live: Michelle D, Alyse K, George S, Bob V, Cate B, Connor G, Rita N, Bill N, Dave S Members present via Zoom: Laurel S

Members absent: None 

Public Present live: Gigi Sing, Lu Deter – both avid bicyclists and would like to help out on the commission. May consider joining at some point.

Public Present via Zoom: None 

II. Agenda Item 

Approval of April Minutes 

Motioned: Bill N

Seconded: Cate B

Unanimously approved via voice vote.

III. Agenda Item 

Chair Report 

IV. Agenda Item 

Chair Report-Prairie Path Cleanup Apr 29th - Michelle, Cate, Laurel, Bob, George & David were planning on attending but Boy Scouts did all our area. We did collect 10 pieces of trash

V. Agenda Item 

Chair Report-Bike to School- George and Michelle biked to school; Wheaton Police biked with Whittier

VI. Agenda Item 

Chair Report-New emails- BicyclistandPedestrianCommissionEmail@wheaton.il.us is for the general public to reach us.

VII. Agenda Item 

Chair report-Carlton crossing proposal- shared email from John – Lu suggested an overpass over Roosevelt at Carleton. We could write a long term proposal for that; Garys Mill Rd overpass is on the docket at some point from the county we believe.

VIII. Agenda Item 

Chair Report-Road Diet- Alyse to send from Share folder – FYI to City Council

IX. Agenda Item 

Bike Shelter Ribbon Cutting - Alyse to send email to John and and Mayor S. re ribbon cutting

X. Agenda Item 

Bike Skills Bonanza/Bike Valet 

● Laurel will do certificates and print

● Alyse to write press release – email

● Bob to create half sheets and print – Rita to distribute

● Logo for Park District Ads - Michelle to give to Park District

● Volunteers & Police - Two police have been assigned

● Goody Bags - stuffed

XI. Agenda Item 

2023 History Ride 

● Alyse to contact police

● Write press release/article for newsletter and ad for FB/Twitter

● Print outs to distribute; a few posters

XII. Agenda Item 

Safe Routes to School Committee report/Advertise BSB 

● Subcommittee has been reaching out to schools to gauge interest

XIII. Agenda Item 

2022 Virtual History Ride 

● Has been posted to our webpage - congratulations to Bill, George, Bob for getting this live! 

● Press release - Bill to write and send Susan Bishel

XIV. Agenda Item 

Google Form/Helmet raffle 

● 490 responses

● BILL MOTIONED to buy a helmet same as before; Cate seconded, unanimous approved by voice vote

● Michelle to send a link to the survey

● Survey results to be tabulated and shared with city council

XV. Agenda Item 

New Logo 

● Rita to work with Alpha graphics to finalize

XVI. Agenda Item

2023 History Walk- tabled

XVII. Agenda Item 

Bike Plan Signup Homework for June- everyone please chose a section to review by June

XVIII. Agenda Item 

Group Walks/Rides- printouts were made and folks to distribute to the usual sites

XIX. Agenda Item 

New Business 

● Warrenville Rd Proposal - tabled

● West Street Proposal - tabled

XX. Adjournment - 8:22 pm 
