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City of Waukegan City Council met Dec. 4

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Ann B. Taylor, Mayor | YouTube

Ann B. Taylor, Mayor | YouTube

City of Waukegan City Council met Dec. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Council of the City of Waukegan met in regular session on Monday, December 04, 2023 at 7:00 PM

City Council Chambers, City Hall. 100 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, Waukegan.

Mayor; Ann B. Taylor, City Clerk; Janet E. Kilkelly, City Treasurer; Dr. John R. Schwab, & Corporation Counsel; Stewart J. Weiss, were present.

1. Opening Items

Procedural: A. Roll Call.

PRESENT: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.


Procedural: B. Invocation by Pastor Barb Taylor (Word of Life Ministry- Beach Park)/ Pledge of Allegiance.

Procedural: C. Mayor's Comments - At this time, Mayor Taylor shared her comments.

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

Action: A. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Martinez to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, November 20, 2023.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




Presentation: B. Presentation by the Waukegan Grant Division- Karen Kay & Nicole Large.

Presentation: C. Extra Mile Awards for the Downtown Planter Crew.

Action: D. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Newsome to ratify re-appointment of Eleanor Murkey to Waukegan Housing Authority Board. [This matter was held over by Ald. Guzman from the 11/20 City Council Agenda].

Ald Guzman provided clarification as to why he held these appointments over on 11/20/2023. Shared that he did his research as a legislator, and is ready to move on.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




Action: E. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Bolton to ratify re-appointment of Michelle Obleton to Waukegan Housing Authority Board. [This matter was held over by Ald. Guzman from the 11/20 City Council Agenda].

Ald Turner shared that he is proud of the 6th Ward Residents who are involved, and he is honored to vote 'AYE' as 6th Ward Alderman for Obleton.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




Action: F. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Bolton to ratify re-appointment of Kattie Harden to Waukegan Housing Authority Board. [This matter was held over by Ald. Guzman from the 11/20 City Council Agenda].

Ald Bolton shared she is proud to vote 'AYE' as 1st Ward Alderman for Harden.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




3. Audience Time

Diane Verratti: Shared her thoughts on the 'ciaos' she has observed from certain Aldermen, including grandstanding and creating attention to themselves, that is not favorable. Shared her thoughts on the 'hold over' of some of the Waukegan Housing Authority re-appointments, and commented on Ald Martinez's words of advice to some of the Aldermen, to do their homework and vote for it, or not. She further shared what she expects from the elected legislative body.

Alexandria Cedergren: From 'Elevate', a solar installation program. Spoke about 'Illinois Solar for All' program, and the benefits to residents in Waukegan. Shared information on the program, and an exhibit with Aldermen.

Rabbi Michael Ben Yosef: Spoke on behalf of the late Marcellus Steinette, who was shot and killed by Former Waukegan Police Officer Sellens. Spoke about lack of efforts of Mayor Taylor regarding being there for the Stienette family, and shared his dissatisfaction with the Administration's lack of efforts.

Ed Holm: Shared his concerns regarding leaf pick-up, and his dissatisfaction with the current program.

Chris Lanning: Resident of 946 Sheridan Rd, in Waukegan's 6th Ward. Shared his efforts throughout Waukegan and the many hats he wears, and explained, including his work with the Waukegan Historical Society. Shared information on the Waukegan Holiday Tour of Homes, Saturday December 09, 2023 from 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM.

Anthony Johnson: Resident of 2nd Ward. Passed out an exhibit to City Council regarding issues he is experiencing at this property at 11th Court. Thanked Mr. Rodriguez from the Code Department for his assistance. Would like for someone to come to the retention pitch, and post something regarding no dumping. Thanked Public Works Director Garland, explained that he assured him this would be a top priority. Spoke about leaf issue, no ADA sidewalks, no curbs, street not paved correctly, would like someone to really look at the situation. Shared that Ald Guzman came looked at it, gave his card to one of the residents, but did not receive a call back from Ald Guzman.

Wygina Brisco: Spoke about the importance of experience and education of aldermen. Directed comments to Ald Guzman and Ald Felix, stating they need to step up, and the bar needs to be raised. Shared the efforts from Waukegan City Staff, and also thanked Ald Martinez for his efforts in the 3rd Ward regarding homeless population.

Rayon Edwards: Shared his concerns regarding community donations, and that it saddens him Mayor cannot personal donate. Explained the many efforts from certain departments in the past, including the police and fire departments. Explained how the Chief of Police is scared, and it is not talked about. Spoke about his concerns regarding donations, and how certain kids receive donations, and other do not. Shared concerns regarding certain individuals that take pictures and post on social media but do not help, stated that he does not accept that. He encouraged the Mayor to get ready and that she will have a run for her money. Directed comments to Ald Guzman and Ald Felix, asked them to do their homework, and it is not hard.

