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Friday, May 3, 2024

City of Waukegan City Council met July 3

City of Waukegan City Council met July 3.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Council of the City of Waukegan met in regular session on Monday, July 03, 2023 at 7:00 PM City Council Chambers, City Hall. 100 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, Waukegan. Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab, & Corporation Counsel; Marcus E. Martinez, were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call

PRESENT: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.


Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Linda Ervin (Christian Faith Fellowship) / Pledge of Allegiance

Procedural: C. Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Action: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Newsome to approve a Resolution 23-R-191 "Honoring the Life of Mary Blair Moore"

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Proclamation: B. Proclamation - July is National BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month.

3. Audience Time

Anna Giles: Shared that she reached out to Mayor Taylor, and she has yet to receive a response. Explained that she is here today, reaching out to ask her for a peaceful resolution. Shared that she is here tonight to make people aware of the alleged misuse of federal funds / taxpayer money that goes through the Waukegan CDBG program and shared her story.

Adam Hirachdia: Expressed comments related to Anna Giles and the project at their home. Shared the alleged issues that took place while the work was taking place in their home by the contractors.

Evonda Fulton: Spoke about an event she held last week. Personally thanked Ald Turner for showing up. Shared information about the event, which helped members of the youth who’ve experienced years of trauma.

Cathy Charity: Shared in her words, ‘off the cuff’ comments regarding things going wrong within the ‘City of Progress’ AKA City of Waukegan. Encouraged residents to educate themselves on the true meaning of Juneteenth. Shared that a sign language interpreter should be present during these meetings, and suggested part-time position for the city. Continued her ‘off the cuff’ remarks and concerns.

Ald Turner at this time, shared his concerns about the camera not showing the audience members as they speak. Mayor Taylor stated she isn’t sure they can do that, because the camera isn’t set up that way, and added by ordinance all they have to be is ‘heard’ and not necessarily seen. Ald Turner stated ‘Dear Lord’ in response to Mayor Taylor’s response.

Rayon Edwards: Shared that he is the bearer of bad news this evening. Shared that he is sorry to hear the story from Adam and Anna regarding the work with CDBG and the contractors. Stated be assured, the directors don’t run the show, but the Mayor and Chief of Staff do. Spoke the contract with ‘AntMound Foundation’ and shared why he believes this to be cronyism and nepotism, as the Chief of Staff is on their board – he also shared concerns regarding minor’s names and dates of birth being published on the City of Waukegan’s website, and raised the concerns regarding the safety and what can be done with their names and DOB. Shared his disappointment with Mayor Taylor.

Preston Kendall & James Stevenson: Shared that they are signed up to answer any questions regarding an item coming up on tonight’s agenda.

Elzabeth Marrero: Volunteer with Fiesta Patrias. Shared comments and concerns, requesting transparency with the special event application process, specially with the Latino parade and festival which she shares happens every year in the month of September – she explained her experience when dealing with the City of Waukegan. Shared her concerns with Puro Futbol’s registration as the applicant. Urged the Alderpersons to investigate this situation for the Latino Community.

Viviana Arzate: Queen of the Patriarch Parties. Shared that she is fighting and representing – taking courage to come forward and fight. Shared that she has come forward before to thank the black and brown community – the 59% Latinos and 19% Black/African American according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Urged the Aldermen to step up and reconsider the Fiestas Patrias committee, who live here, to have the parade, and shared that it would be an injustice to have Puro Futbol host the parade. Continued to urge the City Council to allow Fiesta Padrias to host the parade, as they do this from their hearts and all their time and efforts. Spoke about the charges from Puro Futbol, and shared that this parade is not about making money/charging – but for their culture and celebration.

Uriel Vieyra: Spoke in favor of Fiestas Patrias non-profit organization to host the celebration. Shared his thoughts based on the news he has seen and conversation he said with Mayor Taylor. Stated why he is not in favor of Puro Futbol hosting, including the money they are charging for those who would like to participate. Stated that instead of Mayor Tayor putting an ad in Puro Futbol, she should be focusing on the gun violence in the black and brown community – urged the Mayor to get together with members of the community.

