
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Ogden International School of Chicago Local School Council met Fe. 25.

The Ogden International School of Chicago Local School Council met Feb. 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. Call to Order

Hennessy called to order at 901am.

2. Roll Call and Verification of Quorum
















Quorum established

3. Approval of Agenda and Minutes

Approve agenda. Martinez motions. Smedley seconds. Approved.

Approve minutes. Speizer motions. Vaughan seconds. Approved.

` 4. Announcements/Introduction and Welcome of Guests

Dr. Beyer welcomed incoming LSC Student Liaison, Akilah Muhammad, who begins her term on July 1, 2017.

5. Public Comment

6. Reports

• Principal

Status of Budget

Current budget is approximately $500,000.


-Brandon Celio is organizing a Life trip to Mexico for middle school students this spring.

-Harvest Bible church will not be renewing their lease which ends in September. Will be a loss of $130,000 of income per year.

Internal Accounts

Budget ActionRequest

to transfer/use Ogden funds to hire additional:

• Custodian for East Campus

o East Campus has consistently been understaffed due to absences. East has 3.5 custodians assigned, whereas West has 3, despite East having much more programming and usage. Additionally, the.5 position at East has not been reliable.

East Campus we have constant issues of cleanliness. (Aramark representative was asked to attend LSC meeting today and did not show up)

Does not seem reasonable that we need to pay for a custodian. Beyer asked the LSC to draft a letter to Aramark to officially put grievances in writing as a first step in resolving the issue.

• Open Youth Intervention Specialist for West Campus

o We need this position at each campus. Currently, there are two of these roles at West, and we have moved one to East to improve discipline and security, which means we need to open a position at West to replace this person.

Dr. Beyer would like to hire Mr. Henderson full time as a Youth Intervention Specialist at West Campus. Dr. Beyer is asking for Permission to open this position.

Smedley motions to open position of Youth Intervention Specialist for West Campus with the understanding of a cost most likely not to exceed $60,000. Wells seconds.


Beyer yes

Baker absent

Celio absent

Frits yes

Hennessy yes

Hopp yes

Martinez yes

Moore yes

Ramos absent

Smedley yes

Speizer yes

Wells yes

Vaughan yes

Motion approved

• Open security position for West Campus

o West Campus has been understaffed, requiring the use of clerks and teachers to work the security desk for several periods each day.

Stacie Chana reported that West Campus has two security guards. Due to security guard scheduling West Campus needs more security support especially during lunch and recess.

Moore motions to grant Dr. Beyer permission to open a security position for West Campus with the understanding of a cost most likely not to exceed $35,000-$40,000. Wells seconds.


Beyer yes

Baker absent

Celio absent

Frits yes

Hennessy yes

Hopp yes

Martinez yes

Moore yes

Ramos absent

Smedley yes

Speizer yes

Wells yes

Vaughan yes

Motion approved


Dr. Beyer reported that the loss of Professional Development time this year due to furlough time is affecting us. East Campus -Cara Kranz explained they are working towards a school wide program for this fall for social emotional learning. Currently eight teachers have been trained by the District on the pilot program Second Step Curriculum.

• Friends of Ogden

Barbara Hennessy reported:

-In January Friends of Ogden funded a kindergarten program called Stretch and Grow. Gives students one period per week of additional movement and nutrition information.

-In February Friends of Ogden funded IB programming professional development which occurs at the end of March.

-Friends of Ogden has been asked to provide Chromebooks for Middle School.

-Soiree is on March 4 at the Montgomery. Have 30 faculty and staff that have been parent sponsored to attend the event. Thank you to all who have supported. Online auction begins on March 6.

Calendar- give back on March 30 at the Windsor. More details to follow.

Also have a give back with Madewell. Summer Send Off will be June 5 at the Godfrey.


No report


Brendan Vaughan reported that East Campus continuing evaluation of summative assessments to ensure IB alignment. Great success with math coach. Discussing Literacy coach for this fall. Cara Kranz added that teachers have investigated math series. Majority of teachers would like to incorporate EnVision math this fall. Currently West Campus-high school uses Integrated Math.

• High School-Student Liaison

In March IB students are uploading and mock exams begin soon.


• Ogden International School at the East Campus provided the ACCESS Test to all ELL students between January 17 and February 17, 2017. This is as a Federal requirement. During this time our ELL Coordinator went on leave. Mrs. Esparza has graciously taken on the role, in addition to her teaching responsibilities. We appreciate her efforts in continuing to prepare for our Spring audit.

• 47 languages are spoken by Ogden East ELL students.

• Diverse Learner

Dr. Beyer reported that Rosie Goldberg will no longer be a parent at Ogden this fall as her son is a graduating senior. Looking for new leader of Diverse Learners group.

7. New Business

8. Old Business

9. Date and Location of Next Meeting

March 20, 2017 at 6pm at West Campus Library

10. Adjourn

Speizer motions to adjourn. Martinez seconds. Adjourned.