Andrea Moore: Stated she was once a resident of the Waukegan Housing Authority until retaliated against. Spoke about the South Sheridan Revitalization Plan, and shared comments regarding the re-appointments on tonight's agenda, and shared her personal experience regarding attempting to be considered as an appointment.

Lakisha Robinson: Discussed issues at Barwell, and shared her personal story, explaining the issues that she faced, and Andrea Moore faced.

Margaret Carrasco (and guests): Shared that she is here tonight, on behalf of Fiesta Patrias. Spoke about issues they are having regarding funding under Puro Futbol, which they own under the Secretary of State. Spoke about certain individuals not being considered for city appointments, and told the Latino Aldermen that they have rights and to ignore comments from Ald Florian, and encouraged her to stop slandering. Shared the reasoning behind Fiesta Patrias group meeting at La Canoa, and introduced her guest this evening (Elmo, and Cookie Monster). Stated that their organization was unable to get a response from the Genesee Theater regarding their event.

Laura Delgado: Provided an invitation to the community in spanish, regarding event shared by Ms. Carrasco.

Clyde McLemore: Black Lives Matter Lake County. Shared an exhibit with Aldermen. Shared information regarding an upcoming event on January 02, 2024. Spoke about an event that took place this past weekend, and who he saw there. Shared that he saw the Mayor in attendance, and stated she always has to have the police with her in attendance, and shared his opinion, calling her a 'Karen'. He continued to share his opinion of Mayor Taylor.

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Florian to approve Consent Agenda items 4. B & C, excluding item 4. A.

Establish Consent Agenda as amended vote:

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




Action: A. Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Bolton to approve vendor payments dated December 4, 2023 in the amount of $1,734,971.88.

Ald Turner provided clarification as to why he would like to pull out Check #503372, a donation to Roberti House. Mayor Taylor provided clarification to Ald Turner on the donation process per the approved budget, and a lengthy discussion took place regarding donations using Waukegan tax payer dollars. Ald Bolton provided comment as well, explaining that donations are often made out of their stipends.

Action: A. as amended: Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Donnenwirth to withhold Check #503372 in the amount of $1,000.00 to Roberti House for a Pickleball Tournament Donation from the the vendor payments dated December 4, 2023, amending the total amount to $1,733,971.88.

AYE: Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome.



MOTION to approve as amended FAILED

Action: A. return to original motion: Motion by Ald Florian, second by Ald Bolton to approve vendor payments dated December 4, 2023 in the amount of $1,734,971.88.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: Ald Turner.




Action (Consent): B. Motion to approve Regular Payroll dated December 1, 2023 in the total amount of $1,895,946.56.

Action (Consent): C. Motion to approve Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout, Retro Pay and Final Payouts) dated December 1, 2023 in the total amount of $362,330.59.

Consent Agenda Vote:

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

7. New Business

Action: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Martinez to approve a Resolution Approving Franchise Agreement with Comcast [This matter was presented to the Community Development Committee on December 4, 2023].

Corporation Counsel Weiss provided clarification regarding this agreement. Ald Florian shared concerns regarding the agreement, and after discussion and concerns of the Public Access Channel no longer being available, she entertained a motion to HOLD OVER this item, which was seconded by Ald Turner. After further discussion and clarification was provided by Ald Newsome, Mayor Taylor, and Corporation Counsel Ald Florian WITHDREW her motion to HOLD OVER.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




Action: B. Motion by Ald Newsome, second by Ald Bolton to approve a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a settlement agreement and payment in the amount of $110,000 in resolution of Corinthian Burns v. City of Waukegan, et al, 22-CV-02833. [This matter was presented to the Government Oversight & Operations Committee on December 4, 2023].

Corporation Counsel provided clarification regarding the resolution, after an inquiry from Ald Turner.

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: None.




8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

Alderperson Time

Ald Florian: Shared that she attended the Gala for Staben House.

Stated that this upcoming Saturday there will be an event for HACES. Asked neighbors to please be patient regarding leaf pick-up efforts, and shared details on feedback/communication she's received.

Ald Hayes: Pass - No Comment.

Ald Bolton: Shared that she attended the JIC Ribbon Cutting. Encouraged residents to get involved in the community.

Ald Guzman: Shared apologies regarding the mess from Waste Management and LRS, and shared further concerns regarding the matter. Stated it has been a horrible experience.