Margaret Carrasco: Directed her comments toward item 4. D. on the Regular City Council agenda. Spoke about the Ad featuring Mayor Taylor’s picture. Stated that Waukegan Taxpayers should not be paying for this Ad, and called it ‘Political’. Urged all of the Aldermen to make a motion to not pay and any all payments for Puro Futbol, as she should not have political ads. Touched base on her appeal for the parade, and urged the Aldermen to override Mayor Taylor’s ‘out of towner’ from Gurnee, Round Lake, and Chicago, and to turn it back over to Waukegan Residents. Stressed that this is not a business, but a cultural celebration. Raised concerns regarding the changing of fines from Mayor Taylor, that she claims is ‘illegal’. Last, she raised a question to Mayor Taylor regarding her educational background. Corporation Counsel Martinez commented and shared clarification, stating their office is in receipt of Ms. Carrasco’s appeal, and explained.

Anthony McIntyre: Founder and CEO of AntMound Foundation. Spoke about their work with their current program, Operation Radiance. Spoke about comments made earlier regarding Date of Birth (DOB) being released on some of the minors in this program. Stated they are handling the matter, and explained that fingers should not be pointed. Made it clear the issue was not with Public Works Director Garland and the AntMound Foundation. Continued to state how the work will continue and they will not allow any comments to stop their work. Spoke about the positive and productive work.

Clyde McLemore: Founder of Black Lives Matter Lake County. Shared his dissatisfaction with Mayor Ann Taylor regarding her letter to the Chicago Bears to bring Solider Field to Waukegan. Shared his alleged observations of Mayor Taylor at the Boys and Girls Club Peace Walk, and described her as scared. Discredited her work, and told her to get her ‘fake rich butt’ to ‘Hit the Road, Jack’.

Janet E. Kilkelly: Shared her prepared comments regarding Old Business item 6. A. Comments were submitted to the Office of the City Clerk, and are on file.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately) Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Hayes to approve consent agenda items 4. B-C, excluding items 4. A & D.

Action: B (consent): Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated June 30,2023 in the total amount of $1,831,349.08.

Action: C (consent): Motion to approve Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cash out, Final Payouts, Uniform Allowance) dated June 30,2023 in the total amount of $20,947.74.

consent agenda vote:

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Action: A. Motion by Ald Felix, second by Ald Martinez to Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, June 05, 2023.

Corporation Counsel Martinez shared that he discussed with Ald Bolton that this would be the appropriate time for her to share her amendment for the June 20, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes.

Ald Bolton shared that although she cannot change her vote for regarding ‘Arena Communication’ item from June 20, 2023, she would like the record to reflect that she was opposed to the item, and not in favor, even though her vote reflects she was in favor.

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Action: D. Motion by Ald Felix, second by Ald Florian to approve vendor payments dated July 3, 2023 in the amount of $2,016,840.31.

Ald Florian directed attention to the bill run item for the Alderperson badges. She encouraged Alderpersons to pay for the badges out of their stipend, as she did when she was elected Alderperson.

Ald Turner asked for clarification regarding an ad taken out in Puro Futbol, which appeared to be promotion Mayor Taylor. Mayor Taylor asked the appropriate City Staff to clarify. Clarification was provided to the Alderpersons.

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business as amended on the floor from June 20, 2023:

Corporation Counsel Martinez shared that the following motion as amended by Ald Turner and seconded by Ald Donnenwirth is on the floor from the June 20, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting, and that this item should be considered before moving to Old Business item 6. A.:

Motion by Ald Turner, Second by Ald Donnenwirth to amend item 7. S. from June 20, 2023, freezing the base salary as is (current salary) for the City Clerk, City Treasurer, and Mayor, leaving the two (2) percent annual increase, starting 2025.

Corporation Counsel Martinez stated discussion can take place at this time, regarding the motion on the floor from June 20, 2023.

