The Commission on Chicago Landmarks met Nov. 3 to propose a building demolition.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the commission:
The Commission on Chicago Landmarks will hold its regular
meeting on Thursday, November 3, 2016, at 12:45 p.m. in City
Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street, Room 201-A, 2nd Floor.
The Permit Review Committee will hold its regular meeting in City
Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street, in Room 201-A on Thursday,
November 3 at 1:30 p.m.
Attached is a copy of the agendas for the Commission meetings.
David Reifman
Regular Meeting – Thursday, November 3, 2016
City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street, Room 201-A
12:45 p.m.
1. Approval of the Minutes of Previous Meeting
Regular Meeting of October 6, 2016
2. Demolition of a Structure Pursuant to §2-120-740 through §2-120-825 of the Municipal Code
3301 South Indiana Avenue
3. Class L Property Tax Incentive – Final Certification
1514-1520 West Division Street
4. Demolition of a Building Pursuant to §2-120-740 through §2-120-825 of the Municipal Code
1328 North Wicker Park Avenue
5. Permit Review Committee Reports
Report on Projects Reviewed at the October 6, 2016, Permit Review Committee Meeting
Report on Permit Decisions by the Commission Staff for the Month of October 2016
6. Adjournment
THURSDAY, November 3, 2016
City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Room 201-A
1:30 p.m.*
*This time is approximate; the Permit Review Committee of the Commission on Chicago
Landmarks will meet immediately after the conclusion of the Commission’s 12:45 p.m. meeting.
1. 216-232 N. Peoria/905 W. Fulton Market 27th Ward
Fulton-Randolph Market District
Proposed demolition of the 1-story buildings at 230 and 232 N. Peoria, partial demolition
with rehabilitation of the front façade for the 3-story building at 226 N. Peoria, rehabilitation
of the 3-story building at 216 N. Peoria with a new 2-story rooftop addition, and construction
of a new 5-story building for commercial use.
2. 942 W. Fulton Market 27th Ward
Fulton-Randolph Market District
Proposed rehabilitation of existing three-story building and construction of a new, one-story,
rooftop addition.
3. 6900 S. Bennett 5th Ward
Jackson Park Highlands District
Proposed replacement of existing clay tile roofing with DECRA stone-coated metal roofing
4. 742 S. Dearborn 4th Ward
Printing House Row District
Proposed new 7-story building with 60 residential units with ground floor retail and
residential roof deck.
5. 777 S. Dearborn 4th Ward
Printing House Row District
Proposed new 4-story masonry building with ground-floor commercial space and one
residential unit for the upper floors.
6. 439-441 W. Arlington 43rd Ward
Arlington-Deming District
Proposed new 4-story masonry residential building for 8 dwelling units and 14 enclosed
parking spaces with relocation of an existing curb-cut.
Dijana Cuvalo, AIA
Planning, Design & Historic Preservation Division
Bureau of Zoning and Land Use
Department of Planning and Development
Summary of projects and staff recommendations, November 3, 2016
1. 216-232 N. Peoria/905 W. Fulton Market 27th Ward
Fulton-Randolph Market District
Proposed demolition of the 1-story buildings at 230 and 232 N. Peoria, partial demolition
with rehabilitation of the front façade for the 3-story building at 226 N. Peoria, rehabilitation
of the 3-story building at 216 N. Peoria with a new 2-story rooftop addition, and construction
of a new 5-story building for commercial use.
Applicant: Thor Equities, developer
Sophie Bidek and Krista Weir, Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture
Katie Jahnke Dale, DLA Piper
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee:
Proposed Demolition and Partial Demolition:
