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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Alcott Local School Council discusses teacher crowdfuding

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The Alcott Local School Council met 14 to discuss teachers using crowdfuding to purchase supplies.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:

Alcott Local School Council (LSC) Meeting Minutes 1 Date: Sept 14, 2016, 8:30a.m. Location: Alcott East Campus Attendance Name Present Absent Aurelia Chaudagne X Lex Cisler Elias Estrada X X Tim Even X Nate Galer X Cynthia Goldman X Michael Kolody X Kiara Rodrigues X Lendale Rouse X Jennifer Rule X X Genevieve Sunshine Beth Wrona Murphy X X X The first regular meeting of the new 2016-2018 LSC was called to order at 8:00 by Beth Wrona Murphy. Roll call was taken by Cynthia Goldman. At time of roll call, 8 voting LSC members (quorum) were present. Approval of July 20th Minutes BethWrona Murphy made a motion to approve the July 20, 2016 minutes. Aurelia Chaudagne seconded. Motion carried 8-0. Beth Wrona Murphy then turns the meeting over to Genevieve Sunshine for the Teacher Report, the student report will not be available as the student representative is not able to be present at this meeting. Teacher’s Report Ms. Weiss - Kindergarten: Kindergarten had a very successful first week! They are looking forward to a great year! Ms. Bostik - Primary Science: Here are the units that students will learn about in science class this year: Alcott Local School Council (LSC) Meeting Minutes 2 Grade 1: animals and habitats/ matter (with a focus on solids and liquids) / pebbles, sand, and silt / light Grade 2: air and weather / force and motion / solar system / ideas and inventions Grade 3: water / earth materials / structures of life / sound Grade 4: matter and energy / electricity and magnetism / human body Also, they’re prepping for the 2nd annual STEM Fair in spring 2017 by doing monthly STEM challenges in the lab. Ms. Wallenberg - 4th Grade Literacy: In writing they are starting the year off by writing an essay on their goals for this school year. Students will choose a goal for school, social life, and home/family, and explain how they will make it happen. In reading they are reading a nonfiction article about the head chef at the Smithsonian's National Zoo. Their skill focus will be to cite text evidence. Ms. Knight - 5th/6th Grade Literacy: Students in 5th grade are reviewing the plot pyramid, how to identify the parts of a plot pyramid in a new story, and characterization. The sixth grade has begun a unit on the genre of dramas in Literacy. They are currently reading The Phantom Tollbooth, Act 1. Ms. Crosby - 5th/6th Math: 5th Grade math: Students have been working on learning routines in the classroom. They have learned how to organize their binders and how the calendar activity works so they can complete it on their own and it can be student lead. They are beginning with whole numbers to 1,000,000. 6th grade math: They jumped right in as these students are familiar with classroom routines. They are beginning their first CMP unit with Prime Time. They are studying number properties and relationships. They will be completing a challenging MARS task to get deeper into thinking about factors and multiples. They will apply their knowledge to real world problems. Mr. Souri - 7th/8th Math: There will be a financial literacy class available for 8th graders starting in October after school one day per week. Signups will start in a couple of weeks. The class teaches students about personal money management along with the basics of investing. Alcott Local School Council (LSC) Meeting Minutes 3 *Many teachers are using DonorsChoose.org to find supplemental funding for supplies since the budget is tight. Congratulations to Ms. Brinza for receiving over $6,500 for 30 chromebooks for her 5th/6th grade science classes and to Ms. Luke for receiving over $400 for a variety of magazine subscriptions for her 7th/8th grade diverse learners. There are currently two active projects by Alcott East teachers. Ms. Smith – 7th/8th Literacy – is asking for $480 for a class set (60 copies) of the book Whirligig by Paul Fleischman to use with her students later in the school year. Ms. Luke is asking for $168 to replenish our supplies of batteries for school issued graphic calculators for the 7th/8th grade math classes. Parents are not asked to purchase these supplies or donate to the teachers’ projects. The teachers are taking the initiative to seek funding sources from around the city, state, and country to supplement what the school and parents already provide. • Fundraising proposals Genevieve S. presented a fundraising form for Ms. Vincent: Repeat of lollipop sales October 4-11th, with projected sales of $1500, $1100 going towards the 8th grade fund. Beth W. made a motion to approve; Cynthia G. seconded. Motion carried 8-0. FOA Report Suzanne Kravitz presented latest FOA Report: Approval of upcoming events • Please cc me on when you set agenda so I can include votes for approval on the agenda. Treasurer Report • Accounts Total: o General FOA Total ? $507,693.36 o FOD Account Total - $12,438.30K • 2016 Grant Disbursements to Date – (all 2015/2016 School Year) o General FOA Account ? January 2016 - $10,588 – Science Curriculum Materials ? February 2016 – $7055 for teachers wish lists (updated figure) ? February 2016 - $26,000 for positions and materials (1-6) from approved priority list ? March 2016 - $2400 Alcott East Website ? March 2016 - $844 for Robotics Program (item 1 from approved priority list) ? March 2016 - $2415 for athletic equipment (soccer goal) ? March 2016 $844.00 Science Department Robotics Equip for Stem Fair ? $320K in Grant disbursements for 2015-16 school year • Kindergarten Aide 2016-17: o Number of Families Contributing: 69 Alcott Local School Council (LSC) Meeting Minutes 4 o Total Pledge as of 9/12: $50,775 o Total Amount Collected as of 9/12: $44,631.66 o This amount does not include matching funds – those have all been verified by organizations but not received • Pledge Year 2015-2016 Totals - Final o Total Amount Pledged: $260,375.56 