Ald Bolton asked Clerk Kilkelly for clarification regarding the ‘salary survey’ she called for, during the ‘audience time’ remarks. Clerk Kilkelly stated she believes a salary survey is in order. Ald Bolton and Ald Turner asked for her to further explain what that would accomplish. Clerk Kilkelly shared why she feels this would be a good route overall for the City of Waukegan, and why it would be fair and equitable. Ald Bolton asked a question regarding the PowerPoint shared by Clerk Kilkelly. Clerk Kilkelly confirmed, and stated she provided that PowerPoint to everyone. Mayor Taylor asked if the Aldermen would like the salary survey conducted, before a vote takes place on this item. Ald Guzman called for the question, stating this has been going on long enough. Ald Florian shared her feedback regarding Clerk Kilkelly’s comments, as Ald Florian’s stated she ‘called her out directly’ and touched base on long-term revenue allocation plan for supplemental revenue. Stressed her thoughts on the elected officials’ positions, and how they run for these jobs voluntarily. Stressed they are all not paid enough to deal with the BS they take on a bi-weekly basis, including the Mayor and Corporation Counsel. Ald Florian reiterated to Clerk Kilkelly and Treasurer Dr. Schwab that this is not personal, and this is what they were elected to address. She stated she has no further comments.

Mayor Taylor ruled disruptive audience members out of order at this time.

Ald Florian apologized if she created chaos, but stated she needed to have her say. Ald Guzman touched base on the same report Ald Florian received, and stressed that raises only hurt the people, as we have to figure out where to come up with those funds. Ald Guzman again, called for the question. Corporation Counsel Martinez reiterated the motion on the floor, as amended by Ald Turner regarding the 2% increase. Ald Hayes reiterated the motion. Corporation Counsel Martinez explained what takes place if you vote yes vs. no. Mayor Taylor called the question:

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Bolton.

NAY: Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.



MOTION as amended FAILED.

6. Old Business

Action. A: Motion by Ald Martinez, second by Ald Guzman to approve an Ordinance Amending and Restating Ordinance No. 23-O-125 Fixing the Salaries to be Paid to Elected Officials of the City of Waukegan, Illinois Holding the Offices of Mayor, Clerk, and Treasurer. This matter was presented at the regular Government Operations & Oversight committee meeting on June 5, 2023.

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Newsome, Ald Bolton.




Corporation Counsel Martinez reiterated that the motion passed, meaning no increases including the base pay, and 2%.

Ald Felix shared that he would like to make a motion to reconsider an item from June 20, 2023 – Contract for Arena Communications. After clarification from Corporation Counsel Marcus E. Martinez and Mayor Taylor the following motion to reconsider was on the floor for July 17, 2023:

Motion to RECONSIDER: Motion by Ald Felix, second by Ald Guzman to RECONSIDER the vote of denial of the contract for Arena Communications at the July 17, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting.

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Turner, Ald Bolton.




Corporation Counsel Martinez reiterated that this item will be reconsidered with no further action on July 17, 2023, at the Regular City Council Meeting.

7. New Business

Corporation Counsel Martinez shared that item 7. G. was stricken from the New Business agenda.

Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Martinez to omnibus New Business items 7. A-F, H, K-L, N-P, R, excluding New Business items 7. I, J, M(as amended in committee), Q, S.

Action: A. (omnibus): Motion to approve The Little Fort Lions Club request to hold its "Candy Days" on October 13th and 14th, 2023, in accordance with the Lions of Illinois statewide fundraising.

Action: B. (omnibus): Resolution accepting an Energy Transition Community (ETC) Grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).

Action: C. (omnibus): Resolution Approving an Agreement Insurance Program Managers Group (IPMG) effective July 1, 2023 for a four-year term with an estimated annual amount of $75,000.00. This matter was presented to the Government Oversight & Operations Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: D. (omnibus): Resolution approving a settlement and release of all claims for Police Department Workers Compensation claim number 2211110W014 for an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. This matter was presented at the regular Government Operations & Oversight committee meeting on July 3, 2023.

