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Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Wheaton City Council met Nov. 18

Webp 8

Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton City Council met Nov. 18

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Pledge of Allegiance: Girl Scout Troop 56129 – Longfellow Elementary 5th Grade

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Report of City Manager

IV. Report of City Attorney

V. Citizens to Be Heard

The opportunity to speak to the City Council is provided for those who have a specific question or comment on an agenda item or generally about the City of Wheaton. Please note that civility and a sense of decorum will be strictly followed. All speakers must address their comments to the Mayor. Speakers shall be courteous and should not make statements that are personally disrespectful to members of the City Council.

To make a public comment, you must request to be called on. When called upon, please announce your name and address before commenting. All public comments are limited to five (5) minutes, and each citizen will be permitted to speak only once. 

Members of the public were also given the opportunity to provide written comments prior to this meeting. Written comments will be recorded into the minutes and filed with the meeting record.

VI. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes

1. 11 04 24 Draft Minutes

Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting – November 4, 2024, as submitted.

B. Consent Unfinished Business

C. Consent New Business

1. Consent Agenda New Business #1

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Certain Surplus Property (IT)

canb01 - A Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Certail Surplus Property IT

2. Consent Agenda New Business #2

A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 505 with Allegiant Fire Protection, LLC, for Routine Preventative Maintenance of City Fire Alarms and Sprinklers, Annual Inspections of Fire Doors and as Needed On-Call Repairs for a Two-Year Term and a Total Amount Not to Exceed $55,390 and a 5% Contingency

canb02 - A Resolution Authorizing Exe Agmt 505 Allegiant Fire Protection LLC Alarms Sprinklers Inspections

VII. Regular Agenda

A. Regular Unfinished Business

1. Regular Agenda Unfinished Business #1

An Ordinance Granting a Rezoning and a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development, with Exceptions, to Allow the Conversion of the Two Existing Office Buildings into Rental Apartments at 100 W. Roosevelt Road – Islander LLC

raub01 - An Ordinance Granting Rezoning Special Use Permit PUD 100 W Roosevelt Rd. Islander LLC

B. Regular New Business

1. Regular Agenda New Business #1

A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement and Approving By-Laws for the West Suburban Fire/Rescue Alliance

ranb01 - A Resolution Authorizing Exe IGA and By-Laws West Suburban Fire Rescue Alliance

2. Regular Agenda New Business #2

A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a West Suburban Fire/Rescue Alliance Intergovernmental Agreement for Equipment/Personnel Sharing

ranb02 - A Resolution Authorizing Exe West Suburban Fire Rescue Alliance IGA Equipment Personnel Sharing

3. Regular Agenda New Business #3

A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 503 with McDonagh Demolition for the Demolition of the Structure at 480 S. County Farm Road, Wheaton for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $44,600 – 5 Votes Required

ranb03 - A Resolution Authorizing Exe Agmt Demolition Structure 480 S County Farm Road Wheaton

4. Regular Agenda New Business #4

An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Real Estate Contract for the Purchase of Certain Property for Public Purposes by the City of Wheaton (West Lake of the Streams Subdivision, P.I.N. 05-19-400-025)

ranb04 - An Ordinance Authorizing Exe Purchase Property West Lake Streams Subdivision 05-19-400-025

5. Regular Agenda New Business #5

A Resolution Authorizing Amendment #2 to Agreement No. 117 with Metro Paramedic Services, Inc. for Paramedic Services and EMS Billing and Collection Services for a Two-Year Term and a Total Amount Not to Exceed $5,247,657.48

ranb05 - A Resolution Authorizing Amendment 2 Agmt 117 Metro Paramedic Services EMS Billing Collection

VIII. Council Comment

IX. Approval of Bills

A. Warrant No. 884

Warrant No. 884 $1,699,364.20

X. Closed Session:

A. Personnel Matters - 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)

XI. Adjournment
