
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met Aug. 27

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Michael Barbier, Councilman, East District | City of Wheaton Website

Michael Barbier, Councilman, East District | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met Aug. 27

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Cali to Order: Chairman Ted Witte called the meeting to order at 7:35.

Present were Jim Boak, Cathy Coleman, Nancy Flynn, Brian Malone, Kay McKeen, Tony Pope, David Popham, Stephen Siemer, Allison Torrence, Seema Wadia, Jim Wozniak, and Bob Young.

II. Approval of Minutes:

Bob moved that the minutes from the June meeting be approved. David seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.

Ill. Budget Report:

Bob reported that expenditures to date equal $26,177.28, leaving a $9,572.72 open to spend.

IV. Public Comment: none

V. Reports:

1. Adopt a Highway: Nancy Flynn reported that on July 27, Jim W., Tony, Ted, Tony Majszak and his son Freddy, Nancy Allured, Bob, and her husband Brent and grandson Brent helped her with the highway cleanup. They collected 9 bags.

2. Electronics Recycling (July 13): Bob reported that there was a good, steady flow with plenty of help. (August 10): Bob reported the event was busy with a steady flow of traffic and no significant backups. Bob, Ted, Brian, Steve, and Jim W. represented EIC, and Jim Truesdale and Thuy Le also worked the event. The scrap metal container was full to overflowing.

Vl. Upcoming Projects:

1. Electronics Recycling (Sept. 14): Tony, David, and Steve will be there.

2. Adopt a Highway: The Democratic Party of Milton Township will hold their second clean up on Sept. 7. EIC will hold their fourth clean up on October 19 from 8—9, and participants should meet at Chick.Fil.A.

3. Pumpkin Smash (Nov. 2)

VII. Unfinished Business:

1. Arbor Day (Apr. 25, 2025): Kay reported that Whittier School is planning for their 100th Anniversary.

2. Native Plant Sale (Apr. 26, 2025): Tony reported that they will meet in November to review this year’s sale and choose plants for next year.

3. Prairie Path Clean Up (Apr. 26, 2025): Seema reported that she will begin sending information in February.

VIII. New Business:

1. Funding for EIC Events: Kay moved that we allocate $1600 to order a new smoke detector collection kit. Allison seconded. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

2. New medical waste legislation: Kay reported that Police and Fire Departments participating in the take back program for medical waste continue to accept over the counter medicine.

3. Annual Report and EIC budget: The rest of the meeting was used to revise this document. Cathy will type it up and send it to members for review.

IX. Adjournment:

Cathy moved that the meeting be adjourned. Steve seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55.

The next regular EIC meeting is scheduled for September 24, 2024, at 7:30 P.M.
