
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City of Wheaton Public Library Board Finance Committee met June 26

City of Wheaton Public Library Board Finance Committee met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order 

Present in-person at roil call were Finance Chair Christine Fenne, Al Herbach, Steve Siemer and President Laurie Metanchuk. Absent: None. Library Director Betsy Adamowski and Library Finance/Business Office Manager Lisa Christell-Sandri were also present.

II. Citizens to be Heard 


III. Discussion of Wheaton Public Library CY2024 Budget 

After handing out information on the Library's benchmark project and vision projects, Mrs. Adamowski began with reviewing the results of the recent benchmarking. She noted that there were multiple variables used (HR Source analysis, years of service in current job description and job performance) to make it fair and comprehensive. She went on to note that additional funds will be needed to bring all Library personnel up to market. Both Mrs. Adamowski and Ms. Christell-Sandri then responded to questions. The next items Mrs. Adamowski went over were the vision projects that were highlighted in 2022. She noted that it will need to be looked at and updated/revised for the 2024 budget. Mrs. Adamowski again responded to questions.

IV. Adjournment 

Mrs. Metanchuk moved and Mr. Siemer seconded to adjourn. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment was carried at 6:49 p.m.
