
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City of Winchester Board met Feb. 7

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Stephen A. Douglas Statue in Winchester Square | City of Winchester

Stephen A. Douglas Statue in Winchester Square | City of Winchester

City of Winchester Board met Feb. 7

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory, Ron Bell, Jeff Pittman, Melinda Hembrough, Tina Brown and City Clerk Teri Little. 

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Steve Doolin, City Police Chief; Jackie Kuchy, Civic group; Roger Pasley, Parks and Recreation Civic Group. 

Mayor McIntire led those attending the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval. 

MOTION: Melinda Hembrough moved and Ron Bell seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Bill Jacquot not present. Motion carried. 

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes of January 3, 2024. 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Melinda Hembrough seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular January 3, 2024 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Bill Jacquot absent, Motion carried. 

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the special meeting minutes of January 24, 2024. 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Special meeting January 24,2024. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Bill Jacquot absent. Motion carried. 

Greg Hillis, Benton and Associates, advised that library Secretary of State grant paperwork has been submitted to close that out. USDA just waiting on all quotes and approval from the State. 

The North West sewer grant has still not been posted. All paperwork ready once it posts. 

The is no downtown grants showing available at this time. 

Water main project is moving right along. Just need additional items approved this evening and Notice of Award to Laverdiere Construction for water main project for the amount of $2,570,547.60 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Notice of Award to Laverdiere Construction for the water main project $2,570,547.60. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Bill Jacquot absent. Motion carried. 

Consideration of a loan resolution with USDA for the water main replacement project in the amount of $2,404,000.00. This was completed at the June 7, 2023 meeting. 

Consideration of a Water and Waste System Grant Agreement with the USDA for the water main replacement projects in the amount of $1,031,000.00. This was completed at the June 7, 2023 meeting. 

Ordinance 974 is authorizing and providing the issuance of $2,404,000.00 of the city of Winchester for the purpose of repairing, constructing, acquiring, improving and extending a waterworks system of the city. 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve Ordinance 974 Loan $2,404,000.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Bill Jacquot absent. Motion carried. 

Mayor McIntire inquired with all 3 banks to get quotes on a short-term loan for $2,404,000.00. He received 2 quotes. 

1. Farmers State Bank draw as needed at 5.17% 

2. First National Bank draw as needed at 4.5% 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Resolution 2024-02-01 to authorize city to borrow $2,404,000.00 from First National Bank. Bill Jacquot absent. Motion carried. 

Jackie Kuchy, Civic Group Rep, wanted to give report on what civic group is up to. Looking at advertising in Buzz Magazine for things going on in town. It is a free publication for events. 

Still working on lighting project. They have permission from the store/business owners but some do not have external outlets. Wondering if TIF funds could assist in fees to have them installed. Requested a list be given to City Attorney, John Paul Coonrod, to look into. 

RJ Pasley, Park and Recreation, present to check on OSLAD grant. Mayor McIntire advised would check into when can start submitting and will get a committee together to go over what can be done. 

Pasley advised that the first weekend in June would be the annual spring fling with more info to come. 

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out financial reports. 

Advised that received quotes for renewal of Milliken CD. Farmers State Bank offering 5% for 3 to 12 months. United Community Bank is offering 5% at 9months. It currently is with UCB at current rate 4.5%. Will leave with UCB. 

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, passed out January report. 

Animal complaint - 5; Arrests - 1; Assist outside agency (Police) – 4; Assist motorist – 4; Building alarm – 4; Domestic disturbance - 1; Found property returned - 1; Investigations – 1; Juvenile - 1; Property damage - 1; Property exchange - 2; Speak to an Officer - 14; Suicidal subject/mental health - 1; Suspicious person - 4; Suspicious vehicle - 2; Traffic accidents - 1; Traffic control - 3; Traffic Stops - verbal warnings - 3; Well-being checks - 1. 

Chief Doolin presented a packet to describe all the new updates to equipment and weapons that are going to be needed in the future. 

Officer worn body cameras will be required by January 1, 2025. The current cameras that the city has do not meet the requirements or need to be replaced. Also, video storage will be required and will need to use the "cloud" to store all that is required. He will present price estimates at the March meeting. 

Scott County has a new radio system in place. It is compatible with Morgan County's new system that they are expecting to receive in the near future. This is not something that is immediately needed but will be in the near future. Currently the city has one radio that is compatible with the new system. His recommendation is to start upgrading the system now so the city will be prepared for the change. 

GTSI quoted contract prices below: 

Portable radio package - $1375.00 each (P25 software package is an additional $1300.00 per radio but can be added later as needed) 

Mobile radio - $1226.40 each (P25 software package is an additional $1300.00 per radio but can be added later as needed) 

The city will need the following hardware to meeting future requirements: 

5 each: portable radios -$6875.00 

2 each: mobile radios - $2452.80 

Total $9327.80 

Weapons that city currently has need to be upgraded as well. When ordering uniform supplies for new police officer it was discovered that upgrades need to be made and containments systems in cars need to be added as well. Can supply pricing at March meeting if needed. 