1. Preliminarily find that the property at 232 N. Peoria/901 W.
Fulton, a 1-story commercial building, is non-contributing to
the character of the Fulton-Randolph Market District and its
demolition will not be an adverse effect on the character of the
Landmark District;
2. Preliminarily find that the property at 230 N. Peoria, a 1-story
commercial building constructed in c.2000, is non-contributing
to the character of the Fulton-Randolph Market District and its
demolition will not be an adverse effect on the character of the
Landmark District;
3. Preliminarily find that the proposed partial demolition of the
building at 224-226 N. Peoria, with the rehabilitation of the
front façade to be retained in-place, will not be an adverse
effect on the character of the Landmark District;
4. Recommend that the Commission recommend to the City
Council approval of the proposed demolition of the buildings at
230-232 N. Peoria and partial demolition of the building at 226
N. Peoria in accordance with Section 2-120-825 of the
Municipal Code of Chicago, entitled “Permits for demolition of
landmarks – City Council Approval Required”; and,
Proposed New Construction:
5. Find that the proposed project, contingent upon City Council
approval and with the following conditions, will not have an
adverse effect on the significant historical and architectural
features of the landmark property and district and approved the
project with the following conditions:
a) A report by a licensed structural engineer addressing the
proposed structural work, relative to how the remaining
structure should be braced and protected during demolition
and construction, shall be submitted for Historic
Preservation staff review and approval, as part of the permit
plans. The recommended measures, sequencing, and
protections shall be incorporated in the structural and
architectural drawings;
b) Given that gangways between buildings are not typical of
the district development pattern of buildings built lot-line to
lot-line, the existing 4’-6”-wide gangway between 216 and
226 N. Peoria may be infilled with a glass window wall as
c) The proposed rooftop addition, set back 23’ from the Peoria
facade and 17’-7” taller than the historic parapet is
approved as proposed;
d) The proposed new 5-story construction at the corner of
Fulton and Peoria with the 5th floor setback 15’ from
Fulton Market street is approved as proposed;
e) Enlarged canopy, window, and storefront details shall be
included in the permit plans. Simulated divided-lite
muntins shall have a substantial interior and exterior profile
with spacer bar;
f) Masonry cleaning shall use the gentlest means possible.
Masonry repair and replacement details and cleaning SDS
sheet shall be provided as part of the permit application;
g) Exterior wall samples to be submitted for review and
approval to Historic Preservation staff prior to order and
2. 942 W. Fulton Market 27th Ward
Fulton-Randolph Market District
Proposed rehabilitation of existing three-story building and construction of a new, one-story,
rooftop addition
Applicant: Geoff Ross/Thor Equities, owner
Krista Weir/Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture, architect
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee find that the project, with
the following conditions, meets the criteria set forth in the
Commission’s Rules and Regulations, the Commission’s
Guidelines for Alterations to Historic Buildings and New
Construction, and Standards 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, and 10 of the U.S.
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic
Buildings and therefore, the project will not have an adverse effect
on the significant historical and architectural features of the
landmark property and district and approve the project with the
following conditions to be reviewed for approval by the Planning,
Design, and Historic Preservation staff:
1. The one-story rooftop addition, proposed to be set back 15’
from the Fulton Market façade, is approved as shown on plans
dated August 5, 2016;
2. The new cornice with a projecting profile and support brackets
is approved as proposed;
3. Window and storefront details, including existing and proposed
profiles for any storefront features, shall be provided with the
permit application;
4. Any replacement stone shall match historic stone in color, size,
finish, and profile. Masonry repair and replacement details
shall be included in the permit plans; and,
5. Samples of all proposed exterior cladding shall be submitted to
Historic Preservation staff for review and approval prior to
order and installation.
3. 6900 S. Bennett 5th Ward
Jackson Park Highlands District
Proposed replacement of existing clay tile roofing with DECRA stone-coated metal roofing
Applicant: Alex Edmondson and Brian Kurtz, owners
Kim Smith, Smith Architecture, Ltd.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee find that the project, with
the following conditions, meets the criteria set forth in the
Commission’s Rules and Regulations, the Commission’s
Guidelines for Alterations to Historic Buildings and New
Construction, and Standards 2, and 6 of the U.S. Secretary of the
Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and
therefore, the project will not have an adverse effect on the
significant historical and architectural features of the landmark
property and district and approve the project with the following
condition to be reviewed for approval by the Planning, Design, and
Historic Preservation Division staff:
1. As proposed, the historic green glazed Ludowici Italian clay
roofing tiles of the house may be replaced with dark green
DECRA stone-coated metal shingles approximating the profile
and appearance of the historic clay tiles.
Staff further recommends that, moving forward, for clay tile roofs
where a significant portion of the tiles are lost, broken, or
irreparably damaged as confirmed through a staff site visit to
review conditions, Historic Preservation staff may review and
approve permit applications for the removal and replacement of the
clay tiles with metal tile shingles or similarly shaped substitute
materials to match existing as closely as possible without further
review and decision of the Permit Review Committee or the
4. 742 S. Dearborn 4th Ward
Printing House Row District
Proposed new 7-story building with 60 residential units with ground floor retail and
residential roof deck
Applicant: LG Develpoment Group, Gabriel Leahu, owner
John Myefski, Myefski Architects Inc.
