
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met Oct. 2

Village of Brighton Village Board met Oct. 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

B. Attendance Roll Call:

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 09-11-23 (Voice Vote):

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report (Voice Vote):

E. Approval of Reviewed Bills: ROLL CALL:

F. Mayor Report: Citizen of the Month-Rosemary Mayerhofer; Brighton Beautification-Nicky G’s

G. Public Comment:

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 09/13/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item: Motion to have the Municipal Building mortar inspected to determine if action needs to be taken.

2. Action Item: Motion to seek sealed bids for tuckpointing the exterior of the Municipal Building.

B. Economic Development Committee: No meeting scheduled (Dates of meeting were prior to last board meeting and following this meeting.)

C. Park Committee: 09/14/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

D. Planning Committee: 09/20/23 No Meeting Held

E. Public Safety: 09/18/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item: Motion to have all Police vehicles checked out and get estimates for repairs.

2. Action Item: Motion to advertise for Police door repair(replace). ROLL CALL:

F. Motion to send Officer Schulte to Juvenile officer training. $269 for online course or 5 days in person.

G. Public Works: 09/25/23 No Meeting Held

H. Zoning Committee: 09/19/23 No Quorum

Old Business:

A. Water Infrastructure Project update:

B. Update on LED sign: 2-4 weeks from installation, in Alton receiving fabrication, ground preparation this week.

C. Update: Christmas decorations have been delivered.

A. Discussion/Possible Action: Update on Jersey Co. Animal Control Agreement. ROLL CALL:

D. Update progress on resurfacing the walking track at Schneider Park.

New Business:

B. Discussion/Possible Action: Ordinance Contract for Utility Services. ROLL CALL:

C. Action Item: Permission to sign contract with Nicky G’s to cater Christmas party. ROLL CALL:

D. Discuss Mayor spending limit.

E. Discussion/Possible Action: Resolution to close Tax Account and move funds to the General Account. ROLL CALL:

F. Action Item: Permission to spend up to $450 for a new Police car window motor. ROLL CALL:


