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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met July 10

Village of Brighton Village Board met July 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00pm

B. Roll Call: Present-Trustees Bradley Arnold, John Bramley, Don Little, Aaron Mead, Marcella Wilfong, Jim Winslade, Others present-Mayor Matt Kasten, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson, PW Supervisor Kaleb Kahl, Treasurer Ashley Lievers, Clerk Tamara Jenkins.

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 06-05-23: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0.

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: Aaron Mead, 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-0.

E. Approval of Reviewed Bills: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0- Nays.

F. Mayor Report: N/A

G. Public Comment: N/A

Committee Reports 

A. Clerk Committee: 06/14/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0.

1. Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the Village Hall Reservation Contract for 501-C/Business Rental. 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-Yeahs O-Nays.

2. Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the bid submitted by Home Perfect Exteriors for Village Hall roof/gutter repair at a cost of $128,281. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.

B. Economic Development Committee: 06/06/23 No Meeting Held-No quorum.

C. Economic Development Committee: 07/05/23 No Meeting-Cancelled.

D. Park Committee: 06/08/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 6-0.

E. Planning Committee: 06/21/23 No Meeting Held

F. Public Safety: 06/19/23 Meeting Minutes: No Meeting Held-No quorum.

G. Public Works: 06/26/23 Meeting Minutes: No Meeting-Cancelled

H. Zoning Committee: 06/20/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0.

I. Public Hearing for Re-zoning and Special Use Permit: 06/20/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Bradley Arnold.

Motion carried 6-0.

1. Aaron Mead made a motion to re-zone Mr. Edelen's property at 106 Boker St. from vacant to multi-family. 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.

2. Discussion regarding Special Use Permit for Big Creek Solar instead of re-zoning. The ordinance allows for commercial use of land zoned Agriculture. The land will remain zoned as Agricultural. Attorney Watson requested time to review the documents submitted with the permit application. John Bramley made a motion to resume discussion later in the meeting. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion Carried 6-0. After review, Attorney Watson stated the permit was going to Big Creek Solar, not the Nagy's. Will the permit be transferred if Big Creek Solar sells the company? Ms. Watson couldn't speak about the specifics of the private contract. Don Little made a motion to grant a special use permit to Big Creek Solar. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion Carried. 4-Yeahs 2-Nays (Nays-Marcella Wilfong, Aaron Mead).

J. Finance Committee: 06/26/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0.

1. Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the budget as presented. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-yeahs 0-  Nays.

2. Don Little made a motion to accept Appropriations Ordinance. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried 6-0.

Old Business: 

A. Water Infrastructure Project update. N/A

B. Monthly invoice #8 from Heneghan & Associates for Water Systems Improvements: $5,720. John Bramley made a motion to pay $5,720 to Heneghan & Associates. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. 

C. Executive Session Minutes Review: 06/15/23 Meeting Minutes. 4 Opened-12 Closed. Don Little, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0.

D. Brighton Picnic Association (BPA) is gifting the Village $25,000 for a new LED sign and $25,000 for new LED Christmas decorations. Kaleb Kahl attended the BPA meeting and they wanted to make sure Ameren requirements are met for the Christmas decorations. Mayor Kasten presented quotes from Print Media and Cirrus for the Village LED sign. The quotes vary quite a bit, but the quality of signs is also very different. The lower priced sign doesn't have the capability to do high graphic designs. The cost of the higher priced sign can be lowered if Kaleb can do some work. Aaron Mead made a motion to spend up to $11,000.00 for the sign project. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6- Yeahs 0-Nays.

E. The air conditioner in the Police Dept. is over 30 years old and must be charged and serviced annually. Approval to add the cost to the budget was passed in June. Aaron Mead made a motion to replace the Air Conditioner in Police Dept. spending up to $10,000. 2nd John Bramley. Discussion about the timing of replacement ensued. The A/C unit has already been serviced this year. Waiting until the temperature cools may help with cost of unit. Aaron Mead made a motion to amend the motion to include delegating authority to the Mayor to purchase the A/C at a future date. 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-yeahs 0-Nays.

New Business: 

A. Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the resignation of Debbie Kelly-PT Water Clerk. 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 6-0. 

B. Discussion about the Village having a cleanup day to provide citizens with a dumpster for larger items. Republic Estimate: Delivery fee: $121.04; Haul fee: $497.47; Landfill fee: $40/ton. Average tonnage for a 40-yard dumpster is 2-3 tons. Heavy dumpster is 5 tons. Estimated total for Republic's dumpster $818.51. Jones-Eisler Sanitation only has a 6-yard dumpster. Community Sanitation: $600 for a 20-yard dumpster. The last cleanup day dumpster cost was $1500. We will coordinate with local scrappers and an e-recycler also. Date to be determined by availability of dumpster, recycler and scrappers. Don Little made a motion to have a cleanup day with a dumpster provided by Republic Serv. along with scrappers and e-recyclers. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried 6-Yeahs O-Nays.

C. Discussion about Sponsorships from the Village (i.e., ads to support SW sports): Marcella asked if this is considered donating? Attorney Watson will have to research this to see if it can be done. Aaron Mead made a motion to table this item until Legal can approve it. 2nd John Bramley. Motion to table passed 6-0. 

D. Don Little made a motion to approve Macoupin County Animal Control Ordinance. 2nd Aaron Mead. Brighton will be added to the ordinance. Don inquired if it covered the Jersey Co. portion of Brighton. No it does not. He will check with Jersey Co. animal control about partnering with them. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.

E. Aaron Mead made a motion to repair the pump at the Godfrey Booster Station (that pushes water to Brighton) at a cost of $4,074.46. 2nd Jim Winslade. Kaleb Kahl had Vandevanter Engineering check the pump to see if it's repairable or need replacing. They said its normal wear items like seals & gaskets. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. F. Mayor Kasten decided to move the Part Time Water Clerk discussion to the regular meeting. He recommended Lindsay Wyman to fill the Part Time Water Clerk position. Lindsay is currently working as Assistant Clerk part time. He suggested $17/hour for 4 days a week. This puts her at $28,000 per year which saves the Village $4000 a year if the positions remained separate. He would also like to backpay her for the two weeks she's already been working in the water department. Aaron Mead made a motion to hire Lindsay Wyman as the part time Water Clerk and Asst. Clerk for 4 days a week at $17 per hour with two weeks' back pay. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0- Nays.

Executive Session: Part Time Water Clerk Position. ROLL CALL: N/A 

Adjournment: Aaron Mead made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0. 

Time: 7:57pm.
