
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Brighton Village Board met Sept. 11

Village of Brighton Village Board met Sept. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance: 7PM

B. Attendance Roll Call: Present-Trustees Bradley Arnold, John Bramley, Don Little, Aaron Mead, Marcella Wilfong, Jim Winslade. Others Present- Mayor Matt Kasten, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson, PW Supervisor Kaleb Kahl, Clerk Tamara Jenkins. Absent-Treasurer Ashley Lievers

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 08-07-23: Aaron Mead, 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-0.

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0.

E. Approval of Reviewed Bills: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve, 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0- Nays.

F. Mayor Report: The Farmers Market has been profitable. The total net income including the 4th of July event is $5222.24.

G. Public Comment: Alex is the new reporter for the SW Journal. Rick McLaughlin spoke about a $400 fine he received in the spring for ruts that damaged Schneider Park. He wants to know when it will be fixed. Pub. Works Supervisor stated it will be done this fall so the mud won't hinder the summer activities.

Committee Reports 

A. Clerk Committee: 08/09/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 6-0.

B. Aaron Mead made a motion to spend up to $300 on Senior celebrations/activities Oct.-April. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. 

C. Economic Development Committee: 09/05/23 Meeting Minutes: No Quorum

D. Park Committee: 08/10/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0.

E. Planning Committee: 08/19/23 No Meeting Held

F. Public Safety: 08/21/23 Meeting Minutes: No Quorum

G. Public Works: 08/28/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-0.

H. Zoning Committee: 08/15/23 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0.

Old Business:

A. Water Infrastructure Project update: None

B. Update progress on: LED sign 6-8 weeks from installation, Lance DeMond of Print Media is doing fabrication. Kaleb is working on ground preparation now that Ameren has approved the location.

C. Update on donation Sponsorships from the Village-Accountant thought it was OK, but further research by the Village Lawyer revealed that we cannot use taxpayer funds for this reason.

D. Discussion: Update on Jersey Co. Animal Control Agreement: Don Little spoke of the payment requests from Jersey Co for animal control. They want + $3000/year along with liability and workman's comp. We would agree to a per call fee of $75 and will not provide workman's comp. No action taken at this time.

E. John Bramley made a motion to accept the quote from DeLaurent Construction to resurface the walking track at Schneider Park for $9,810.00. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried 6-Yeahs O-Nays. Public Works to prep the track for oil and chip.

F. Aaron Mead made a motion to place the order for a Police car not to exceed $40,000. 2nd Marcella Wilfong.

Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. The state approved dealer is currently out of stock but may get more 2023 models in December. It could be up to 9 months before the car is received.

New Business: 

A. Aaron Mead made a motion to purchase 3 dehumidifiers for Village Hall, PD, Water Dept/Clerk and a commercial air freshener with total not to exceed $1200.00. 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.

B. Don Little made a motion to increase Police Salaries to $30 and $25 beginning with the next pay date. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. 

The spreadsheet gave information from surrounding towns of similar size, showed money still available to cover OT and training. VOB needs to be competitive to hire and retain officers. 

C. Aaron Mead made a motion to sign 312 Farms Contract for 2 Carriages at Country Christmas costing $1200.00. 2nd Marcella Wilfong. Motion carried 6-Yeays 0-Nays.

D. Discuss Mayor spending limit. No discussion.

Problems: Trick or treat date? Oct 27th 6-9PM. Planning Committee still needs members. Don has 3 people but needs a couple more. They would meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 7PM.

Adjournment: Aaron Mead made a motion to adjourn. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0.
