
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Illinois Policy Institute Files Ethics Complaints Over CTU Push to Pull Students Out of Class

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Amy Korte | Executive Vice President | Illinois Policy Institute website

Amy Korte | Executive Vice President | Illinois Policy Institute website

The Illinois Policy Institute has filed ethics complaints following the Chicago Teachers Union's push to pull students out of class to vote for Mayor Brandon Johnson's real estate tax hike. Mailee Smith, senior director of labor policy and staff attorney at the Illinois Policy Institute, expressed concern over the situation, stating, “This is an unethical use of taxpayer resources and inappropriate indoctrination of high school students. Our team is exploring legal challenges. Mayor Brandon Johnson should denounce it in the strongest terms.”

It has been revealed that the Chicago Teachers Union has contributed at least $200,000 to the Bring Home Chicago campaign, while also seeking funds for teacher housing subsidies in their upcoming contract negotiations.

For those interested in reviewing the ethics complaint, it is available at illin.is/ethics. Additionally, more information about the student day of politics organized by the Chicago Teachers Union can be found at illin.is/CTUpolitics.