Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook
Brighton Mayor Matt Kasten | Matt Kasten Brighton Mayor / Facebook
Village of Brighton Village Board met Jan. 13
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A. Call To Order/Pledge of Allegiance: 7PM
B. Attendance: Trustees Present-Jim Winslade, Aaron Mead, Don Little, John Bramley, Bradley Arnold. Others PresentMayor Kasten, Clerk Jenkins, Supervisor Kahl, Treasurer Lievers. Absent Trustee Marcella Wilfong, Attorney Watson.
A moment of silence was observed for the passing of long time Village Attorney Robert Watson.
C. Approval of Public Hearing Minutes 12/2/24: Aaron Mead, 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 5-0.
D. Approval of Board Minutes 12/2/24: Aaron Mead, 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 5-0.
E. Approval of Treasurers Report: Aaron Mead, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 5-0.
F. Approval of Bills: Aaron Mead, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 5-Yeas 0-Nays.
G. Mayor Report:
H. Public Comment: Bob Weaver asked to have the pothole near 113 Brown filled in and to have the Committee Meeting Minutes available at the Board Meeting.
Committee Reports
A. Clerk Committee-12/11/24 Meeting Cancelled.
B. Economic Development Committee-12/3/24 Meeting Cancelled.
C. Park Committee-12/12/24 Meeting Minutes: Aaron Mead, 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 5-0.
Aaron Mead made a motion to approve up to $2500.00 for Daddy Daughter dance expenses. 2nd Don Little. Motion carried 5-Yeas 0-Nays. Dance will be held on February 1st at Crossroads Church.
D. Planning Committee: 12/5/24 Meeting Cancelled.
E. Public Safety: 12/16/24 Meeting Cancelled.
F. Public Works: 12/23/24 Meeting Cancelled.
G. Zoning Committee: 12/17/24 Meeting Cancelled.
Old Business:
A. Discuss/Possible Action: Derelict property on 103 School St. Trustee Little expressed concern that there is no progress on the property and action needs to be taken to get repair going.
B. Discuss/Possible Action: Ongoing Municipal building repairs. N/A
C. Don Little made a motion to spend $300.00 per activation switch (Total-$900) on three squad cars. 2nd Aaron Mead.
Motion carried 5-Yeas 0-Nays. Switches to be installed by DataTronics. Previously approved by for $100 per switch.
D. Aaron Mead made a motion to approve Letter of Intent from SW Soccer to practice, play and make improvements at Schneider Park. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 5-0. Trustee Little had concerns with the lack of a formal intergovernmental agreement. A signed agreement would specify that they can use the field, but they do not have sole rights to the field, outline what improvements are allowed by SW Soccer, and what are the Village’s responsibilities. Mayor Kasten stated that other sports teams that use the Park do not currently have an agreement (other than the BMX Group-added for clarification). So, if we get an agreement with SW Soccer, we would have to get one for each sporting organization using our Park. Trustee Bramley stated each organization must provide proof of insurance and the Park Committee approves going ahead with the Letter of Intent at this time.
New Business:
A. Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the hiring of Emma Brandon for the full-time Police Officer position. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 5-Yeas 0-Nays. Official start date was 12-23-24.
B. Aaron Mead made a motion to approve the hiring of Lisa Stanford as the part time clerical assistant. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried 5-Yeas 0-Nays. Official start date was 12-10-24
C. John Bramley made a motion to have a Circus (2 shows) on 4-27-25. Proceeds to go toward Shop with a Cop 2025. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried 5-0. The tents will be set up towards the front parking lot. The Village will help promote the event and sell advanced tickets. No concessions will be sold by the Village.
D. Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the Right-of-Way License Agreement with the Village of Godfrey, IL. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 5-0. The agreement is part of our infrastructure rebuild that will require us to dig up roads in Godfrey.
Adjournment: Aaron Mead made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried 5-0.
Time: 7:23pm