
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Hamilton Elementary LCS Principal Selection Committee holds meeting to discuss the search process

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Hamilton Elementary Local School Council Principal Selection Committee met Tuesday, March 7.

Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:


1.​ ​Call to order

a.​ ​Called to order at 6:02. Leonard motioned, Grace seconded

Present – ​Heidi Knobloch, Carl Breving, David Earnhart, Leonard Rau, Grace Kierna, Kerrie Rovito, Elizabeth Warwick, Jen Kalmus, Evan Makela.

Also present: ​Jensea Chromy (HAT)

2.​ ​Roll call/Establish Quorum

a.​ ​Quorum established

3.​ ​Explanation of process

a.​ ​Leonard established the role of what a principal search will look like and how the interviews are being conducted. Let parents know that the LSC goes into closed session to talk about applicants for the privacy of the candidate, not to hide things from the public. Next round will be interviews, then round two, then site visits, then public presentation.

4. Public participation

a. The LSC took questions from parents who attended the meeting about the process.

5. Candidate review in private session

Meeting moved to private session at 6:31

6. Adjourn

Adjourned at 7:26. Grace motioned, Kerrie seconded