At this time, Ald Guzman proposed a motion regarding Amnesty, which was second by Ald Felix. Discussion took place between Ald Guzman, Mayor Taylor, and Corporation Counsel. Ald Donennwirth asked Building Commissioner George Sellas to provide clarification. After clarification was provided, Ald Guzman provided further comments, and Mayor Taylor stated that Ald Guzman may not be able to vote for this item. Ald Hayes raised the question as to why Ald Guzman would not be able to vote. Mayor Taylor stated due to the fact that one of the citations involves a property Ald Guzman owns in the 7th Ward. Ald Newsome shared comments regarding the timeline for this proposal. Ald Guzman provided further clarification on the experience with Waste Management regarding special pick-up. Mayor Taylor stated this seems more like a person issue for Ald Guzman. Ald Guzman opposed Mayor Taylor's comment, and shared why he believe it is a whole city issue. Mayor Taylor called for the question, and Ald Turner asked what are we voting on. Ald Hayes provided comment, stating this motion would help Ald Guzman get out of a ticket. Corporation Counsel Weiss reiterated the motion. Ald Florian raised the concern if an Alderman can make a motion that would personally benefit them. Corporation Counsel Weiss stated for a question of personal benefit or conflict of interest, the state is much more concerned with final action rather than whether something is considered. Ald Florian stated OK. Ald Bolton raised the question if this item will automatically pass if they vote to place it on the agenda. Corporation Counsel Weiss explained that this motion simply places the resolution for consideration in two weeks to grant this amnesty or not, that Ald Guzman discussed. Ald Martinez stated if the issue was caused by the transition then he is going to vote yes, but hopes that we would study each individual situation.

Motion by Ald Guzman, second by Ald Felix to create an amnesty for persons who were cited as a result of trash/objects being left out, directly arising from the transition from Waste Management, to LRS

AYE: Ald Florian, Ald Hayes, Ald Bolton, Ald Guzman, Ald Martinez, Ald Felix, Ald Newsome, Ald Turner, Ald Donnenwirth.

NAY: Ald Hayes, Ald Newsome.



MOTION APPROVED to place on agenda in 2 weeks

Ald Guzman continued his comments. He shared that over the Thanksgiving Weekend, he participated in giving out turkeys. He shared that it is now getting darker out earlier, and to be mindful of the children that are around, and do not pass stop signs.

Ald Martinez: Thanked Pastor Barb Taylor for the invocation. Shared comments regarding the leaf pick-up concerns, and he is hopeful for a resolution to the matter. Encouraged residents to use caution when putting up decorations, including holiday lights. Asked residents to be mindful of parking ordinance when it's snowing. Reminded residents that they should return their trash cans from the curb once garbage is picked-up. Shared comments regarding the re-appointments this evening for the Waukegan Housing Authority. Encouraged residents to be mindful and to be good neighbors.

Ald Felix: Shared a quote 'Ask not what your city can do for you, but ask what can you do for your city'. Spoke about Roberti House donation for $1,000.00 and stated why not, as they are a good partner/ally, and are doing great things. Raised the question if people aren't willing to work with you, raise the question as to why. Thanked everyone for their comments, including those who shared that they believe certain Aldermen can do a better job and need to do their homework. Shared his contact information, and encouraged everyone to reach out to him, and stated those who really want to get something done, they call him. Spoke about structure, and stated that is how you resolve issues and come up with ideas. Shared that we praise people for having experience, but they are working their way up there and want to do it fast, but not everything is going to be perfect. Stated that in Waukegan, it is not a lack of community doing things, it is a lack of people being aware. Shared an upcoming event for Community Outreach Waukegan - Toy Give Away - will take place at 4555 Yorkhouse Rd. Encouraged residents to register. Highlighted efforts of UMMA center in 4th Ward. Shared that it doesn't bother him that people come to city council to share their opinion, but would like them to communicate their concerns.

Ald Newsome: Offered condolences to the Ingram family for the loss of Bessie L. Ingram (108 years old), long time 5th Ward Resident. Shared that she was recognized in 2015 for turning 100 years old. Shared that she would like to offer the family something at the service on Thursday.

Ald Turner: Ald Turner inquired about having an Executive Session Meeting at the Next Committee of the Whole. Mayor Taylor shared that time is limited during that meeting, so the request can be for the next Regular City Council Meeting on December 18, 2023. Ald Turner shared his comments. He shared information regarding leaf pick-up efforts Leaf pick-up, taking place with the efforts of both LRS and Public Works over the next two weeks. Shared information regarding his Angel Tree Event with Pure Heart Ministries at Sunset Bowl on Dec 23 from 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM.

Ald Donnenwirth: Thanked everyone for their calls. Spoke about leaf pick-up efforts. Shared that he attended the Galloway Assisted Living Open House, and shared that Mayor Taylor, Ald Florian, and Clerk Kilkelly were also in attendance. Shared infromation from an email sent by Joe Legat regarding an invitation on Dec 05, 2023 at the College of Lake County Lakeshore Campus.

Mayor Taylor shared closing comments and clarification.

10. Adjournment

Procedural: A. Motion by Ald Turner, second by Ald Martinez to Adjourn at 9:19 PM.

