
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met May 17

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met May 17

Here are the minutes provided by the board: 

I. Call to Order and Roll Call 

Chairman Court Harris called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call confirmed the following present: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Absent: None.

Also in Attendance:

Jeff Miller - Executive Director

George Sakas - Director of Economic Development

Jason Griffith - Director of Finance

Andrew Wolanik - Director of Operations & Maintenance 

Kim Mueller - Property Accountant

Krista Coltrin - Administrative Manager/Recording Secretary 

Francesca Elliott - Administrative Assistant

Penny Merritt - QuieterHome® Program Project Manager 

Tom Lester - Attorney

II. Pledge of Allegiance 

Chairman Harris led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Approval of Minutes 

A motion was made by Director Lang and seconded by Director Berman to approve the minutes from the April 19, 2023, Regular Board Meeting. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

IV. Changes to the Agenda 


V. Public Comments 

Joe Zimmerman addressed the Board and questioned why it seems that the main runway is a one-way runway, meaning that most of the takeoffs and landings are to the north. He understands that an airplane takes off and lands into the wind and that much of the time the wind is coming out of the north. He hardly ever sees aircraft take off and land to the south. He would like to know what the airport is going to do about the noise. He also asked why the aircraft cannot take off to the south and make a hard turn over the forest preserve district to spare the noise over the homes to the north.

Steve Neff addressed the Board, noting that he concurred with Mr. Zimmerman's remarks. He primarily discussed the noise comment system and reenacted his calls to the noise comment line on the previous Saturday morning by calling into the airport phone system. He expressed his frustration with the need to place a call each time there was a noise disturbance. He would prefer that one call could be placed to represent multiple disturbances.

VI. Hearings and Reports 

A) Director of Finance Report 

Director of Finance Jason Griffith delivered the Treasurer's Report and said April is the final month in the fiscal year, meaning the target percentage collected or expended is 100% of the budget. Year-to-date operating revenues were at 116.33% and operating expenditures were at 83.9% of the budget.

B) Executive Director's Report 

Jeff Miller reported on the following:

→ Total operations for April were 7,794, which is 17% above March 2023 and 3% above April 2022. The previous 12-month operations rose slightly to 97,668, which is 56% above average for the month of April since 2010.

→ April fuel flowage was 563,165 gallons, which is 2% below March 2023 and 15% below April 2022. The previous fuel flowage dropped to 8,069,249 gallons. However, fuel flowage is 26% above the average month of April since 2010.

→ Total Customs clearances were 45 in April 2023, which is 11 more than March 2023, and 12 fewer than April 2022. The 12-month total for Customs clearances decreased slightly to 503. Clearances are 10 above the average month of April since 2010.

→ The number of noise comments totaled 20 for April. There were 1.08 comments per 1,000 operations with a 12-month total of 441.

→ Updates to construction projects include:

о The Airfield Lighting Project started Wednesday May 3rd.

о The East Quad Ramp Project lowest bid came back at $1,162,693 with a shortfall of $122,693: total local share would be $226,693. As a Rebuild Illinois project, there is no opportunity for further funding for the project. Either the airport funds the shortfall, or the funds must be returned to the state. Staff and consultants recommend moving forward with the project. This project is an example of why the airport should maintain unrestricted assets within its budget.

о Staff is coordinating a project kickoff for rehabilitation of the Northwest Quadrant Road.

о Master Drainage Study: The Airport held a joint meeting with the Village of Wheeling and the City of Prospect Heights.

о Construction of the Hawthorne Global Aviation Services Hangar 22 is on schedule. 

→ Other items include:

о CEA is requesting proposals from consultants for the rent study.

o Internship Update:

Airport interns are starting this week, with students from Lewis University, Purdue and Western Michigan participating.

• Past interns have landed positions with General Mitchell International and Fort Wayne International airports. One of these interns was a D214 student in the Aviation Academy program and was hired 3 times as an intern in CEA's program.

о Work on Run the Runway and Rock the Runway events continues.

о Run the Runway 5K and 1-mile route have been separated this year. The 5K route has been re-certified.

о Aviation Academy (Dist. 214)

• Job shadowing is complete.

Next school year = 30 students in ground school and maintenance

• George Sakas will be attending an appreciation breakfast on June 2nd.

о ALP Exhibit A work has started.

о The Economic Impact update has started.

о YARDI Accounting System Implementation Progress:

• GL Account Codes are being assigned, which basically changes how the entire accounting system works at CEA.

• Onsite training with a representative for YARDI will take place on May 24th

→ To date, 614 applications have been received for the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP).

о The FAA increased the total grant fund to $2.5M, which increased the local funding match. With local funds, the total will be $2,777,778. Again, it is another example of why the Airport needs to maintain a robust budget so that it can absorb the increase in matched funding. The increase will allow for additional sound testing this year.

о The Noise Exposure Map public meeting is planned for Tuesday, June 13th at 6:00 PM at the Indian Trails Public Library, 355 Schoenbeck Rd., Wheeling, IL 60090.

→ Public Relations Report

о Airport staff coordinated a luncheon with Hawthorne Global Aviation Services for Kevin Burke from Airport Council International. Representatives from Illinois Public Airport Association and Illinois Airport Council attended along with management staff from Signature Flight Support and Atlantic Aviation.

