
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City of Prospect Heights City Council met Aug. 26

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Patrick Ludvigsen, City Mayor | City of Prospect Heights Website

Patrick Ludvigsen, City Mayor | City of Prospect Heights Website

City of Prospect Heights City Council met Aug. 26

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - At 6:32 PM, Mayor Ludvigsen called to order the Regular Meeting of the Prospect Heights City Council at City Hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070. 

Deputy Clerk Austin called roll. A quorum was present. 

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT – Mayor Ludvigsen, Alderman - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan- Adams, Dash, Dolick, Treasurer Tibbits 

ABSENT - City Clerk Prisiajniouk with notice 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Public Works Director Roscoe, Police Chief Caponigro, Assistant Finance Director Tannehill, Deputy Clerk Austin, Attorney Jim Hess, Digital Communication Technician Colvin. 

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Ludvigsen led the Pledge of Allegiance 


A. July 22, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes - Alderman Anderson moved to approve the July 22, 2024 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. 

Roll Call VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 


A. Update on the Willow Road and Owen Court Flood Control Project by Engineer Dan Strahan - Dan starts by giving a brief explanation of the project and how the goal is to bring Willow Road and Owen Court out of the flood plain. He says the current projected total for the project is 3.2 million dollars and he goes through all the funding that is in place for it. Dan then goes into the Willow Road part of the project and explains in detail how the road is to be filled and the process that was brought forth to get this completed. After phase one of the project the plan was laid in front of Cook County, and they came back with some concerns about this being the best long- term plan for the success of the road. Part of this project is being funded through the city with the rebuild Illinois funds and those need to be used by July 1st of 2025, so if a different path is to be done with the project Dan is looking for some direction from the City Council for the best way to proceed. In Dan's opinion he is worried that the project will not be completed by the July 1st, 2025, deadline of using those funds and believes that the best course of action might be to split the project into two separate projects. Owen Court would be completed and then once the concerns have been alleviated with Willow Road then that would be completed without the rebuild Illinois funds. Since there has been more back and forth with the County about Willow Road there is a different estimate on the cost for that project. Alderman Morgan-Adams asks if Owen Court will utilize all the rebuild Illinois funds and Dan explains that it will, it'll cover the city's contribution to that fund. This was clarified by Mayor Ludvigsen. Alderman Morgan- Adams asks how this will affect the rebuild Illinois funds going toward the Willow Road project. Dan explains how the rebuild Illinois funds will cover each project and how additional funding can come into play if it is needed. Mayor Ludvigsen asks if the project gets altered dramatically how that will affect the final cost and Dan explains that if that is the case that something more drastic needs to be done then the IGA needs to be reworked and the County and MWRD would need to fund more of the project. There is an off ramp in place as well if the costs become too prohibitive for the city the IGA can be terminated. Alderman Morgan-Adams asks how this will affect the timeline of these projects getting done and Dan explains that the Willow Road delay is just based off the Counties determination to alter the project, but splitting the project will ensure that Owen Court gets completed with no issues and can use the rebuild Illinois funds. The target is still to get both projects done at the same time, but as of right now the Willow Road project seems to be looking like a longer project and splitting them allows each project to progress on their own. Alderman Dash asks if the Owen Court project gets done but Willow Road never does is that still a positive for the city. Dan explains that he believes there is still a flood plain benefit to getting that done. 






A. R-24-25 Staff Memo and Resolution Granting Final Plat for Solms Claire Estate Subdivision Consolidating 513 and 601 Claire Lane into a Single Lot - Alderman Dolick moved to approve R-24-25 Staff Memo and Resolution Granting Final Plat for Solms Claire Estate Subdivision Consolidating 513 and 601 Claire Lane into a Single Lot; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 

Director of Building and Development Peterson says the owner has two lots adjoining each other but they were built in two different subdivisions. So, he was wanting to consolidate them into one large lot. There were some water lines in between the properties but the correct easements were done, and the city engineer approved the consolidation. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5 - 0 

B. R-24-26 Staff Memo and Resolution Seeking City Council Support for the Application to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP), for the Camp McDonald Road Sidewalk Project - Alderman Anderson moved to approve R-24-26 Staff Memo and Resolution Seeking City Council Support for the Application to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP), for the Camp McDonald Road Sidewalk Project; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 

Assistant City Administrator Falcone explains the past of this resolution and the two grants that were helpful in getting the project moving forward. Scott Britton helped greatly for the city to acquire the second of those two grants. Phase one is going on now and phase two will happen sometime next year. The ITEP grant the city is hoping to receive will cover 80% of phase three costs. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5 - 0 

C. R-24-27 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing a Civil Engineering Servicers Agreement with Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., for Supplemental Engineering Services for the Willow-Owen Flood Control Improvement Project – Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve R-24-27 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing a Civil Engineering Services Agreement with Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc., for Supplemental Engineering Services for the Willow- Owen Flood Control Improvement Project; seconded by Alderman Anderson. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 

D. R-24-28 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing the Approval to Separate Owen Street and Compensatory Storage from the Willow-Owen Flood Control Improvement Project, and a Local Funding Commitment with Motor Fuel Tax Rebuild Illinois Funding, for a Separate Owen Street and Compensatory Storage Flood Control Project - Alderman Dolick moved to approve R-24- 28 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing the Approval to Separate Owen Street and Compensatory Storage from the Willow-Owen Flood Control Improvement Project, and a Local Funding Commitment with Motor Fuel Tax Rebuild Illinois Funding, for a Separate Owen Street and Compensatory Storage Flood Control Project; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 

E. R-24-29 Resolution Approving an Agreement with Sky Harbour LLC, for Payment in Lieu of Hotel/Motel Taxes and Gaming Taxes - Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve R-24-29 Resolution Approving an Agreement with Sky Harbour LLC, for Payment in Lieu of Hotel/Motel Taxes and Gaming Taxes; seconded by Alderman Anderson. There was unanimous approval. 

