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City of Wheaton Planning & Zoning Board met Aug. 27

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Wheaton Mayor Phil Suess | wheatonmayorphilsuess.com

Wheaton Mayor Phil Suess | wheatonmayorphilsuess.com

City of Wheaton Planning & Zoning Board met Aug. 27

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote

Chair Aranas called the Tuesday, August 27, 2024, Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in-person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were:

Roll Call Vote

Present: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Chris Derrick

Bob Gudmundson

Cecilia Horejs

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Absent: None

City Staff Present: Tracy Jones, Staff Planner

Jim Kozik, Director of Planning and Economic Development

Consultant Present: Jake Seid, Sightline

II. Approval of Minutes - August 13, 2024

The minutes were approved as presented.

III. Public Comment

There was none.

IV. Old Business

ZA #24-11/ Text Amendment & Rezoning/ Article 31/ Roosevelt Road

Chair Aranas reconvened the public hearing on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Chair Aranas reminded everyone in attendance that the Board is solely a recommending body. She added that the Board’s role in conducting this public hearing is to hear testimony from city staff, the consultant, any objectors, and other interested parties and then to make a recommendation to the City Council. She added that the City Council will make the final decision on this matter.

Three additional emails from residents were received and incorporated into the record.

Director Kozik outlined the new exhibits that were provided to the Board in their recent packet. He stated that Exhibit A is a map indicating the "Large" parcels in the R-R-2 and R-R-3 subdistricts, which are indicated with a light blue outline. For reference, small parcels have a lot area of 21,780 square feet or less and large parcels have a lot area greater than 21,780 square feet. He further stated that Exhibit B are emails received from 3 residents since the initial public hearing. He further stated that Exhibit C is a revised draft Ordinance from the consultant which has been revised to reflect the discussion of the Board (primarily to the proposed Design Requirements) at the initial public hearing. He further stated that Exhibit D is a comparison of the use table from the Corridor Plan and the most recent version of the draft Ordinance. Rather than showing just the changes from the tables, this shows them in their entirety side by side. This is the most transparent way to demonstrate the proposed changes that have been made since the adoption of the Corridor Plan.

Director Kozik stated that most of the changes between the use table from the Corridor Plan and the most recent version of the draft Ordinance were non-substantive to provide clarity and recognize existing land uses while others are being proposed to address other policy recommendations of the Corridor Plan such as promoting new types of residential uses and historic preservation through adaptive reuse.

Director Kozik stated that the single line item in the Corridor Plan for Multiple Family (with a note for Townhomes only as a special use in the S1 and S2 Small and Large and Multiple Family as a permitted use in S3 Small and Large and S4) is proposed to be split into three categories - Multiple Family Dwellings: New Construction (permitted in the R-R-3 Small and Large and the R-R-4), Multiple Family Dwellings : Townhouse only (permitted in the R-R-1 and R-R-2 Small and Large) and Multiple Family Dwellings: Reuse of existing non-residential buildings (special use in the R-R-1 and R-R-2 Small and Large).

Director Kozik added that a new residential category, "Multiple Family Dwellings: Reuse of existing nonresidential buildings (special use in the R-R-1 and R-R-2 Small and Large)", was added to the draft Ordinance for discussion to address interest for this type of use demonstrated by Zoning Application 23-15 (ultimately denied by the City Council) for the property at the southwest corner of Main Street and Roosevelt Road and the continued interest from prospective purchasers of 402 E. Roosevelt Road to convert the former residence-nowoffice-to a multiple family dwelling and other property owners along the west half of the corridor. Mr. Seid reviewed the changes made to the draft Ordinance based on feedback at the initial public hearing.

These changes included tobacco and pipe shops being omitted as a permitted use in R-R-2, and changes to the façade and window design and the landscaping and parking requirements sections of the proposed language.

Bernadine Kowalski, 619 Park Avenue, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Kowalski stated that she appreciates the increased rear landscape buffer requirements. However, she added that a six-foot-tall fence is not tall enough. She further stated that she would prefer any multi-family units that are added in the corridor are owner occupied.

Elizabeth Higgins-Beard was sworn in. Ms. Higgins-Beard questioned whether the proposed façade requirements would allow the recent addition at the Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics building located at 623 S. Naperville Road. She further questioned whether a research laboratory use next to a residence would require an exhaust fan.

Director Kozik stated that the proposed façade requirements would most likely permit the recent addition at the Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics building. He added that the building department would determine whether a research laboratory use next to a residence would require an exhaust fan.

Elizabeth Hain was sworn in. Ms. Hain stated that in the R-R-1 sector, she would like to see “Multi-Family Dwellings - Townhouse only” to remain a special use. She further stated that if the city is going to consider changes to the multifamily component of the approved plan that residents should receive an additional notice in the mail, since not everyone uses social media. She added that she did not receive a notice in the mail from the city about the rezoning and text amendment.

Ms. Kowalski stated that she received a postcard from the city about the rezoning and text amendment.

However, she added that additional notice is always appreciated, and the city shouldn’t rely primarily on social media.

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Derrick seconded the motion to close the public hearing. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

Mr. Derrick stated that Ms. Hain raised a valid concern about the townhouse only use going from a special use in the approved plan to a permitted use in the proposed text amendment. He recommended keeping it as a special use in the R-R-1 and R-R-2, small and large.

The rest of the Board agreed with this change.

Ms. Horejs moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to approve the rezoning and text amendment request, subject to the condition that the “townhouse only” use is allowed as a special use (not as a permitted use) in the R-R-1 and R-R-2, small and large.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Chris Derrick

Bob Gudmundson

Cecilia Horejs

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Passed Unanimously

V. Miscellaneous

There was none.

VI. Adjournment

Mr. Dabovich moved and then Mr. Wanzung seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. On a voice vote, all voted aye.
