Chicago City Clerk
City/Town/Village Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Clerk
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Analysis: Over 30 years, Chicago lost 300,000 residents, but still hiked spending 60 percent
The City of Chicago will spend 60 percent more in 2019 than it did thirty years ago, in 1989, even though its population fell 11 percent over the same span. That's according to an analysis of city Annual Appropriation Ordinance documents by Chicago City Wire.
Records: Mendoza paid husband's firm $34K for website work
Chicago mayoral candidate Susana Mendoza paid her now-husband nearly $34,000 to build a campaign website and perform "media services," according to Illinois State Board of Elections filings.
CITY OF CHICAGO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK: City Clerk Valencia and Mayor Emanuel Officially Launch the Chicago CityKey Program
Open to all Chicagoans, the"3-in-1” government issued id provides benefits and discounts for over 30 cultural institutions, restaurants and sports teams throughout the City
Napolitano disputes CityKey safety
Pinpointing his key reason for opposing the CityKey municipal identification measure, 41st Ward Alderman Anthony Napolitano recently called out the potential red flag via Twitter: an eyebrow-raising phrase that he averred could lead to trouble.