
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board will meet Nov. 4

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Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook

Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook

Village of Brighton Village Board will meet Nov. 4

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance:

B. Attendance Roll Call:

C. Approval of Board Minutes 10-07-24 (Voice Vote):

D. Approval of Treasurers Report (Voice Vote):

E. Approval of Bills (ROLL CALL):

F. Mayor Report: Citizen of the Month Mrs. Tuey

G. Public Comment:

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 10/9/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: Purchase 76 chairs (budgeted) for the auditorium not to exceed $3040.00. (ROLL CALL)

2. Discuss/Possible Action: Request $300 Senior Social Christmas Party for food & prizes. (ROLL CALL)

B. Economic Development Committee: 10/1/24 (Voice Vote): PENDING MINUTES

C. Park Committee: 10/10/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

D. Planning Committee: 10/03/24 Meeting Cancelled

E. Public Safety: 10/21/24 Meeting Minutes (Voice Vote):

1. Discuss/Possible Action: Purchase tires for Ron’s cruiser for $781. Amend to reflect Kaily’s cruiser. (ROLL CALL)

2. Amend last month’s minutes: Permission to use Mustache March money to purchase police radios. (ROLL CALL)

F. Public Works: 10/28/24 Meeting Minutes-Cancelled

G. Zoning Committee: 10/15/24 Meeting Cancelled

Old Business:

A. Discuss/Possible Action: Derelict property on 103 School St.

B. Approve paying overage bill of $1,935 to DeLaurent Construction. Extra blacktop on Austin St. repair. (ROLL CALL)

New Business:

A. Discuss/Possible Action: Approve the hiring of Lindsay Wyman as full-time Water Clerk at a salary of $44,000/year. Backpay to September 19, 2024 when full time began. (ROLL CALL)

B. Discuss/Possible Action: Approve ordering new ordinance tickets for Police Dept. $535/1000 tickets or $655/1500 tickets. (ROLL CALL)

C. Approve Mayor, Clerk, & Treasurer as signers on the new mini excavator loan approved in September. (ROLL CALL)

D. Discuss/Possible Action: Ongoing Municipal building repairs.

E. Approve Resolution R2-2024: IMRF withholdings reported as compensation. (ROLL CALL)

F. Discuss/Possible Action: Approve Treasurer to attend Municipal Treasurers Institute Nov.17-21 at a cost of $410.00 plus hotel and meals.

G. Discuss/Possible Action: Passing new Ordinances (ROLL CALL)

a. 2024-12 Nuisances-Noise

b. 2024-14 Use of Village Owed Property/Streets


