
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners met Jan. 17.

Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners met Jan. 17.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:


Present: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri,

Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


There were no public speakers



Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 12/13/2016

A motion was made by Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Arroyo, to approve 17-0033. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation -12/13/2016

The Finance Subcommittee on Litigation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:

Proposed Settlements Approved Fiscal Year 2017 to Present: $0.00

Proposed Settlements to Be Approved: $1,250.00

Legal Fees Approved Fiscal Year 2017 to Present: $0.00

Legal Fees for 12/13/2016 to Be Approved: $159,498.48

A motion was made by Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Commissioner Morrison, to approve 17-0026. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Workers’ Compensation -1/17/2017 The Finance Subcommittee on Workers’ Compensation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:

Workers’ Compensation Claims approved Fiscal Year 2017 to present: $0.00

Workers’ Compensation Claims to Be Approved: $64,249.57

A motion was made by Commissioner Arroyo, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to approve 17-0027. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)



Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Department(s): Resource Management

Action: Disbursement approval

Payee: Friends of the Forest Preserves, Chicago, Illinois

Good(s) or Service(s): Youth employment programs

Fiscal Impact: $200,000.00

Accounts: 09-6758 Intern Programs

Contract Number(s): 13-31-118

District(s): Districtwide

Summary: The Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps and Career Immersion programs provide paid internship experiences for youth with a focus on education, conservation awareness, and hands-on ecological restoration. This program was initially approved by the Board on 2/18/2014, and was renewed for an additional year on 12/13/2016. A motion was made by Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to approve

17-0001. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Department(s): Planning & Development

Action: Disbursement Approval

Payee: Path Construction Company, Inc., Arlington Heights, Illinois

Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services

Fiscal Impact: $177,774.30

Accounts: Building Account, 25-6710

Contract Number(s): 13-80-01-G7R3

District(s): 15

Summary: Rolling Knolls Welcome Center

A motion was made by Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to approve 17-0010. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Department(s): Planning & Development

Action: Disbursement Approval

Payee: Path Construction Company, Inc., Arlington Heights, Illinois Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services

Fiscal Impact: $162,590.36

Accounts: Building Account, 25-6710

Contract Number(s): 13-80-01-G5R2

District(s): 1

Summary: Accessibility Fire Alarm and Life Safety System Upgrades at Various Buildings at the Central Compound

A motion was made by Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to approve 17-0011. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Department(s): Planning & Development

Action: Disbursement Approval

Payee: Speedy Gonzalez Landscaping, Inc., Chicago, Illinois

Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services

Fiscal Impact: $159,483.64

Accounts: Site Amenities, 55-6770

Contract Number(s): 16-80-22

District(s): 4 and 11

Summary: Pavement repairs, lighting and landscape improvements at Dan Ryan Woods A motion was made by Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to approve

17-0023. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)



Presented by: ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent


Department: Finance and Administration

Request: Receive and File

Report Title: Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expense

Report Period: 11/1/2016 - 11/30/2016

Summary: Detailed Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expense for November 2016.

A motion was made by Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Boykin, to receive and file 17-0019. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)


A motion was made by Commissioner Daley, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to adjourn the meeting.. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: Goslin, Arroyo, Boykin, Butler, Daley, Fritchey, García, Moody, Morrison, Silvestri, Sims and Suffredin (12)

Absent: Steele, Gainer, Moore, Schneider and Tobolski (5)