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Skokie Board of Trustees approves Community Development Block Grant projects and funding levels

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Skokie Board of Trustees met Monday, Feb. 6.

Here are the minutes as provided by Skokie:

MINUTES of a regular meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Skokie, Cook County, Illinois held in the Council Chambers at 5127 Oakton Street at 8 p.m. on Monday, February 6, 2017

Pledge of Allegiance led by Cub Scout Pack #85 from Middleton School The Clerk called the Roll. Those present were Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray- Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Moved: Trustee Bromberg Seconded: Trustee Klein Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

* Approve, as submitted, minutes of regular meeting held Tuesday, January 17, 2017. Omnibus vote.

* Approve Voucher List #18-FY17 of February 6, 2017. Omnibus vote.

* Appointments, Reappointments and Resignations.

A. Appointments

Public Arts Advisory Committee: Steve Bynum Human Relations Commission: Jeremy Segall Sustainable Environmental Advisory Commission: Chris Young 

B. Reappointments

Commission on Family Services: Harold Primack as Chair Plan Commission: Paul Luke as Chair Omnibus vote.

Report of the Village Manager. * A. Old Orchard Road (Harms Road to Woods Drive) Bike Trail Project Village of Skokie/State of Illinois Agreement for Federal Participation. Resolution 17-2-R-1342 Motion to concur with Staff’s recommendation to approve a Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Board to execute the Agreement for Federal participation with the State of Illinois. Omnibus vote.

Report of the Corporation Counsel.

CONSENT: *A. Ordinance 17-2-C-4272 Motion to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 118 of the Skokie Village Code pertaining to shopping cart collection (2016-28P). This item is on the consent agenda for second reading and adoption. Omnibus vote.

*B. Resolution 17-2-R-1343 Motion to adopt a resolution approving a plat of subdivision for 7300-7400 and 7347 Linder Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, in an M1 Office Assembly Industry district (2016-35P). This item is on the consent agenda for approval. Omnibus vote.


C. Resolution 17-2-R-1344 Motion to adopt a resolution approving a plat of subdivision for the property located at 8032 to 8038 Floral Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, in an R4 Multifamily Housing district. This item is on the agenda for first reading and approval. Moved: Trustee Roberts Seconded: Trustee Ulrich Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

D. Resolution 17-2-R-1345 Motion to adopt a resolution approving a plat of subdivision for the property located at 5148 Pratt Avenue, Skokie, Illinois, in an R2 Single-Family district. This item is on the agenda for first reading and approval. Moved: Trustee Klein Seconded: Trustee Gray-Keeler Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

E. An ordinance approving a plat of dedication for a portion of the property located adjacent to 4833 Oakton Street, Skokie, Illinois, in a CX Core Mixed-Use district. This item is on the agenda for first reading and will be on the February 21, 2017 agenda for second reading and adoption.

Unfinished Business. 

A. 2017-2018 Community Development Block Grant Hearing #3 Planner/CDBG Administrator Carrie J. Haberstich presented the CDBG Public Hearing #3. The Village's entitlement grant for Program Year 2017-18 remains unknown, so the estimate of $500,000 continues to be assumed at this point based on a slight reduction from Program Year 2016-17 entitlement funding. In addition to the new entitlement, $36,268 in unobligated funds and $2,378 in program income is recommended to be applied to the Program Year 2017-18 budget. (The main sources of unobligated funds are from previous surplus entitlement funds or capital improvement project bids coming in under budget.) The program cap of 20% for planning and administration funding is applied only against the new entitlement while the 15% cap for public service funding (non-capital expenditures) is applied against the new entitlement plus program income. Per our normal procedures, a balance of unobligated funds will be retained for emergencies for activities such as the Home Improvement Program, Street Resurfacing, or the 50/50 Sidewalk Replacement Program, should the recommended allocations prove inadequate during Program Year 2017-18. The total estimated budget is $538,646.