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee find that the project, with
the following conditions, meets the criteria set forth in the
Commission’s Rules and Regulations, the Commission’s
Guidelines for Alterations to Historic Buildings and New
Construction and therefore, the project will not have an adverse
effect on the significant historical and architectural features of the
landmark district and approve the project with the following
conditions to be reviewed for approval by the Planning, Design,
and Historic Preservation staff:
1. Permit plans shall include:
a. Enlarged dimensioned sections of the rooftop enclosure and
b. Enlarged dimensioned details and product specifications of
the proposed architectural louver/grille system, which shall
have a low profile and a dark, factory-applied finish;
c. Enlarged dimensioned elevations and sections of the
proposed storefronts, which shall have a dark, factoryapplied
d. Enlarged elevations and sections of the proposed cornices,
which shall have a substantial projection; and,
2. The standard-size face brick (Interstate Brick Iron), mortar
(deep brown) and cast stone sample (resembling Indiana
Limestone), dark bronze window cladding, black granite for
the bulkhead panel and gray Nichia Panel Cladding for the
penthouse enclosure is approved as submitted.
5. 777 S. Dearborn 4th Ward
Printing House Row District
Proposed new 4-story masonry building with ground-floor commercial space and one
residential unit for the upper floors.
Applicant: Chris and Sara Talsma, owner and architect
Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Committee find that the project, with
the following condition, meets the criteria set forth in the
Commission’s Rules and Regulations, the Commission’s
Guidelines for Alterations to Historic Buildings and New
Construction and therefore, the project will not have an adverse
effect on the significant historical and architectural features of the
landmark district and approve the project with the following
1. The proposed shape of the 4-story building is unusual
compared to the general shapes associated with the district and
the proposed dark grey/black cladding material is also not
consistent with the district’s color palette. In combination these
two issues result in a new structure that does not meet the
Commission’s guideline and criteria for new construction.
Changing the color of the cladding material to be consistent
with the earth-tone color palette of the historic buildings in the
district, such as in a red or brown color range, would
substantially alleviate this issue. Should material samples of
the exterior cladding, consistent with the above described color
palette, be submitted to Historic Preservation staff for review
for approval, the proposed project shape, scale, and design is
approved as submitted.
6. 439-441 W. Arlington 43rd Ward
Arlington-Deming District
Proposed new 4-story masonry residential building for 8 dwelling units and 14 enclosed
parking spaces with relocation of an existing curb-cut.
Applicant: Lizzie Kaplan, Sedgwick Investments, developer
George Halik, architect
Staff Recommendation: Staff that the Committee find that the project, with the following
conditions, meets the criteria set forth in the Commission’s Rules
and Regulations, the Commission’s Guidelines for Alterations to
Historic Buildings and New Construction, and Standards 1, 2, 3, 5,
9, and 10 of the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for
Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings and therefore, the project will
not have an adverse effect on the significant historical and
architectural features of the landmark property and district and
approve the project with the following conditions to be reviewed
for approval by the Planning, Design, and Historic Preservation
Division staff:
Exterior Alterations to 439 W. Arlington:
1. As proposed, the existing 7’-7-1/2” wide curb-cut and
driveway may be relocated to the west side of the property and
may be enlarged to be 12’-0” wide as this new location is at the
edge of the landmark district boundary and helps to create a
buffer from the residential character along Arlington to the
commercial use along Clark;
2. The two historic masonry piers may also be relocated further
west along the property to align with the relocated curb-cut as
proposed. The face brick and stone units shall be salvaged and
reinstalled to match the existing pier designs;
3. The new 1-story portion of the new construction project may
abut the existing west side façade of 439 W. Arlington as this
area is clearly secondary and set back 28-feet from the front
New Construction at 441 W. Arlington:
4. The proposed siting, size, shape, and scale of the new 4-story
building exhibits the features associated with the district and is
approved as proposed with the following conditions:
a) The 4th floor set back 17’-6” from the front façade is
approved as proposed. Rooftop trellises and/or permanent
landscape features are not approved at this time and would
require additional information and future review and
b) The design of the new garage door, proposed to be setback
approximately 50’ from the front façade shall have a
painted finish and incorporate recessed paneling in-keeping
with the architectural character of the district. The garage
door cut-sheet shall be included in the permit plans;
c) All window and door details shall be included in the permit
plans. The simulated-divided-lite muntins shall have
substantial exterior and interior profiles with a spacer bar;
d) Exterior wall material samples shall be provided as part of
the permit application for Historic Preservation staff review
and approval.