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Alderman Lopez 15th Ward Office
Local Government: Elected Boards | City/Town/Village
Most recent 02/25/23 - Lopez on Chicago’s murder capital status: ‘We’ll vote for the individuals who take this seriously’
Chicago City Council
Local Government: Elected Boards | City/Town/Village
Most recent 11/27/24 - Local Government Meeting today in City of Chicago
Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners
Local Government: Elected Boards | Park District
Most recent 01/26/25 - Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners met Jan. 22
City Colleges Of Chicago Board Of Trustees
Local Government: Elected Boards | Community College District
Most recent 04/30/20 - Planned tuition increases at City Colleges of Chicago delayed due to COVID-19 crisis
City of Chicago Board of Education
Local Government: Elected Boards | Public School- Community
Most recent 10/11/22 - Analysis: Over 25 years, CPS enrollment down 16 percent. But spending up 50 percent.