
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mayor proposes expedited process for select city land transactions

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Ciere Boatright commissioner of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) | City of Chicago Website

Ciere Boatright commissioner of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) | City of Chicago Website

City land dispositions would undergo an expedited sales process through procedural improvements proposed to City Council today by Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Cut the Tape initiative.

Intended to streamline neighborhood revitalization initiatives involving nearly 10,000 parcels of vacant land under City ownership, the proposal would eliminate the City’s practice of submitting proposed sales and acquisitions to the Chicago Plan Commission for omnibus approval. It would also limit the Community Development Commission’s (CDC) review of land sales to City parcels originally acquired through TIF funding or being sold for projects developed with TIF funding.

Currently, the Plan Commission votes on all City land sales and acquisitions via omnibus resolutions, typically five to ten per meeting. The CDC votes on all City land sales and acquisitions in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts, typically two per meeting. Neither commission is required by state law or municipal code to make recommendations regarding City land transactions.

The new procedures would reserve the review and approval process for most sales to City Council, shaving weeks off typical timelines and freeing commission staff for other responsibilities.