о Continuing work on Run the Runway 5K/1-mile Walk; banners have been added as advertising around the airport.

o The 99's will use the administration building on Sunday, June 25th for their annual award ceremony.

o Young Eagles Rally dates have been posted for 2023.

→ Staff Training Accomplishments

о The Operations & Maintenance Department participated in the Village of Wheeling Fire Department's Stop the Bleed training, which teaches the ABC's of bleed control to ad-hoc first responders and promotes team safety.

о Airport Operations & Maintenance Supervisor Norm Mackey attended AAAE Advanced Airport Safety and Operations Specialist School (ASOS) in Buffalo, NY.

→ Annual Pavement Repairs and Remarking Project FY24

Director of Maintenance and Operations Andrew Wolanik provided an overview of both programs: 

о Annual appropriated funds ensure the Tenants and Users of CEA have a safe environment in which to operate aircraft as required by grant assurances.

o Resolutions for Board Consideration on the Agenda:

• 23-015 - Approving Award of a Contract to Maneval Construction Company, Inc. for 2023 Airfield Repairs 

• 23-016-Approving Award of a Contract to Preform Traffic Control Systems, Ltd. for 2023 Airfield Remarking 

o Design/Bid Process Considerations:

• CEA Operations maintains a real-time list of pavement and marking areas for repair & upgrading, taking into consideration observations by staff after the winter-spring thaw cycle, tenant and user reported issues and a springtime review with CMT for plan development.

o Annual Remarking Project

• Staff recommends awarding the contract to Preform Traffic Control Systems. They are consistently the lowest bidder and were the sole bidder this year.

• Staff have a great working relationship with the business, and they are familiar with CEA procedures as well as with the Rock N Run the Runway events. Work will begin at the conclusion of the 5K on June 24th.

• The budget is $80K with a base bid of $47,368.40.

• Base Bid includes:

• Remarking runway 16/34 centerline, which is the primary runway and most impacted by snow removal.

• Remarking Runway 12/30 Centerline

• Most elements on taxiways Lima and Kilo

• East Quadrant - Green Island

o Annual Pavement Repairs

• Staff recommend awarding the contract to Maneval Construction Company. They are consistently the lowest bidder and are the sole bidder this year.

• They are familiar with CEA operations and Rock N Run the Runway events.

• Total Program Budget = $300K

• Base Bid 1 - Runway 16/34 Pavement and Crack Repairs = $98,009.75

• Base Bid 2 - Taxiway B Connector Pavement Repair = $24,457.50

• Add Alt 1 - 204 Industrial Partial Parking Lot Repair = $73,382.50

• Total Project = $196,319.75 

→ Upcoming Meetings & Events

о CEA offices will be closed Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. 

о The Noise Exposure Map Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13th.

о The next Board of Directors meeting is Wednesday, June 21st.

о The CEA 5K/1M Run and Rock the Runway events are on Saturday, June 24th

C) Board Member Comments 

• Director Lang noted that the Airport is consistently over budgeting for the remarking and pavement repairs and requested that staff look at ways to reflect final contract amounts more accurately as this is an annual maintenance issue. 

• Director Lang questioned if the FAA would grant additional dollars for RSIP in the future, as it has done this year. Ms. Merritt indicated that she would not expect additional funding in future years.

• Director Kearns requested a moment of silence for the four students killed in an automobile accident, profoundly impacting Buffalo Grove High School this week.

D) Correspondence and Chairman's Comments 

• None.

VII. New Business

A. Resolution 23-014 - A Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Claims

A motion to approve was made by Director Saewert and seconded by Director Kiefer. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

B. Resolution 23-015-A Resolution to Approving an Award of a Contract to Maneval Construction Company Inc. for 2023 Airfield Pavement Repairs

A motion to approve was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Saewert.

Director Kearns questioned how much of the parking lot at 204 Industrial was included in the pavement repairs, to which Executive Director Miller responded approximately one third, adding that the subbase is beyond repair. He also noted that the contract was written so that the parking lot was a separate contract from the remainder of the airport pavement repairs. Director Kearns requested that 204 Industrial parking lot be removed entirely from consideration until the Board determined what would eventually happen to the building. Chairman Harris confirmed that a decision to move forward with parking lot replacement could be made later and would not impact the overall contract for airfield pavement repairs.

The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

C. Resolution 23-016- A Resolution Approving an Award of a Contract to Preform Traffic Controls Systems for 2023 Airfield Remarking

A motion to approve was made by Director Kearns and seconded by Director Lang. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

D. Resolution 23-017 - A Resolution Approving the Program Letter for the Project "Rehabilitate Access Road at Northwest Quadrant Hangars" with the Illinois Department of Transportation

A motion to approve was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Kearns. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

E. Resolution 23-018 - A Resolution Approving the Program Letter for the Project "Expand Airport East Quadrant General Aviation Aircraft Parking Apron" with the Illinois Department of Transportation

A motion to approve was made by Director Kiefer and seconded by Director Saewert. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

VIII. Executive Session 

At 6:30 p.m. a motion to move into Executive Session was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Berman. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

At 8:43 p.m. a motion to return to open session was made by Director Saewert and seconded by Director Lang. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

IX. Action Taken from Executive Session 


X. Adjournment 

At 8:45 p.m. a motion was made by Director Kearns and seconded by Director Kiefer to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.
