
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met March 4

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Welcome to Village of Brighton sign | Village of Brighton / Facebook

Village of Brighton Village Board met March 4

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order by Aaron Mead/Pledge of Allegiance: 7PM 

B. Attendance: Present-Trustees Bradley Arnold, John Bramley, Don Little, Aaron Mead, Marcella Wilfong, Jim 

Winslade. Others present- Public Works Supervisor Kaleb Kahl, Village Clerk Tamara Jenkins, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson. Absent- Mayor Matt Kasten, Treasurer Ashley Lievers. 

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 2-05-24: Jim Winslade, 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 6-0. 

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: Jim Winslade, 2nd Don Little, Motion carried 6-0. 

E. Approval of Reviewed Bills: John Bramley, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. 

F. Mayor Report: Given by Aaron Mead-Sugar Shack BBQ opening soon pending plumbing and health inspections. 

We're in the process of getting Police cameras. VOB will have to pay up front and then the grant will reimburse. 

G. Public Comment: None 

Committee Reports 

A. Clerk Committee: 2/14/24 Meeting Minutes: Don Little, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0. 

1. Adopt new ordinance for life-long, non-transferable pet tags. Don Little made a motion to accept the ordinance 

for voluntary, non-transferable, life-long pet tags (Ordinance 2024-01) at a cost of $10 per tag and $5 replacement fee. 2nd Marcella Wilfong. Motion carried 6-Yeahs O-Nays. 

B. Economic Development Committee:2/6/24 Meeting Minutes: Bradley Arnold, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 6-0. C. Park Committee: 2/8/24 Meeting Minutes: Bradley Arnold, 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 6-0. 

1. Motion to spend $150 for ice table was made by Don Little, 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried 6-Yeahs 0-Nays. 2. Motion to proceed with soccer contract at Schneider Park was made by Don Little, 2nd Jim Winslade. The High School soccer and Club soccer teams wish to use Schneider Park as a practice field. They will sign a contract and provide proof of insurance. Motion carried 6-0. 

D. Planning Committee: 2/1/24 Meeting Minutes: Don Little, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0. 

1. Comprehensive Plan update: PGAV was the previous company for the 2016 plan. A meeting will be scheduled after April. We are also looking at Moran who had suggested the Enterprise Zone shown in the dark areas of the attached map. 

E. Public Safety: 2/19/24 No Quorum 

F. Public Works: 2/26/24 Meeting Minutes: Jim Winslade, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0. 

G. Zoning Committee: 2/20/24 No Meeting 

Old Business: 

A. Water Infrastructure Project & Heneghan update: Bid package is almost finished. Kaleb will be meeting with the engineers tomorrow to finalize package. We are on target for the project. 

New Business: None 

Problems: None 

Adjournment: Jim Winslade made a motion to adjourn, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 6-0. 

Time: 7:21PM
