
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

City of Winchester City Council met July 5

City of Winchester City Council met July 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting July 5, 2023 at City Hall.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Jeff Pittman, Ron Bell, Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory, Lawrence Coultas, Melinda Hembrough, and City Clerk Teri Little.

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Simmons, Supt of Public Works; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Reg Benton, Benton & Associates; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Steve Doolin, City Police Chief; Bobbi Jo Smith, Civic Group Representative; Ben Cox, WLDS.

Mayor McIntire led those attending the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Melinda Hembrough was sworn in, by Teri Little, City Clerk, to complete Sandy Longs term. Long resigned due to moving.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Bill Jacquot seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes of June 7, 2023.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular June 7, 2023 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Reg Benton, Benton and Associates, advised that he had no action items to report. He does enjoy coming to Winchester as the city was Benton's and Associates 1st client.

No receipt for permit from EPA for the water main project as of yet. May request a special meeting once received to send out for bids.

Update on library is that there is some grant money left over at this time. Will advise on amount after the bill from city is received and all money in.

The 3rd funding cycle for the unsewered grant applications have not been announced yet.

Bobbi Jo Smith, Civic Group Rep, gave update on the group activities. Group is working on having a video produced to promote Winchester. This will focus on the town and things such as the library, courthouse, historical areas of town, etc.

The glow run is scheduled for 07-13-2023 after music in the park. Requesting traffic control from the city. John Simmons stated we would take care of it.

The pool has requested additional chairs and another sun shade over the corner by the shallow end.

1stage of park upgrades they are looking at is to add a second sand volleyball court so they are able to have tournaments. Already have the markers but requested some assistance in the additional work and costs. Mayor McIntire asked her to get numbers together for the next meeting and then would see what the city can do.

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, presented monthly report. Animal complaint - 1; Arrests - 2; Assist EMS - 2; Assist outside agency (Police) - 6; Assist motorist - 4; Child exchange - 6; Clear roadway (obstructions) - 12; Court – 1; DCFS – 1; Domestic disturbance - 1; Found property returned - 5; Interviews - 4; Investigations - 2; Paper service - 3; Property damage - 1; pursuit - 2; Sex offender register - 1; Speak to an officer - 41; Stalking - 1; Suicidal Subject/mental health - 1; Suspicious person -2; Suspicious Vehicle - 3; Theft - 4; Traffic accidents – 1; Traffic control - 3; Traffic stops - citations - 1; Traffic stops-verbal warnings -3; Trespassing – 1; Vandalism -2; Vehicle complaints - 1; Well-being checks -2.

The numbers on theft are up due to internet fraud.

Had to have transmission repaired on the Tahoe due to a stick going thru it during the storm as he was headed to manually turn on the siren.

Doolin advised that the batteries be checked even though they were just replaced last summer. A new siren would cost around $29,000.00.

Alderman Coultas wanted to commend all the hard work and all the hours Chief Doolin has been doing. It is truly appreciated.

Bill Jacquot, Pool Board, presented the pool report. On 6-24-2023 the cylinoid went out and had to manually turned on from 06-24-2023 thru 06-29-2023. This has been replaced and an extra one ordered. They normally last about 3 years.

Storm damage caused phone lines to go down and Frontier worker, Kyle Crain, temporarily attached the lines and will permanently fix after pool closes for the season.

July 4th numbers were 125. It was a busy day.

Wanted to praise John and his crew for all the work done at the pool and all the clean-up from the storms.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out all financial sheets for the month.

Cody advised that the auditors left a day early and a lot less corrections. It was pretty clean and all payroll allocated and paid correctly.

Need approval to move $13,246.71 from the MFT fund to the general fund for bills paid.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to approve transfer of funds from MFT fund to General fund for bills paid at amount $13,246.71. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Advised that CD's at UCB are at 4.5% for 6 months and wanted to know what the council wanted to do with the Millikan Estate donation in means of investments. The council advised Cody to get rates from all banks for next meeting.

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works, Monthly report - Work orders - 15; Locate tickets – 21; Funerals & grave openings - 4; Gas leaks - 3; Water leaks - 4; Ordinance violations - 1; Zoning applications - 4; Installed crosswalk signs for the school -2; Repairs on water shed; Painted curves; Changed out gas meters -2; Monthly brush pick up; Monthly odorant reading; Effingham, John & Derik GVA - 1 day; Exercising water valves - 3 days; Flushing fire hydrants several days; Patching streets; Letters to all customers, water quality report-several days; Relocate water service for new house being built at Valley Dr.; Repair hot gas line, next to coffee shop. Shafer put in new sewer line; Painted fence at Monument Park; Lots of work at water plant; Storm clean-up, still going on.

Received bid from Steve Williams of SLOMO to seal coat the small portion at the park- 36x31and the pool-44x35. The estimate was $917.00. The city crew normally does it but the seal they use does not last long and would like to have it professionally done as it will look better and last longer.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve payment to Slomo for $917.00 for seal coating the asphalt at pool and the handicap area at the park. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

The backhoe was taken to Altorfer Cat in Springfield last week for estimates on repairs needed. This was, unfortunately, right before the big storm.

The county (Randy Howard) assisted for a few days with their equipment, Lance Smith assisted in tree and brush removal for 1 afternoon and Derik Evans assisted with his tractor.

Danny Powell removed trees for the city at the pool, Blake Weder home and Cemetery

Rex McIntire, Mayor, advised that Phil Pratt has submitted his resignation to the city as custodian. He has appreciated the years he has worked for the city, however, due to a new job and his children getting more involved in sports and activities he just does not have the time any longer. His last day will be August 31st but will be glad to help out till we get someone else hired and train them in what is done at the old city hall and library.

Rick Willis is doing a good job at the cemetery again this year. For Mother's Day and Memorial Day no complaints and looked good.

Juneteenth was brought up as we were the only office open. All other City halls and offices were closed for the federal holiday. Last year it was decided to not be closed for the new holiday. The council discussed and agreed to show uniform in the holiday and close the office for the Juneteenth holiday. Attorney John Paul Coonrod will draw up an ordinance to add to the existing holiday's the office is closed.

With a health crisis that happened in the office recently it was requested that an AED machine be purchased for the office. It was also suggested that maybe CPR training be done. This could not hurt and might be nice to have the office and crew trained in case of emergencies. Teri Little, City clerk, will check with the health department about training and if they assist in getting AED machines. Also, will check into available grants on purchasing machines.

A Lincoln statue has been found. It is in a seated position and the bench included for $10,000.00. So far $4000.00 has been raised and donated. There is a raffle for many prizes donated by business in town and the grand prize donated by Mayor McIntire and his wife. The drawing will be Saturday July 15th as the car show and winners announced. The statue is being purchased to go place in the town square along with the Douglas statue. This hopefully will help draw people to town.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, presented the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for 2023- 2024 fiscal year for approval.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Ordinance 961 Annual Appropriations 2023-2024. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Three municipal cases were cited last month 2 were cleaned up but was brought to the judge for N Main for trash, junk, weeds and debris.

Requesting approval for one citation this month for Earl Smith on Overton drive for offensive liquids. A pool on the property has been left and was putrid and drawing mosquitoes.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve new municipal citation for Earl Smith 253 Overton Dr. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

A third lien has been filed to the county clerk for the Railroad St property owned by Guy Lewis.

No Public Comments 

MOTION: Melinda Hembrough moved and Terry Gregory second to adjourn at 9:32 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