CDBG Recommended Budget

Program Year 2017-18 February 6, 2017


Year Program Year

2016-17 2017-18

Projects Funded Requested

Suggested Allowed Administration

VOS - Program Administration and Planning 99,000 80,000 80,000

VOS - Assessment of Fair Housing - 20,000 20,000 Subtotal 99,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Tier Service 1 VOS - Social Worker 30,250 43,523 28,357 1 Metropolitan Family Services 6,000 6,000 6,000 2 JCFS 4,000 10,000 4,000 4 Open Communities - 10,000 0 3 MNASR - 3,500 0

Suburban Primary Health Care Council (Access to Care) - 6,000 0 2 Asian Human Services - Services - 15,000 3,000 1 PEER Services Inc. 7,500 12,000 7,500 2 Children's Advocacy Center 3,000 4,000 3,000 2 The Harbour Inc. 6,000 10,878 6,000 1 North Shore Senior Center 10,000 10,000 10,000 1 YOU Youth and Opportunity United 7,500 15,000 7,500

Subtotal 74,250 145,901 75,357 75,357

Construction VOS - Home Improvement Program 70,000 45,000 45,000

Housing Opportunity Development Corporation 12,000 - - VOS - Street Resurfacing 192,500 230,000 230,000 VOS - 50/50 Sidewalk Grant Program 3,000 3,000 3,000

CJE SeniorLife 25,000 - - Turning Point 12,000 19,552 19,552 SHORE - 40,800 40,800 Children's Advocacy Center - withdrawn - Search Inc. 10,000 15,000 15,000 Orchard Village 15,000 9,937 9,937 Asian Human Services - Construction 20,000 - -

Subtotal 359,500 363,289 363,289 363,289

Grand Total 532,750 609,190 538,646 538,646 Overall Budget with Unallocated Funds and Program Income 538,646 Estimated Entitlement from HUD 500,000 Unallocated Funds to be Programmed 36,268 PY16 Program Income 2,378

Motion to concur with the recommended projects and funding levels for 2017-2018 CDBG programs. Moved: Trustee Ulrich Seconded: Trustee Gray-Keeler Ayes: Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None Abstain: Roberts, Sutker MOTION CARRIED

Plan Commission. 

A. Plan Commission Case 2016-36P – Zoning Chapter Amendment: Maximum Height in M Zoning Districts Motion to concur with Staff’s recommendation that the following sections of Chapter 118 Zoning of the Skokie Village Code be amended. Moved: Trustee Sutker Seconded: Trustee Roberts Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

B. Plan Commission Case 2016-37P – Zoning Map Amendment: 5830 Howard Street Motion to concur with the petitioner’s request to change the zoning district for 5830 Howard St. from M1 Office Assembly Industry to M2 Light Industry be approved subject to all conditions. Elliot Berman from Berman-Lapetina Enterprises, LLC answered questions from the Board. Moved: Trustee Klein Seconded: Trustee Gray-Keeler Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

C. Plan Commission Case 2016-38P – Subdivision: 5830 Howard Street Motion to concur with the Plan Commission that the petitioner’s request to resubdivide 14 lots into 1 lot at 5830 Howard in an M2 Light Industry be approved subject to all conditions. Moved: Trustee Roberts Seconded: Trustee Sutker Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein , Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

D. Plan Commission Case 2016-39P – Site Plan Approval: 5830 Howard Street Motion to concur with the Plan Commission that the site plan approval for a building 48’ tall, surface parking, and storm water retention be approved subject to all conditions. Moved: Trustee Gray-Keeler Seconded: Trustee Bromberg Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

E. Plan Commission Case 2016-41P – Special Use Permit: 5830 Howard Street Motion to concur with the Plan Commission that a special use permit for a self-service storage facility at 5830 Howard Street be approved subject to all conditions. Moved: Trustee Roberts Seconded: Trustee Ulrich Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein, Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

Citizen Comments. Jessica Beverly, Skokie Citizens for Action, 8451 Drake, Janice Sackett, 8438 St. Louis, Brian Clark, 7907 Tripp spoke about Sanctuary Cities. Marda Dunsky, 9533 Laramie, spoke about Village of Skokie Municipal Elections. Katie Gudgel, 5155 Brown, spoke about CDBG funding from the Federal government.

Mayor Van Dusen responded at length to the items on Citizen Comments.

Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 9:25 p.m.

Moved: Trustee Bromberg Seconded: Trustee Klein Ayes: Roberts, Sutker, Ulrich, Bromberg, Klein Gray-Keeler and Mayor Van Dusen Nays: None. Absent: None MOTION CARRIED

Pramod Shah, Village Clerk


Mayor George Van Dusen