
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Prospect Heights City Council met April 8

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Patrick Ludvigsen, City Mayor | City of Prospect Heights Website

Patrick Ludvigsen, City Mayor | City of Prospect Heights Website

City of Prospect Heights City Council met April 8

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Upon commencing the meeting at 6:04pm, Alderman Dolick advised the Council, Mayor Ludvigsen would not be in attendance. A motion was needed to elect a chair of the meeting. Motion by Alderman Morgan-Adams, second by Alderman Anderson, to elect Alderman Dolick as chair of the meeting. 

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Dash, Morgan-Adams, Anderson, Cameron 

Call to Order and Roll Call- At 6:05pm, Alderman Dolick called to order the Regular Meeting of the City Council, of the City of Prospect Heights, at City Hall, 8 N. Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL. 

Clerk Prisiajniouk called the roll. A quorum was present. 

Elected Officials Present: City Clerk Prisiajniouk, City Treasurer Tibbits, Council Members- Anderson, Cameron, Dash, Dolick, Morgan-Adams 

Absent: Mayor Ludvigsen 

Other Officials Present: City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, City Attorney Hess, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Digital Communications Technician Colvin, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Chicago Executive Airport Director Miller, Chicago Executive Airport Finance Director Griffith, Chicago Executive Airport Board Chairman Harris, Chicago Executive Board Members Kearns, Kiefer and Saewert. 

Pledge of Allegiance-The pledge was recited. 

Approval of Minutes 

March 25, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes-Alderman Anderson moved, second by Alderman Cameron, to approve the March 25, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes. 

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Anderson, Dash, Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Dolick 


A. FY2024/25 Chicago Executive Airport Budget Presentation 

CEA Director Jeffrey Miller introduced the budget as a plan for the year ahead and deferred to CEA Finance Director Jason Griffith, for the detailed presentation. 

Mr. Griffith presented background information concerning the development of this budget, noting it was approved by the Airport Board of Directors, March 20. He stressed the budget is an enterprise fund, funded primarily from user fees. It provides an annual estimate of  revenues, operating expenses, debt service expenses, reserve fund transfers, and capital expenses. The Airport is self-sufficient and plans for operational and capital goals. 

Mr. Griffith reviewed the CEA budget goals-provide resources for the airport, maintain fund self-sufficiency, maintain appropriate revenue growth, manage operating expenses, and increase building and land reserve for a new airport office. 

Mr. Griffith presented the numbers of the budget, including net income, revenues and operating expenses, and explained influential factors. Revenues are $7.5 million and operating expenses are $5.48 million. The airport maintains unrestricted net asset balance 9reserves) of 3 months equivalent of operating expenses. He also explained the supportive sewer reserve fund, vehicle equipment reserve fund, building and land reserve fund, and capital repair/demolition fund. The airport is trying to increase the building and land reserve fund to pay for a new airport office building without debt. Among this year's capital projects are a master drainage study, expansion of the east quad approach, reconfiguration of taxiways, and northeast quadrant apron and taxiway access. 

Mr. Griffith responded to Council Member questions regarding equipment and costs. 

Consent Agenda 

Acting Mayor Dolick introduced the consent agenda and asked for a motion of approval. Alderman Morgan-Adams moved, second Alderman Anderson, to approve the following Consent Agenda. 

A. Arbor Day Proclamation-Friday, April 6, 2024 

B. B. Ordinance Establishing Water Rates for FY2024-25 (2nd reading) 

C. Resolution Approving the FY2024-25 budget for Chicago Executive Airport 

D. Resolution Approving Scope of Services Agreement with Gewalt Hamilton for National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Compliance Permit Requirements, at $5,300. 

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Cameron, Morgan-Adams, Dolick, Anderson, Dash Consent Agenda approved. 

Old Business 

A. Ordinance O-24-05 Ordinance Amending Liquor License A-2 to 4am all Nights (second reading) 

Acting Mayor Dolick introduced the ordinance and request and noted Rocky's owner, George Sellis, was in attendance and available for questions. 

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about the number of customers at the 3am hour on Sundays. Mr. Sellis said Sunday had become a busier night and the additional hour would help keep the approximately 60 customers who are already at Rocky's. 

Motion by Alderman Cameron, second by Alderman Morgan-Adams 

Roll call vote: Ayes: Morgan-Adams, Dolick, Cameron, Anderson, Dash 

New Business 

A. Ordinance Amending Title 1 of City Code and Adopting the Pay Plan) Compensation of  Officers, Employer Salaries and Pay Plan (1st Reading0 

B. Ordinance Adopting the FY2024-25 Budget for the City of Prospect Heights (1st Reading) 

Staff, Elected Officials and Commission Reports 

No reports were given. 

Approval of Warrants 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk presented the warrants in the amount of $508,901.91. 

Motion by Alderman Anderson, second Alderman Cameron to approve the warrants. 

Roll call vote: Dash, Anderson, Cameron, Dolick, Morgan-Adams 


Motion to adjourn by Alderman Anderson, second by Cameron. 

Ayes: Cameron, Anderson, Dolick, Morgan-Adams, Dash 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:42.