Action: E. (omnibus): Resolution Ratifying the Engagement of the Driscoll Law Firm, LLC et al. to Provide Legal Services to the City of Waukegan Related to PFAS/AFFF Multi-District Litigation. This matter was presented at the Government Oversight & Operations Committee meeting on July 3, 2023.

Action: F. (omnibus): Resolution approving participation in the Lake County HOME Consortium. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: H. (omnibus): Resolution to approve the purchase of two MPS Falcon 3100 portable camera trailer systems pursuant to section 2-458(i)(2) of the Waukegan code of ordinances. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: K. (omnibus): Ordinance authorizing the execution of a Subdivision Public Improvements Agreement with PT Land LLC for the River Glen Subdivision finalization of public improvements. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: L. (omnibus): Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2713, the Site Plan approval for an additional drive-through lane at the existing restaurant at 850 S. Waukegan Road. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: N. (omnibus): Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2716, a Variance from requirements to provide vegetative screening and bury cables for a solar voltaic installation at 2082 N. Butrick Street. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: O. (omnibus): Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2717, a Variance from fence requirements for ornamental style and prohibition of barbed wire at 2082 N. Butrick Street. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: P. (omnibus): Ordinance approving Zoning Calendar #2718, a Conditional Use Permit for a solar photovoltaic field at 2082 N Butrick Street. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Action: R. (omnibus): Ordinance Enacting a Special Curfew for Scoop Waukegan

New Business omnibus vote:

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Action: I. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to approve a Resolution awarding a contract for the demolition of the animal shelter building to McDonagh Demolition, the lowest qualified bidder, for a not to exceed amount of $24,500.00. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.

Ald Turner asked for clarification regarding the funding of this project, as well as clarification if this is a total demolition, or a remodel.

Mayor Taylor confirmed this is a total demo project. Ald Turner again raised why the funding for the demo wasn’t initially included. Mayor Taylor called on Public Works Director Chris Garland to provide clarification regarding the bids. Ald Turner thanked Director Garland, but added that he doesn’t understand the sequencing and planning of the project. Ald Turner called for the question.

Ald Guzman shared his comments, stating he was under the impression the $1.5 million dollar vote included everything – and raised why the demolition cost was not considered at the time. Mayor Taylor explained there are different groups involved with this project, which is why they did not have that figure upfront. She shared that one party is putting up the structure, and another is taking it down. Mayor Taylor explained what they initially thought could take place – taking a portion of the building down, and using the other portion while building, but explained that is not the case.

Ald Newsome spoke about the funds that were set aside for the animal shelter, while Chief of Staff George Bridges Jr provided clarification on the footprint of the building and funding. COS Bridges explained, citing examples items requested for this project to be completed. COS Bridges assured that the budget is there for those things to be completed, and they are estimating an additional 200k, and it was known and expressed from the beginning. Ald Martinez added that he visited the animal shelter, and described it as deplorable. He shared that he was overwhelmed with the shape the building was in, and had tears in his eyes after leaving. Shared support for the new shelter, and raised the question where are the dogs going during the construction. COS Bridges provided clarification, sharing that temporary support has been secured in North Chicago by city personnel, which includes the Chief of Police.

Ald Turner raised the question if that $1.5 Million in funding is being used for an additional project, and not just for the animal control. COS Bridges confirmed, providing clarification, citing the lakefront beach house project. Ald Turner questioned the clarification. COS Bridges stated the $1.5 Million in funding that was approved by the City Council was for the beach house, and ‘remaining’ items of the animal control. Ald Turner thanked COS Bridges for the clarification. Mayor Taylor asked if this concluded questions. Ald Guzman raised the question of how much is the beach house. COS Bridges stated undetermined at this time, and that Lakefront Coordinator Lisa May and Grant Writer Nicole Large are trying to secure funding by pursuing a grant. Ald Guzman thanked COS Bridges for the clarification. Mayor Taylor spoke to Ald Guzman about how applying for these grants helps decrease the cost. Mayor Taylor called for the question:

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.




