
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met Dec. 4

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Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook

Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook

Village of Brighton Village Board met Dec. 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

B. Attendance Roll Call:

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 10-02-23 (Voice Vote):

D. Approval of Reviewed Special Mtg Minutes 10-05-23 (Voice Vote):

E. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report (Voice Vote):

F. Approval of Reviewed Bills: ROLL CALL:

G. Mayor Report: Shop with a Cop donations at $9800+. Village Recognitions

H. Public Comment: Michelle Brannan of Loy Miller Tally, PC

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 11/08/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item: Motion to spend up to $11,250 for tuck pointing Village Hall per Home Perfect bid. ROLL CALL:

2. Action Item: Motion to move the American Legion sign to the NW wall of the hallway. (Voice Vote):

3. Economic Development Committee: 11/7/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

4. Park Committee: 11/9/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Action Item: Motion to spend up to $2000 for Daddy Daughter Dance on 2/3/24. ROLL CALL:

2. Action Item: Motion to raise the ticket price to $20 each. ROLL CALL:

3. Action Item: Motion to spend up to $6000 for restocking supplies and Fish Fry on 2/16-3/22/24. ROLL CALL:

5. Planning Committee: 11/15/23 No Meeting Held

6. Public Safety: 11/20/23 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

7. Public Works: 11/27/23 Meeting Cancelled

8. Zoning Committee: 11/21/23 No Meeting Held

Old Business:

A. Water Infrastructure Project & Heneghan invoice update:

B. Update/Possible Action: Concession stand window estimate from Aaron Miller is $1380 + $385(S&H)=$1765. ROLL CALL:

New Business:

A. Discussion/Possible Action: Ordinance 2023-12 Paid Leave for All Workers. ROLL CALL:

B. Discussion/ Possible Action: Resolution R7-2023 Surplus Property Sale: Police cruiser, 4 hand guns and 3 shot guns. ROLL CALL:


