
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, March 16, 2025

City of Wheaton City Council met Feb. 18

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Erica Bray-Parker, City Council, At-Large | https://www.dailyherald.com

Erica Bray-Parker, City Council, At-Large | https://www.dailyherald.com

City of Wheaton City Council met Feb. 18

Here are the minutes provided by the council:



1. Call to Order and Roll Call 

The regular Wheaton City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Philip J. Suess. Upon roll call, the following were: 

Physically Present: Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Absent: None 

City Staff Physically Present: Michael G. Dzugan, City Manager 

Dawn Didier, City Attorney 

Robert Brill, Fire Chief 

Vincent Laoang, Director of Public Works 

Joseph Tebrugge, Director of Engineering 

Holly Schuiz, Director of Human Resources 

Erik Berg, Management Analyst 

Al McMillen, Water Superintendent 

Susan Bishel, Public information Officer 

Andrea Rosedale, City Clerk 

City Staff Electronically 

Present: Samuel Webb, Fleet Superintendent 

2. Citizens to be Heard 

Bob Fouts, 1212 Golf Circle, expressed safety and environmental concerns regarding proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle. Mr. Fouts offered alternative suggestions for staff to consider and expressed interest in meeting with engineering staff or City Council to discuss alternatives to the proposal. 

Zach Stutzman, Golf Circle, expressed safety and environmental concerns regarding proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle. Mr. Stutzman expressed interest in a collaborative discussion with staff or the City Council. 

Michael Phillips, Golf Circle, expressed safety and environmental concerns regarding proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle. Mr. Phillips expressed interest in an opportunity to discuss alternatives with staff or the City Council.

Sara Goetz, Golf Circle, expressed safety concerns regarding the proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle and requested staff to consider an alternative approach for sidewalk installation. 

David van Zanten, Golf Circle, expressed safety concerns regarding the proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle and requested the opportunity to collaborate with staff or the City Council. 

Josh Lamkin, Golf Circle, expressed safety concerns regarding the proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle. Mr. Lamkin expressed concern regarding middle school pedestrians on Elm Street. 

City Manager Dzugan reported an upcoming sidewalk installation on Elm Street is planned. 

Kristen Meyer, 1112 Golf Lane, expressed safety and environmental concerns regarding the proposed sidewalks for Golf Circle. 

Mayor Suess informed Golf Circle and Golf Lane residents that the City Council hears their concerns and noted the City Council’s goal to install sidewalks on at least one side of each street. He further recognized that each site may have unique challenges and that comments will be considered, and alternatives will be investigated. 

City Manager Dzugan encouraged residents to meet with engineering staff sometime within the week. 

Director of Engineering Tebrugge confirmed a tentative timeline with bids opening in April and construction commencing in May dependent upon the schedules of contractors. 

3. Consent Agenda 

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilman Weller seconded that the following action be taken on the Consent Agenda items: 

1. Approve the Minutes of the Wheaton City Council Special Meeting — February 1, 2025, as submitted. 

2. Approve the Minutes of the Wheaton City Council Regular Meeting — February 3, as submitted. 

3. Approve the Minutes of the Wheaton City Council Special Meeting — February 8, 2025, as submitted. 

4. Approve the Minutes of the Wheaton City Council Special Meeting, February 10, 2025, as submitted. 

5. Adopt Resolution R-2025-10, A Resolution Ratifying the City Manager’s Change Order and Authorizing the Execution of Change Order #2 to Agreement No. 456 with Brandt Excavating, inc. for the 2024 Lead Service Line Replacement Program for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $13,105.80 and a Total Award of $480,326.80. 

6. Adopt Resolution R-2025-11, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to Exhibit C to the License Agreement with Wheaton Park District/Memorial Park (Wheaton Municipal Band).