Action: J. Resolution Approving a Lease Agreement with the Waukegan Chamber of Commerce for office space at 100 N Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue. This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on July 3, 2023.


Action: M. (as amended in committee): Motion by Ald Hayes, second by Ald Martinez to adopt an Ordinance amending a Conditional Use Permit and approving a Variance for Zoning Calendars 2714 and 2715 for the operation of a sports facility at an educational institution at 3106 Belvidere Road, with amendments to Condition 21 to require consultation with Lake County Audubon for bird protection requirements, and Condition 22 to require meeting with the Development Review Board to provide an update on the status of the IDOT review of the traffic signal within 24 months, with authority for the approval of parking lot landscaping requirements by the Development Review Board, and that landscaping as approved must be installed with 36 months of the disposition from IDOT, with proper permits.

AYE: Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: None.



MOTION APPROVED as amended in committee.

Action: Q. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Hayes to approve an Ordinance creating a Class A Tavern for Pete’s Pub INC. d/b/a Sunset Bowl at 2015 N. Lewis Avenue. This matter was presented at the July 3, 2023 Community Development Committee Meeting.

Ald Florian brought to attention that this business was granted a cell tower, and raised concerns about the business owners attention to the conditions. The petitioner was present this evening, and shared clarification regarding the cell tower. During this clarification, Ald Turner shared that he also met with the petition and Noelle from Planning & Zoning regarding this item. Ald Florian thanked the petitioner for their time.

At this time, Ald Guzman recused himself from this item, and left the room.

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Newsome.




Action: S. Motion by Ald Bolton, second by Ald Turner to approve an Ordinance Permitting Sale and Possession of Alcoholic Beverages in Certain Areas and Enacting further regulations for Scoop Waukegan

At this time, Ald Guzman recused himself from this item, and left the room.

AYE: Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth, Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix.

NAY: Ald Newsome.




8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Newsome: Pass – No Comment.

Ald Turner: Touched base on the process directed to them by the Mayor’s Office / Chief of Staff regarding directing Department Heads to assist with work that needs to be done throughout their wards. Shared that he finds this very objectionable, and would like an explanation. Ald Turner asked Mayor Taylor / COS Bridges for an explanation. At this time, COS Bridges provided clarification on the process the Mayor’s Office would like Alderpersons to follow. Ald Turner shared his comments of objection to this policy. Ald Turner asked if any of the other Alderpersons had thoughts on the matter. Discussion took place at this time with feedback from multiple Alderpersons and clarification as needed by COS Bridges and Mayor Taylor. Shared his concern regarding the camera placement at the Waukegan City Council Meetings and stated he doesn’t see the rationale as to why the Mayor wouldn’t want the speaker on camera. Suggested an ordinance on this matter. Spoke about the AD in Puro Futbol featuring Mayor Taylor. Stated that he is glad that was cleared up, even thought he isn’t happy about it. Highlighted COS Bridges involved with multiple organizations, and shared that he feels this causes a conflict of interest regarding city business being handled with these organizations. He gave examples, sharing that COS Bridges serves with the Waukegan Park District, City of Waukegan Chamber of Commerce, and the AntMound Foundation, and explained his reasoning as to why he feels this causes a conflict of interest. Mayor Taylor shared her thoughts on Ald Turner’s concerns. Ald Turner stated this is three conflicts of interest, and we cannot just ignore and say it isn’t that bad. He spoke about the proposed salary survey brought up during Clerk Kilkelly’s audience time remarks. Clerk Kilkelly shared clarification, citing Rick Harris’ report. Shared that his 6th Ward meeting at Upton Park will take place on Saturday July 15, 2023 at 10:00 AM.

Ald Donnenwirth: Thanked 7th Ward Residents for their calls. Shared that he understands this process, and that everyone has been responsive, and gets it done when they get it done. Wished everyone a Happy 4th of July.

Ald Florian: Shared that she will have a dumpster on July 22nd from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM in front of the Midlane Complex.

