
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Public Building Commission of Chicago met March 2.

Public Building Commission of Chicago met March 2.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Commission:

The reading of the minutes of the February 6, 2017 Administrative Operations Committee meeting

which were previously distributed, was dispensed with. Upon motion duly made and seconded the

minutes were unanimously adopted.

Pursuant to Section 2.06(g) of the Open Meetings Act, a public comment period was held. No

comments or statements were presented by any persons.

The AO Committee heard the following recommendation and report from the Chief of Staff.

 A recommendation to approve an amendment to Synapse Networks, for database

development and maintenance services. This amendment exercises the second of

two one year extension options through April 2018.

 A report indicating that the PBC would have Architect of Record appointment

recommendations for Chicago Park District projects at the March Board meeting.

The AO Committee accepted the report provided by the Chief of Staff.

Next the Director of Construction, Ray Giderof, advised the committee that four field orders were

issued as follows;

Edwards ES Annex & Renovation

Contractor: PS2036 Berglund/Current Project GMP: $33,792,856.00

054 2/2/2017 $2,000.00 Provide light fixture, conduit, wire and switch in Annex Storage Room.

Total $2,000.00

Southeast Area Elementary School

Contractor: C1564 Sollitt / Oakley Joint Venture / Original Contract Amount: $30,027,665.00/ Approved

Contract Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $30,027,665.00

023 2/2/2017 $600.00 Add (1) duplex power outlet at the 2nd floor main lobby south


Total $600.00

Thomas Hughes Children's Library at Harold Washington Branch Library

Contractor: C1575 Path Construction/ Original Contract Amount: $1,671,000.00/ Approved Contract

Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $1,671,000.00

006 2/2/2017 $8,474.49 Plumbing waste and vent line relocation.

007 1/19/2017 $16,704.05 Furnish and install access panels and relocate electrical ballasts and


Total $27,778.54

The Director of Construction also made a recommendation to approve a change order for the Jamieson

Elementary School Annex project in the total sum of $42,400.00. This change order is to remove and

dispose of the existing modular building.

The AO Committee accepted the reports provided by the Director of Construction.

The meeting was adjourned.