o Number of Families contributing: 235 o Total Amount Collected Through 7/12: $240,61.56 + matching o Matching Funds Received: $7696.20 o Uncollected 2015-16 Final Amount $20,013 Acknowledgements and upcoming events • Parent social is tonight after curriculum night at Las Fuentes. • Fall Fest is September 24. Please sign up to attend and register to volunteer. • Thanks to all of the mentors who helped welcome new families over the summer. A list will be going out in the newsletter and on the FOA FB page. • Thanks to Kara and Vivian for the Boo Hoo Breakfast. Notes from the FOA meeting: -follow up with what is going on with the honor roll -who is taking over 8th grade fundraising for Boston Public comment thanking the FOA for the garbage cans placed on the grounds. Principal Report Mr. Estrada addressed the result of the CPS water testing, Alcott is not on the list of schools that failed testing However one sink will be replaced, and bids are being sought to add filtered water fountains with water bottle dispensers on each floor of the building. Current estimates are from $2000-$4000 per unit, plus installation. Chicago Sports and Social may be installing volleyball courts, which can also be available to students. Teachers to take a vote whether to strike on 9/21 through 9/23. Strike would tentatively take place in mid-October. More information to follow from CPS as contract negotiations progress. Buses for selective enrollment schools no longer picking up in front of Alcott. Mr. Estrada discussed Alcott/CPS homework policy guidelines. Some community discussion, mostly concerns regarding the amount of recommended minutes assigned to primary grades. Alcott being a college prep school will continue to monitor homework policies and work with parents and teachers to meet acceptable levels. Alcott Local School Council (LSC) Meeting Minutes 5 Mr. Estrada is currently on the Principal Advisory Council, so he can be directly involved in recommendations in regards to middle school teaching strategies. Efforts will be made to coordinate teachers to not over assign. Below is Mr. Estrada’s agenda in regards to current funding and other issues: I. According to CPS data, we are 55 plus the students projected. CPS has already fronted an additional $125,000. This is equivalent to 25 students. If the numbers are correct, on the 10th day (?) CPS has a remaining balance of 30 students which is equivalent to $150,000. II. Immediate Budgetary needs: two.2 positions for West ( 2 teachers have more classes than contractually allowed), interventionist for East, additional technology for both schools. III. An appeal has been submitted for additional staff for Diverse Learner needs. The appeal states a need of 2 aides and 1 additional teacher for East. The data submitted to the network clearly demonstrates the need. The network as given it the stamp of approval. We now are waiting for CPS to respond. In the meantime we have reorganized so that our students with needs are being supported. IV. All instructional materials needed have been ordered, but not all have arrived. V. Boston and Inauguration trip continues with Ms. Vincent. VI. New P.E. Teacher will manage athletics. There are concerns about how CPS is managing the Elementary athletics; all inclusive and all Saturday games……. VII. New second grade classroom and Diverse Learner room on the second floor. VIII. Meet the Teacher Night; see all you there. IX. Fall Fest is September 24 from 1:00 to 5:00. X. Drop off, concerns with parking……… XI. EPAY; electronically paying for all fees coming to Alcott. XII. Mrs. Brinza taking leave--uncertain when she will return. Looking for temporary teacher during interim. XIII. J Enrichment enrollment open this week. Enrichments run from September 26- November 3. XIV. NWEA beginning-of-year testing window open. Alcott students will test September 19 through October 7. Test schedule will be shared with families, once it's finalized. XV. September 23: Coffee Talk to kick off the Pledge Drive. XVI. September 29: Bilingual Advisory Committee holding an informative session for families about the bilingual program at Alcott. It'll be from 8:00 to 10:00 in Room 110. XVII. Great to have everyone back and we've received lots of compliments on the new freshmen class. XVIII. West Curriculum Night is September 21: 6:00 - 8:00. Alcott Local School Council (LSC) Meeting Minutes 6 XIX. West Homecoming is October 28th. XX. West Gonzalez Maternity Leave, sub hired. G to return in February. XXI. West Boys and Girls Club job description updated and will go live any day now. XXII. West ACT data is in and we are about to start unpacking it. NWEA data in and will be presented at state of Alcott XXIII. West Open House - November 5th XXIV. West HS Fairs are starting :) Mr. Estrada also addressed concerns in regards to the Uniform Policy. Parents of students in higher grades have expressed concerns about the fairness of the policy, and lack of enforcement. Policy may need to be reviewed, and Alcott to conduct a new round of surveys to determine where the parents/students/community stand on the policy and its guidelines. Aurelia Chaudagne, Catherine Pierce and Susan Bishop to possibly form a committee to research the viability/necessity of reviewing policy. This item to be on the next LSC agenda for further discussion/recommendation. No updates on issue of separation of Alcott East from West. New Business Potential Adjustment to Bylaws – More research needs to be done as to the LSC’s ability to make any changes. Concerns over outdated language/requirements. Additional security coverage for Election day, as Alcott is a public polling location, will be hired to provide protection for students. Public Comments/Other Topics LSC is still short 1 community member, still looking to fill this post. Committees and chairs need to be elected, some business has been postponed due to late budget release. Suzanne Kravitz has requested that the Honor Roll be retained, and also pointed out that it would be nice to provide notice to the community regarding Alcott retirees. Adjournment • Beth Wrona Murphy motions to adjourn meeting, Nate Galer seconds. Motion carried 8-0.