
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waukegan City Council will meet Oct. 21

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Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

Mayor Ann B. Taylor | City of Waukegan Website

City of Waukegan City Council will meet Oct. 21

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Opening Items

A. Roll Call

B. Invocation by Apostle Bill Mcneely (Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church Zion, IL.) / Pledge of Allegiance

C. Mayor's Comments

2. Resolutions/Proclamations/Presentations/Appointments

A. PROCLAMATION: “National Friends of the Libraries Week in Waukegan - October 20-26”

B. PROCLAMATION: "Erie HealthReach Waukegan Day in Waukegan - October 22, 2024"

C. PROCLAMATION: "Extra Mile Day in Waukegan - November 01, 2024"

3. Audience Time

A. Audience Time

4. Consent Agenda (Items under the Consent Agenda are considered routine and/or non-controversial and will be approved by one motion. If any one board member wishes to have a separate vote on any item, it will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and voted on separately)

A. Motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from Monday, October 07, 2024.

B. Motion to approve vendor payments dated October 21, 2024 in the amount of $3,451,473.76.T

C. Motion to approve and ratify Regular Payroll dated October 18, 2024, in the total amount of $2,000,316.89.

D. Motion to approve and ratify Misc. Payroll (PD HBB & CT Cashout, EO & CS, and Final Payouts) dated October 18, 2024, in the total amount of $64,629.09.

5. Reports and Communication

6. Old Business

7. New Business

A. Approval of the Community Development Block Grant 2024 Action Plan Amendment [TO BE CONSIDERED AT 11/4/24 MEETING]

B. Ordinance approving to dispose of various surplus vehicles and equipment through Obenauf Auction Services, Inc. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

C. Resolution approving and authorizing the proper City Officials to renew professional services agreement with Nicole Large; per Sec. 2-458(i)(5)(Professional Services) for professional consulting services regarding researching/writing/management of local/state/federal grant funding and opportunities. This matter was presented at the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.

D. Ordinance approving to recycle a chassis with Auto Parts City for a flat rate for Capital Asset Disposal. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

E. Ordinance approving to recycle three leaf machines with Cleveland Recycling for a flat rate for Capital Asset Disposal. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

F. Resolution approving engineering services from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. per Sec. 2-458(i)(4)(Professional Services) for Segment #2 of the FY2025 Road Program for a not to exceed amount of $185,925.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

G. Resolution approving engineering services from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. per Sec. 2-458(i)(4)(Professional Services) for Segment #2 of the FY2025 Sidewalk Program for a not to exceed amount of $121,995.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

H. Resolution approving the procurement of road salt from Compass Minerals America per Sec. 2-458(i)(3)(Joint Purchasing) through the State of Illinois CMS Services contract for a not to exceed amount of $655,000.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

I. Resolution approving the procurement of liquid de-icer from Industrial Systems per Sec. 2-458(i)(1)(Sole Source) in a not to exceed amount of $45,000.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

J. Resolution approving the award of the Water Plant Switchgear & SCADA Upgrades bid to Boller Construction Company in a not to exceed amount of $2,952,800.00. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

K. Motion to approve amended and restated IGA with Park City for Water. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

L. Motion to approve a settlement agreement between the City of Waukegan and Park City for unpaid water usage. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

M. Resolution approving design engineering services for the Pershing Road Culvert Replacement from Ciorba Group per Sec. 2-458(i)(4)(Professional Services) in a not to exceed amount of $185,249.47. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

N. Resolution approving a professional services agreement to provide redevelopment planning and strategy development for the former OMC site with the Sigma Group. [This matter was presented to the Public Works & Infrastructure Committee on October 21, 2024.]

O. A Resolution approving the acceptance of a grant from The Bureau of Justice Assistance Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]

P. A Resolution approving a Partnership Agreement with The Brushwood Center regarding an Environmental Protection Agency Community Change Grant. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]

Q. A Resolution approving the procurement of a generator and installation services for Fire Stations #1 and #5 for an amount not to exceed $113,880.00. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]

R. A Resolution waiving competitive bidding and approving an agreement with Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC for the refurbishment of a rescue squad apparatus in an amount to exceed $273,166.89. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]This Agenda Item Contains an Attachment.

S. A Resolution approving a lease agreement with Ballard Marine Construction LLC for a portion of the Water Plant parking lot property. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]

T. Motion to authorize staff to pay the annual Visit Lake County partnership contribution in the amount of $35,830.00. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]

U. A Resolution Approving a Professional Services Agreement for Public Art Installation. [This matter was presented to the Finance & Purchasing Committee on October 21, 2024.]

8. Ordinances

9. Closing Items

A. Alderperson Time

10. Adjournment

A. Motion to Adjourn