Mayor Ludvigsen gives a brief description of the process that went into this agreement with the airport. He describes it as a win, win for the city and airport and he was glad to see it done. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 

F. 0-24-17 Liquor License Request and Ordinance Increasing the Number of "A" Liquor Licenses from 9 to 10 (Full Liquor - Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 2:00am; Friday and Saturday from 8:00am to 3:00am; and Sunday from 12noon to 2:00am) for Pizza Pavia, 6 N. Elmhurst Road and Reducing the Number of "C-1" Liquor Licenses from 6 to 5 (1st Reading) 

Assistant City Administrator Falcone explains the difference in liquor license is going from a beer and wine license to a full liquor license and he adds on that the hours are staying the same. The owner of Pizza Pavia then comes up and says some the hours will be slightly earlier than listed above just because he does not wish to be open this late. He adds he has seen a demand for certain liquor from customers and even parties have gone elsewhere because of the limited liquor license so that was the driving force for wanting to change liquor license status. 

G. Requested Waiver of First Reading 0-24-18 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for a covered porch addition at 106 W. Ridge Avenue into the Required Front Yard (1st Reading) – Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to waive the first reading of O-24-18 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for a covered porch addition at 106 W. Ridge Avenue into the Required Front Yard (1st Reading); seconded by Alderman Cameron. 

Director of Building and Development Peterson explains the request for a covered porch and the details that go into it. He said this case was brought up to the Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals and was voted in favor of unanimously. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT -  None 

Motion carried 5-0 

H. O-24-18 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for a covered porch addition at 106 W. Ridge Avenue into the Required Front Yard (2nd Reading) – Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve 0-24-18 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for a covered porch addition at 106 W. Ridge Avenue into the Required Front Yard (2nd Reading); seconded by Alderman Dolick. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 


A. July Financial Report by Assistant Finance Director Bob Tannehill - So far about 21% of the budget is reflected by revenue and 15% expenses. The revenue and expenses are right in line with the budgeted amount from the state of Illinois. The finance department and staff are starting the vehicle sticker campaign. This will include those who forgot to buy their sticker this year or those who failed to do so. Assistant Finance Director Tannehill goes into the process of how the city goes about reaching out to those who haven't paid yet. Bob then goes on to explain the reason some people don't pay their stickers and how to be mindful of that going forward when purchasing cars. He then explains the different letters that will be mailed out to those who haven't paid yet. Alderman Dash asks a clarifying question about expired plates and Alderman Dolick asks a question about registering and different situations that arise. 

City Treasurer Tibbits- Gives an update about PHTV and that there were some complaints about a low volume when trying to watch. He says this has been rectified and the issue should be gone now. He also encourages anyone still having issues to contact Communication Technician Patrick Colvin for help. 

Building and Development Director Peterson- Gives a reminder that the city is still in busy construction season so give about 3 weeks for review instead of the usual 2 weeks. Also gives a reminder to plan ahead when trying to complete any projects this fall so the city can help you as smoothly as possible. 

Assistant City Administrator Falcone- Gives an update about the city doing a re-design on the city website. This will be a like a new coat of paint and will freshen up the look of the website. Deputy Clerk Austin will be taking lead on this project and will be giving out updates as they are available. 

Chief Caponigro- The Police Department facebook was hacked so there is a new page out there for everyone to go follow. It always has great updates about the city and gets you the resident news as fast as possible. 


A. Approval of Expenditures 

General Fund $113,044.44

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Tourism District $42,828.06 

Solid Waste Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $0.00

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $122.09 

Special Service Area - Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00 

Special Service Area - #8 Levee Wall #37 $136.21 

Capital Improvements $0.00 

Special Service Area - Debt #6 $0.00 

Road Construction Debt $0.00 

Water Fund $51,532.31 

Parking Fund $455.95

Sanitary Sewer Fund $1,805.18

Road/Building Bond Escrow $0.00 

TOTAL $209,924.24 

Wire Payments 

08/09/2024 Payroll $189,555.67 

July Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Payment $15,391.67 

TOTAL WARRANT $414,871.58 

Deputy Clerk Austin read the warrants. 

Alderman Anderson moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Cameron to include a TOTAL of $209,924.24, 08/09/2024 Payroll of $189,555.67, July Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Payment of $15,391.67, and a TOTAL WARRANT of $414,871.58. There was unanimous approval. 

Alderman Morgan-Adams asks about the Tourism District expenditure. Assistant Finance Director Tannehill says this is for the Police Department Cameras. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Anderson, Morgan-Adams, Dash, Dolick

NAYS - None

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0 




ADJOURNMENT – At 7:09 PM, Alderman Anderson moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 
