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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee receives workers' compensation update

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Thursday, Feb. 2.

The committee is in charge of reviewing matters related to fiscal control of the county; health, dental/vision, property, liability, workers compensation and unemployment coverage of the county; and policies related to labor relations and laws with regard to county employees.

Here are the minutes as provided by the committee:


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 5:00 PM


Call to Order (5:00 PM)

Members Present: Comparato, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell, Peterson and Rowe

Also Present: John S. Rendleman, Andrew Erbes, Larry Reinhardt, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Susie Kilquist, Dottie Miles, Josh Barringer, Michelle Tweedy

Approval of Minutes

I. 17-2150 January 9, 2017

A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Peterson, to approve the January 9, 2017 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chair's Report

II. 17-2161 Discussion of Meeting Day/Time

Hunter asked if the 2nd Monday at 5pm still worked for everyone, they agreed. The Finance and Administration Committee will continue to meet on the 2nd Monday at 5pm each month.


III. 17-2151 Worker's Compensation Update 

Miles reported that there is currently one person on modified duty. Also, there is a possibility of an exposure claim in the near future. Erbes mentioned that he spoke with a Mr. Weber who wants to come make a presentation on aggressive work comp plans. 

IV. 17-2152 Health Insurance Report Hunter gave a brief report on the Health Insurance Taskforce meeting. 

V. 17-2153 Payment of Health Insurance Claims A motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Peterson, to authorize payment of February Fixed Costs, AIMM, December 30,2016 and January 13, 2017 County Health Insurance Claims. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

VI. 17-2154 Tort Liability Update

No update at this time. Rendleman informed the committee that the current county insurance carrier has attorney's in Chicago but use a local attorney for future claims. 

Finance VII. 17-2155 Cash Balances 

Hunter explained that this is just information to help the committee when it comes time for budget preparation. 

VIII. 17-2156 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2017-09 Parcel#14-04-407-009 

a. Delinquent Tax Property Discussion 

The committee discussed how they would like to proceed with the tax delinquent property ordinance. Some of the options that were discussed are: sending a letter to all taxing bodies to request their participation, identify what to do in the interim, possibly rescind the ordinance, identifying an alternative funding source and possible grants that may be available to help. The committee asked the committee coordinator to draft a letter, to be sent to all taxing bodies asking them to participate with the county, for the Chairman's approval and signature. A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Maxwell, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolution 2017-09 Parcel#14-04-407-009. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

IX. 17-2157 County Clerk Budget Adjustment 

County Clerk/Recorder Reinhardt requested a supplemental appropriati on in the amount of $37,350 to cover election costs, judge fees and personnel due to the the lack of state funding. Reinhardt stated that these funds were initially built into his budget but they got cut during the budget process. The committee discussed his request, whether the county could be reimbursed if the state did get a budget, future budgeting, and if there is anything that could be done to remain in compliance with state and federal law but still save money. Then the committee discussed where to find the money; the decision was to take the funds from county general. The point was made that the funds in county general are to cover the PTELL short fall and that in later in the year the board may need to find $37,350 to cover the supplemental appropriation. 

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Rowe, to authorize a supplimental appropriation for $37,350 out of county general contingency fund to meet the request of the County Clerk/Recorder, with the stipulation that if any of the grant funds do come in from the state they will be paid back to the contingency fund. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

X. 17-2158 River Levee Bond Fund 

Tweedy informed the committee that the county is $485 short in the River Levee Bond Fund. The options are to raise the levy by a percentage or an exact amount up to a total of 5%. The committee discussed what would be best for the life of the bond; to ac count for the taxes that were deemed noncollectable. A motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Maxwell, to approve increasing the levee bond levy to request 1% more than what the bond payment is for the life of the bond. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XI. 17-2159 Payment of County Monthly Claims 

a. Payment of Travel Expenses 

b. Illinois Government Finance Officers Association Dues 

The committee authorized payment of the dues for the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association dues when they are due. 

A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Rowe, to approve payment of the County Monthly Claims in the amount of $305,093.84. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Rowe, to approve payment of County Board Members travel reimbursement. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Computing Services 

XII. 17-2071 Discussion of Server Room A/C 

Barringer informed the committee that he has received two quotes for supplemental cooling for the server room; one for $12.600 and one for $6,400. He also stated that he is talking with 911 to see if they will pay for half the costs and the remaining costs can come from the computing services budget. The consensus of the committee is to authorize and direct the Chair of the Finance & Administration Committee and the Computing Services Manager to spend the necessary monies based on the lowest bid and any assistance from 911.

XIII. 17-2160 Union Grievance Resolution 

Hunter informed the committee that there were two grievances from AFSCME that have been resolved without cost to the county. 

Old Business 

New Business 

Adjourn (6:07 PM) 

Larkin moved and D. Bost seconded to adjourn, motion carried