Ald Hayes: Shared that Greek Fest will be taking place at St. Demetrios Greek Church in the 9th Ward on July 7, 8 & 9. Reiterated the important highlights from the EPA meeting regarding the coal ash pounds. Touched base on the River Road construction that will begin this week. Encouraged residents to reach out to him should they have any questions, and shared that he will also set up a meeting for July 6 to discuss the impact of the construction, and to answer any questions by residents.

Ald Bolton: Shared condolences to those who’ve lost loved ones. Shared that she will be scheduling a dumpster for her ward, and an alley clean up for the youth in the community to participate in.

Ald Guzman: Requested a motion to repeal certain language within the salary ordinance (23-O-113). Attorney Martinez shared that only items that are on the agenda can be motioned. Ald Turner assisted in Ald Guzman’s request for reconsideration of ordinance 23-O-113. Clarified that this is regarding the Mayor’s authority to authorize a special step increase for the Chief of Staff / any Department Head employees. Attorney Martinez thanked Ald Turner for the clarification, and explained the procedure to get this item on the agenda for discussion. Ald Turner and Ald Guzman discussed the process to get this item on the agenda with Attorney Martinez. Mayor Taylor spoke about the issue of discussing personnel in public. Ald Guzman stated this is just for discussion. Ald Turner shared that information on salaries are public, and can be found online. Mayor Taylor called for a voice vote to allow the reconsideration of the item. 8-9 in favor by voice vote, Ald Newsome voting ‘nay’.

Ald Martinez: Thanked the Pastor Linda Irving from Christian Faith Fellowship Church for their beautiful invocation this evening. Shared that she is an example of tenacity and perseverance, as she lost her husband three weeks ago. Shared condolences. Spoke about the issue of potholes, specifically on Hyde Park, Leith Ave, and N. Metropolitan Ave. Stated that the issue has gotten worse with the standing water, but it cannot be addressed overnight. Assured residents that he has been in contact with the City Engineer, Jesus, who provided information to him. Assured everyone that he is on it, and it is not an easy fix and is an ongoing issue. Touched base on fireworks being illegal in Waukegan. Thanked Mayor Taylor for providing ‘fireworks are illegal’ signs and shared that they are displayed in his 3rd Ward. Touched base on homelessness in his ward, and how he is assisting. Shared his phone number with residents – 847-390-2689. Shared a message in Spanish with his residents, and again explained to his residents that he will share messages in Spanish, since Waukegan has many residents that are Spanish-Speaking. Reiterated that he is here to work with anyone, and not a certain group. Wished everyone a Happy 4th of July, and asked people to be safe and mindful.

Ald Felix: Shared that YCC and Public Works completed an alley clean-up on June 24th at Fulton Ave. Spoke about the difference you could see after the clean-up. Spoke about the organization ‘Community Outreach Waukegan’ and their efforts. Spoke about clean-up efforts on Laurel Ave, shared that those pictures are on his Alderman page, on Facebook. Shared that for those two clean-ups, business owner ‘Fernando’ provided the kids and chaperones food to eat after the clean-ups. Spoke about the issue of bullet holes at certain residents in the 4th Ward, and the issue of gun violence. Shared that he will be speaking to the Aldermen and Mayor about gun violence prevention. Spoke about concerns residents have with trees in their yards, and that he wishes he could assist more / find grants, however these trees are in private property. He encouraged tree cutting vendors to reach out so they could try to get a good deal for residents, especially the elderly ones. Raised concerns to Chief Navarro regarding the noise ordinance. Asked Mayor Taylor why we cannot focus the camera on residence. Mayor Taylor said she will talk to the camera person, and see what they can work out as they have new equipment / a new system. Mayor Taylor provided feedback regarding the tree grant inquiry. Ald Turner shared with Ald Felix he has a guy that may be able to assist residents with tree concerns. Mayor Taylor asked if he is licensed. Ald Turner confirmed. Ald Felix concluded his comments, wishing everyone a safe 4th of July, and reminded residents that fireworks are illegal, but they can watch the official City of Waukegan firework show downtown.

10. Adjournment

Action: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Florian to Adjourn at 10:00 PM.

