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Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Technology & Operations Committee met Aug. 29

Webp gary perinar

Gary Perinar, Director | Fra Noi.com Website

Gary Perinar, Director | Fra Noi.com Website

Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Technology & Operations Committee met Aug. 29

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (“Tollway”) held the regularly scheduled Technology & Operations Committee meeting on Thursday, August 29, 2024, in the Boardroom of Tollway headquarters in Downers Grove, Illinois. The meeting was held pursuant to the By-Laws of the Tollway upon call and notice of the meeting executed by Chairman Arnaldo Rivera and posted in accordance with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1, et seq.

[Bolded entries indicate issues which may require follow-up to present or report to Directors.]

Call to Order / Roll Call

Committee Chair Sweeney called the meeting to order at approximately 8:48 a.m. Given Director Connolly’s advance notice to the Board Secretary of his inability to attend due to illness and given that a quorum of the committee was physically present, in accordance with the Open Meetings Act and Tollway By-laws, Committee Chair Sweeney entertained a motion to allow Director Connolly’s participation by audio conference. Director Paddock made such a motion, seconded by Director Neddermeyer. The motion PASSED unanimously by voice vote.

Committee Chair Sweeney asked the Board Secretary to call the roll, those Directors present and absent being as follows:

Committee Members Present: Committee Members Not Present:

Committee Chair James Sweeney None

Committee Co-Chair Scott Paddock

Director James Connolly [by telephone]

Director Melissa Neddermeyer

Director Gary Perinar, Jr.

Other Directors Present:

Director Jacqueline Gomez

Director Karen McConnaughay

Director Mark Wright

Chairman Arnaldo Rivera

The Board Secretary declared a quorum present.

Public Comment

Committee Chair Sweeney opened the floor for public comment. No comment was offered.

Committee Chair’s Items

Committee Chair Sweeney entertained a motion to approve Committee Chair’s Item 1, the minutes of the regular Technology & Operations Committee meeting held on July 24, 2024, as presented. Director Paddock made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Director Neddermeyer. The motion PASSED unanimously by voice vote.

Having no further items, Committee Chair Sweeney called on Executive Director Cassaundra Rouse.

Executive Director’s Items

Executive Director Rouse noted that the meeting agenda contains 8 items for the Committee’s consideration.

Items for Consideration

Information Technology

Executive Director Rouse asked that consideration of Information Technology Item 5 be deferred to a future meeting. She then called on Peter Foernssler, Chief Procurement Officer, to present the remaining items to the Committee.

Item 1: Award of Contract 24-0130 to Gartner, Inc. for the purchase of IT Research and Advisory Services in an amount not to exceed $385,215.51 (Order Against DoIT Master Contract).

Item 2: Award of Contract 24-0146 to Presidio Networked Solutions LLC for the purchase of Cisco Network Equipment with Maintenance and Support in an amount not to exceed $286,398.30 (Order Against DoIT Master Contract).

Item 3: Award of Contract 24-0145 to Presidio Networked Solutions LLC for the purchase of Cisco Firewall Equipment, Maintenance, and Support in an amount not to exceed $453,499.26 (Order Against DoIT Master Contract).

Item 4: Award of Contract 24-0164 to Zones, LLC for the purchase of VMware Software Licenses, Maintenance, and Support in an amount not to exceed $8,014,469.19 (Order Against DoIT Master Contract).

Item 5: Award of Contract 24-0034 to Presidio Networked Solutions LLC for the purchase of Dell EMC Equipment, Maintenance, Support, and Services in an amount not to exceed $21,000,000.00 (Order Against DoIT Master Contract). [Deferred]

Item 6: Award of Contract 24-0162 to Carahsoft Technology Corp. for the purchase of ServiceNow Additional Subscriptions and Functionality in an amount not to exceed $1,278,369.04 (Release Off a Multiple Award Master Contract).

Item 7: Award of Contract 23-0174 to Column Case Management, LLC for the purchase of Case Management Software with Maintenance and Support in an amount not to exceed $155,650.20 (Invitation for Bid).

Item 8: Award of Contract 24-0154 to National Tek Services, Inc. for the purchase of Emergency Mobile Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) Licenses in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 (Emergency Purchase).

Upon conclusion of the presentation and discussion of items, Committee Chair Sweeney stated that Information Technology Item 5 would be deferred to a future meeting. He then entertained a motion to consolidate for consideration and action Information Technology Items 1-4 and 6-8.

Director Paddock made a motion to consolidate these items, seconded by Director Neddermeyer.

The motion PASSED unanimously by voice vote.

The motion to consolidate these items having carried, Committee Chair Sweeney entertained a motion to approve placement of Information Technology Items 1-4 and 6-8 on the August Board of Directors meeting agenda with the Committee’s recommendation for approval by the Board.

Director Paddock made a motion to approve these items, seconded by Director Neddermeyer.

The motion PASSED unanimously by voice vote.


There being no further business before the Committee, Committee Chair Sweeney requested a motion to adjourn. Director Paddock made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Director Neddermeyer. The motion PASSED unanimously by voice vote.

The Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:04 a.m.