Reminder that we are currently 2 months in to the final contract year for Scott County to provide dispatch services to the city. There is talk that 911 will be taking over the dispatching at end of the year. 

The employee policy manual is outdated. Since this is a continually changing document would like to look into companies that handle keeping this document updated. Will provide additional information at the March meeting. 

Update on Officer Amanda Smith. She has completed her agility test in January and is enrolled and progressing on training as expected. Inquiring if she can be employed as full-time now and a bump in salary. 

MOTION: Terry Gregroy moved and Tina Brown seconded to approve hiring Amanda Smith as Full time Police Officer at $21.00 per hour to start as soon as possible. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works, Monthly report - Work orders - 16; Funeral – 2; Locates - 12; Water meters replaced - 1; Gas meters replaced - 3; Days below freezing – 8; Days below zero nights - 5; Monthly odorant reading; Monthly sniff test; Monthly meter readings; Several customer leaks; Several frozen water pits; Salted streets - 4 days; Plowed snow - 1 day; Moved Santa house off square; Drug testing for several employees; Filled holes with rocks in streets; Empty water shed; Fixing several water leaks; Pumping out basement pool, pump inside quiet; Gas leak - 1; Called by Alsey Brick plant for dangerous carbon monoxide leak shut down part of plant; Washed trucks and other equipment - 1 day; Cleaned streets; Monthly brush pick up. 

Wants to hire someone to rip rap the small ditch on S Mechanic St. by the Windsor homes. Has an estimate from Jerry Moore but will request a couple more. 

The Natural Gas Emergency Response Meeting is set for February 14th at 6:00 pm at the Nimrod Funk Building. This will be for yearly training for police, county and dispatch. 

Needing a new HACH DR 3900 system for testing at the water plant. All water tests are run thru this. Price for this is $7246.24. 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve purchase Hach DR3900 test equipment for water plant at $7246.24 Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Would like to hire 2 full time employees or at least 1 full time and one part time. Herchel will be having knee surgery soon and with Joseph at the water plant really needing extra help. Once the water main project starts it will really be hard to man all projects. Council agreed to put add in paper for full time employee must be received by March 1st at 4:00 pm. 

There is a tree on N Maple St/E Railroad St. The tree is in the right of way and is damaging the fire hydrant. Will get bids on removal. 

Asking about the old Hynes building, house on S Main St and the hotel. Mayor McIntire advised he spoke with the owner of the Hotel and he plans on working on it this spring. The house on S Main St might be one we can do something about. Can declare abended we can maybe take ownership or file lien on property, foreclose and file a quick take deed in a couple months. 

Rex McIntire, Mayor, wanted to congratulate Postmaster Lee Colley on his new position in New London, MO. He will be starting a new job there. 

Wanted to advise that received inquiry on TIF application from Cindy Colbert about the Assembly of God Church. Will advise her that since is a non for profit that does not fall into the TIF guidelines. 

McIntire wanted to advise on the natural gas reimbursement. He wanted it to be clear that this is for the transportation fee gouging that took place from March 2021 to September 2023 and not the Vortex issue. The city received $294,498.16 in the settlement. After taking legal fees that amounted to $14,838.12 and administrative and contingency fees. Money will be credited back to 800 gas customers. This will be figured as per deco therm which equals out to about 17 cents each. 

A company has contacted the city on possible installation of solar panels on city property. Consensus of the council was no interest at this time. 

We did receive one application for animal control officer. Will discuss in closed session. 

Have received the paperwork from Labor relations on Local 965 Union for city employees. 

Mayor McIntire requested that city attorney, John Paul Coonrod, advise on the dangerous dog issue. This is still an ongoing issue with Earl Smith. He was directed to surrender the dog in question for destruction as she was deemed dangerous. He failed to surrender the dog as advised. Have a court date on 02/21/2024 at 1:30 pm. If he does not show will file for court order and he will have to turn over the dog for destruction. 

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, Fred Leiner requested that the city vacate the water easement at the old water wells. On their property outside of town. Since not in use for many years no action is needed. 

The copies of code book and ordinances have been sent to get quotes on recodification. 

No Public Comments 

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Bill Jacquot second to move into closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to move out of closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

Terry Gregory, Alderman, advised it was the personnel committee recommendation to hire Jim Sherwin as animal control officer. 

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman second to hire Jim Sherwin as animal control officer at $250.00 a month. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried. 

MOTION: Melinda Hembrough moved and Tina Brown second to adjourn 10:10 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