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried Unanimously

4. Pass Ordinance 0-2025-09, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 70 (Traffic and Vehicles), Article IV (Stopping, Standing and Parking), Appendix B (Fee Schedule), and Motor Vehicle Schedules VIII, X-C, and X-D 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Brown seconded that 0-2025—09, An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Wheaton Chapter 7O (Traffic and Vehicles), Article IV (Stopping, Standing and Parking), Appendix B (Fee Schedule), and Motor Vehicle Schedules VIII, X-C, and X-D, be passed. 

City Manager Dzugan reflected upon the January 13, 2025, Planning Session meeting when staff presented an ordinance which resulted from several months of reviewing parking in the downtown to address a gap in parking, specifically employee parking. He detailed the ordinance creates 3—hour time restrictions for customer parking and establishes a Blue Dot program allowing employees to park past time restrictions in certain designated areas. 

He confirmed staff plans to communicate the changes to the downtown community and business owners prior to the July 1, 2025, launch date. He stated the program will be monitored for effectiveness and that staff will respond accordingly if changes are necessary. 

Councilman Barbier thanked staff for the quick turnaround. 

in response to Councilwoman Bray—Parker, Management Analyst Berg clarified four—hour parking will remain in areas on the periphery of the Central Business District where restrictions are Monday through Saturday. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Nays: None 

Absent: None

Motion Carried: Unanimously 

5. Appointment to City Board 

Mayor Suess moved and Councilman Clousing seconded that Michael Hill be appointed to the Downtown Design and Review Board (Historic Commission Member Seat) for a term through November 20, 2026. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

6. Adopt Resolution R-2025-12, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment from Dinges Fire Company through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $40,950 

Councilwoman Bray—Parker moved and Councilman Weller seconded that R-2025—12, A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Firefighting Personal Protective Equipment from Dinges Fire Company through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $40,950, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan stated the Fire Chief recommended the purchase of 10 sets of turnout gear and protective equipment which is $30,000 under budget. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

7. Adopt Resolution R-2025-13, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 529 with Clark Dietz, Inc for Professional Engineering Services for the Police Department Generator Replacement Project for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $52,620 and a 10% Contingency 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that R-2025—13, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of Agreement No. 529 with Clark Dietz, lnc for Professional Engineering Services for the Police Department Generator Replacement Project for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $52,620 and a 10% Contingency, be adopted. 

City Manager Dzugan stated the City’s police department generator is a critical piece of equipment to ensure effective facility operation during an emergency. He reported the 35-year-old generator’s replacement was budgeted to replace the unit in-kind, however, the scope has expanded to relocating the new generator outside of the building. He stated that given past experiences with the low bidder, staff recommended contracting with the second lowest bidder for engineering services. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Nayg None 

Absent None 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

8. Council Comment 

Mayor Suess reflected upon his attendance at the People’s Resource Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their expanded Wheaton campus earlier today. Mayor Suess also reflected upon his attendance at the Greater Chicago Soap Box Derby qualifying races at the DuPage County Fair Grounds on February 15th and 16th which will return to Wheaton on March 15‘“ and 16th. He reported that 50—60 teams from the Midwest will compete at the event in March. 

9. Approval of Warrant 

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilwoman Bray—Parker seconded that Warrant No. 890 in the amount of $2,027,186.46, be approved. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray~Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried Unanimously 

10. Closed Session

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilwoman Bray-Parker seconded a motion to go into Closed Session for the purpose to Review Closed Session Minutes 5 ILCS l20/2(c)(21) and discuss Personnel Matters 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) at 7:34 p.m. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray-Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried Unanimously

The City Council returned to the open portion of their meeting at 7:59 p.m. 

11. Adjournment 

Councilwoman Robbins moved and Councilwoman Bray-Parker seconded that the regular Wheaton City Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:00 p.m. 

Voice Vote: 

Ayes: Councilwoman Robbins 

Councilman Weller 

Councilman Barbier 

Councilwoman Bray—Parker 

Councilman Brown 

Mayor Suess 

Councilman Clousing 

Nays: None 

Absent: None 

Motion Carried Unanimously
