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City of Wheaton City Council met Nov. 4

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Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

Mayor Philip J. Suess | City of Wheaton Website

City of Wheaton City Council met Nov. 4

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The regular Wheaton City Council Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Philip J. Suess. Upon roll call, the following were:

Physically Present: Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray—Parker

Councilman Brown

Absent: None

City Staff Physically

Present: Michaei Dzugan, City Manager

Dawn Didier, City Attorney

Jim Kozik, Director of Pianning & Economic Development

Joseph Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

Susan Bishei, Pubiic information Officer

Andrea Rosedaie, City Clerk

City Staff Electronically

Present: None

2. Citizens to be Heard


3. Consent Agenda

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Bray—Parker seconded that the following action be taken on the Consent Agenda items:

l. Approve the minutes of Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting — October 21, 2024, as submitted.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray—Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weiier

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

4. Pass Ordinance 0-2024-29, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 22 (Buildings and Building Regulations), Article XII (Fences and Flagpoles)

Councilman Brown moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that 0-2024-29, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 22 (Buildings and Building Regulations), Article XII (Fences and Flagpoles), be passed.

City Manager Dzugan stated staff added the text ”or rear” to address situations where the adjacent corner lot has a different house orientation resulting in its rear lot line being adjacent to the side yard lot line of another corner lot.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Brown


Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker

Nayy None

Absent None

Motion Carried Unanimously

5. Adopt Resolution R-2024-94, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 498 with Triggi Construction, Inc. for the 2024 Concrete Panel Replacement Program for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $171,365 and a 10% Contingency

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R—2024-94, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 498 with Triggi Construction, inc. for the 2024 Concrete Panel Replacement Program for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $171,365 and a 10% Contingency, be adopted.

City Manager Dzugan stated five bids for concrete street panel replacements were received for Hale and University Place. He detailed the qualified bid is $21,000 over budget, however, sufficient reserves in the capital projects fund are available to cover the additional costs.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

6. Pass Ordinance 0-2024-30, An Ordinance Approving a Permanent Easement Agreement for the Installation of New Sidewalk Along Harrison Avenue and Gary Avenue

Councilwoman Bray—Parker moved and Councilman Clousing seconded that O—2024-30, An Ordinance Approving a Permanent Easement Agreement for the Installation of New Sidewalk Along Harrison Avenue and Gary Avenue, be passed.

City Manager Dzugan stated the ordinance approves a permanent easement on DuPage County Forest Preserve property at the northeast corner of Gary and Harrison to permit a sidewalk that will connect to a multi-purpose path which will be constructed as part of the Gary Avenue reconstruction project.

In response to Councilwoman Bray-Parker, Director Tebrugge stated the multi-purpose path will be constructed on the east side of Gary Avenue.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilwoman Bray—Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Ciousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

7. Receive Planning & Zoning Board Report Re: ZA #24-13 / Rezoning & PUD / 100 W. Roosevelt Road / Islander LLC and Direct City Attorney to Prepare an Ordinance

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilwoman Bray—Parker seconded that Planning & Zoning Bard Report Re: ZA #24-13 / Rezoning & PUD / 100 W. Roosevelt Road / Islander LLC and Direct City Attorney to Prepare an Ordinance, be received.

City Manager Dzugan stated the report from the Planning and Zoning Board recommends approval of an application for rezoning, Office to R-5 residential, and a special use planned unit development with four conditions. He detailed approval would permit an existing office building to be converted for adapted reuse, from an office use to a residential use.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray-Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

Mike MaHon of Mallon and Associates, located at 105 Christina Circle, Wheaton, spoke on behalf of the property owner and petitioner to present an overview of recent project revisions. He highlighted key changes, including a reduction in parking spaces from 80 to 38 based on a traffic and parking study, an increase in the southern parking lot perimeter from 15 feet to 36.6 feet, the granting of an easement to improve pedestrian and bicycle crossings, and a revised landscaping plan. He also presented a Market Study to address the demand for residential units, revised floor plans to offer 1- and 2-bedroom options instead of 4-bedroom units and provided updates addressing flood plain and engineering considerations.

Mr. Mallon stated that the property owner and petitioner agreed with the Planning and Zoning Board’s approval of the application, subject to four conditions. The conditions include adding screening for HVAC units, submitting a preliminary engineering plan for further staff review, installing an 8-foot privacy fence next to 119 W. Park Ave., with the remaining fence along 106 W. Roosevelt Road to be 6 feet tall, and relocating the proposed dumpster enclosure and patio/grilling area further north to create a buffer from the neighboring single-family property at 119 W. Park Ave.

Councilman Brown and Councilman Weller expressed approval of the project reworks.

Motion to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to approve Planning & Zoning Board Application Re: ZA #24-13 / Rezoning & PUD / 100 W. Roosevelt Road / Islander LLC

Councilman Weller moved and Councilwoman Bray—Parker seconded a motion to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to approve Planning & Zoning Board Application Re: ZA #24-13 / Rezoning & PUD / 100 W. Roosevelt Road / Islander LLC.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray—Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

8. Council Comment

Councilwoman Bray-Parker recognized the Environmental improvement Commission’s Pumpkin Smash event as a great success. She reminded residents to vote in tomorrow's General Election.

Mayor Suess invited the community to celebrate Veterans Day by attending the Veterans Day Ceremony in Memorial Park on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 10:45 a.m.

9. Approval of Warrant

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Bray-Parker seconded that Warrant No. 883 in the amount of $2,483,973.53 be approved.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Bray—Parker

Councilman Brown


Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously

10. Adjournment

Councilwoman Bray—Parker moved and Councilman Brown seconded that the regular Wheaton City Council Meeting be adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilwoman Bray—Parker

Councilman Brown

Mayor Suess

Councilman Clousing

Councilwoman Robbins

Councilman Weller

Councilman Barbier

Nays: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried Unanimously
