
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicago Police Board approves amendments to the board's Rules of Procedure

City of Chicago Police Board Monthly met Thursday, Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes as provided by Chicago:



THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2017, 7:30 P.M.


Board Members Present: President Lori E. Lightfoot, Vice President Ghian Foreman (via audio conference), Eva-Dina Delgado, Michael Eaddy (via audio conference), Steve Flores, Rita A. Fry, John H. Simpson, and Rhoda D. Sweeney.

Board Members Absent: None.

Others Present: Superintendent of Police Eddie T. Johnson, General Counsel to the Superintendent Charise Valente, Independent Police Review Authority Chief Administrator Sharon Fairley, Police Board Executive Director Max A. Caproni, and members of the public.

President Lightfoot called the meeting to order. She reported that Vice President Foreman and Rev. Eaddy are not able to attend the meeting in person and wish to attend via audio conference. Mr. Simpson moved to permit attendance via audio conference. The motion passed by a vote of 6 in favor (Lightfoot, Delgado, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed.

1. Ms. Fry moved to approve the minutes of the Board’s regular public meeting held on December 8, 2016. The motion passed by a vote of 8 in favor (Lightfoot, Foreman, Delgado, Eaddy, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed.

2. President Lightfoot announced that the Board's next regular public meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 16, 2017, at Chicago Public Safety Headquarters. Mr. Simpson moved to close a series of executive sessions of the Board for the purposes of considering litigation and personnel matters, as authorized by sections 2(c)(1), (3), (4), and (11) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. The motion passed by a vote of 8 in favor (Lightfoot, Foreman, Delgado, Eaddy, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed.

3. President Lightfoot announced that the schedule of the Board's regular public meetings for 2017 is available at the meeting and is posted on the Board's website.

4. President Lightfoot stated that a report of disciplinary actions taken by the Board during the previous month appears in the blue books made available at the meeting, and she noted that this report and the Board's written findings and decisions are posted on the Boards website. She then announced that the Board considered in a closed meeting two disciplinary cases, and that the Board will now take final action on these cases.

Case Nos. 10 PB 2726 and 2727. President Lightfoot the following information. In 2011 the Police Board found Police Officers Brian Murphy and Jason Orsa guilty of engaging in an unjustified altercation while off duty, and discharged them from the Chicago Police Department. The Respondents appealed, and the Circuit Court reversed the Board's decision. In August 2016, the Appellate Court of Illinois reversed the Circuit Court and affirmed the Board's original decision. The Supreme Court of Illinois recently denied the Respondents’ petition for leave to appeal. Brian Murphy and Jason Orsa have since resigned from the Chicago Police Department.

Ms. Sweeney moved to terminate the proceedings against Brian Murphy and Jason Orsa because they have resigned. The motion passed by a vote of 8 in favor (Lightfoot, Foreman, Delgado, Eaddy, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed.

Ms. Fry reported that pursuant to Section 2-57-060(c) of the Municipal Code of Chicago, a panel of three members of Police Board, as authorized by the Open Meetings Act, considered in a closed meeting one matter on which the Chief Administrator of the Independent Police Review Authority and the Superintendent of Police did not agree regarding the discipline of a sergeant. Ms. Fry announced that the members of the panel-Board Members Eaddy, Fry, and Simpsonwill now take action to resolve the issue regarding the recommendation for discipline.

Case Nos. 16 RP 08. Ms. Fry reported the following information. This case involves an allegation that Sergeant Sean Tully failed to follow Department policy when he failed to bring an arrestee for medical and/or mental health treatment. The Chief Administrator recommended Sustaining the allegation and suspending the sergeant for 120 days. The Superintendent concurred with the Sustained finding, but recommended a 28-day Suspension.

Mr. Simpson moved to find that the Superintendent's response does not meet the burden of overcoming the Chief Administrator's recommendation for discipline. The motion passed by a vote of 3 in favor (Eaddy, Fry, and Simpson) to 0 opposed.

5. President Lightfoot announced that next item on the agenda is consideration of revisions to Article VI of the Police Board's Rules of Procedure. She reported the following information. A notice of the Board's plan to consider these revisions, and a draft of the revisions, were posted on the Board's website on January 3, 2017. These revisions are necessitated by the recent passage of the ordinance establishing the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA). Article VI of the Police Board's Rules of Procedure sets forth the procedures for resolving disagreements between the Chief Administrator and the Superintendent of Police regarding the recommended discipline for Police Department members. The ordinance that established the Independent Police Review Authority required a review of these matters by a panel of three Police Board members. The COPA ordinance changes this process by requiring review of these matters by one Police Board member.

Ms. Fry moved to amend Article VI of the Board's Rules of Procedure as set forth in the draft of the revisions posted on the Board's website and made available at this evening's meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 8 in favor (Lightfoot, Foreman, Delgado, Eaddy, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed.

President Lightfoot announced that with the Board's approval of these revisions to its Rules of Procedure, the provisions of subsection 2-78-130(a)(iii) of the COPA ordinance pertaining solely to reviews of disciplinary-related recommendations by one member of the Police Board shall be implemented. She noted that this action does not affect the implementation of any other provision of subsection 2-78-130(a)(iii) or any other section of the COPA ordinance.

7. President Lightfoot announced that copies of the general orders and other directives issued by the Superintendent of Police during the previous month are listed in the blue books and are available on the Police Department's website.

8. President Lightfootnoted that the next item of business is the Superintendent's report. Mr. Simpson moved that the oral presentation be waived, and that the report be received in writing. The motion passed by a vote of 8 in favor (Lightfoot, Foreman, Delgado, Eaddy, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed.

9. President Lightfoot called upon those members of the public who had signed up in advance to speak. (See the transcript of the meeting, posted on the Board's website, for a complete report of the discussion.)

Melvin Bailey spoke about the issues of crime, abandoned buildings, and liquor stores in the community.

Mauri Bey spoke about the abridgement of her constitutional rights.

Pamela Hunt spoke about policing and racism.

Dorothy Holmes spoke about the fatal shooting of her son by a police officer.

Raysurnett Morris spoke about her disciplinary case that was before the Police Board several years ago.

President Lightfoot called upon EveAngel Yhwnewbn and there was no response.

George Blakemore spoke on a variety of matters.

Robert More spoke on a variety of matters.

President Lightfoot stated that all persons that had signed up in advance to speak had been called. Mr. Simpson moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by a vote of 8 in favor

(Lightfoot, Foreman, Delgado, Eaddy, Flores, Fry, Simpson, and Sweeney) to 0 opposed. President Lightfoot announced that the meeting is adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Max A. Caproni Executive Director
