
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Chicago Public Library Board of Trustee met January 23

Webp meeting8213

West Chicago Public Library Board of Trustee met January 23.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

A. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by

President Nancy Conradt. President Conradt appointed Pat Weninger

as secretary pro tem.

B. Roll Call:

Trustees Present: Nancy Conradt, President; Frank Fokta, Vice

President; Richard Bloom, Treasurer; Pat Weninger, Secretary Pro

Tem; Diane Kelsey and Rosario Herbst, Members.

Staff Present: Ben Weseloh, Library Director; Joan Happel,

Administrative Secretary; Amanda Ghobrial, Adult Services Manager;

Dominique Roman, Youth Services Manager.

C. Approval of the Minutes:

1. Special Board Meeting - November 28, 2016: Mr. Bloom moved to

approve the Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 28, 2016;

seconded by Ms. Kelsey. The Board Room will be noted at the top as

the location of the meeting.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

2. Board Meeting - November 28, 2016: Mr. Bloom moved to approve

the Minutes of the November 28, 2016 Board Meeting; seconded by Mr. Fokta.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

3. Board Meeting - December 19, 2016: Mr. Bloom moved to approve

the Minutes of the December 19, 2016 Board Meeting; seconded by Mr. Fokta.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

D. Recognition of the Public: David Reynolds and Sandra Reynolds.

E. Public Comments: Discussion was had regarding Internet access

on library computers as related to distasteful or obscene material.

The Library's policies regarding Internet and materials are

available online at the Library's website and are contained in the

Internet and Electronic Information Network Policy and the

Collection Development and Materials Selection policy. The American

Library Association also has policies regarding free access. While

the Library does not specifically filter content, the ability to

use electronic filtering may be reviewed in the future because

federal dollars can be available to libraries for implementing

electronic filtering.

F. Agenda - Additions/Deletions: None.

G. Presentation:

1. Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 2016: Brian

LaFevre, of Sikich, Gardner LLC, presented to the board regarding

the Annual Financial Report and Auditor's Communication to the

Board. The Auditors are pleased to present an unmodified opinion -

previously called nonqualified opinion - to the West Chicago

Library District, the highest level of opinion which can be

received on the financial statements.

Mr. LaFevre reviewed with the Board details of the Annual Report,

including the following: The Management Discussion and Analysis

letter; the Statement of Net Position; the accrual basis of

accounting, reflecting three funds: General Fund, Special Reserve

Fund, and IMRF. The fund balance of the General Fund totaled

$247,000.00 as of June 30th, 2016.

Significant projects were completed in the fiscal year totaling

$442,000.00. The IMRF fund had an increase in fund balance of


Notes to the Financial Statement include Note No. 2 regarding the

deposits and investments of the District. The auditors confirm

that the Library's deposits are either covered by FDIC, by a

collateral pledge by the bank, or held at a third-party custodian.

More information is being provided regarding the pension plan,

which was required under the new GASB standard implemented June

30th, 2015, related to pension reporting. The plan is 74 percent

funded. The IMRF is currently on a rolling 28-year basis and does

not need to be 100 percent funded.

The Library's levy of tax monies have been collected at a rate of

99.85 percent for the 2014 tax year, a consistent trend over the

last several years.

The Auditor's Communication to the Board informs the District that

a standard that will impact the financial statements in the future

is GASB 75, relating to post-employment benefits, retiree health

insurance. The Standard 75 will be effective for the June 30, 2018

fiscal year and audited financial statements from that year.

H. Treasurer's Report:

1. Approval of the Bills for December 2016 and January 2017:

Mr. Bloom moved that the Board approve for payment expenses for

December in the amount of $190,066.61. Seconded by Mr. Fokta.

Roll call vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Frank Fokta, Rosario Herbst,

Diane Kelsey, Pat Weninger, Nancy Conradt. Motion carried.

The expenses for January 2017 were not transmitted from the

accountant. They will be on the February Agenda for approval.

2. Financial Statements for November/December 2016: The Financial

Statements will be addressed under the Library Director's Report.

I. Communications:

1. The Daily Herald annually requests to receive the Board Meeting

Agenda in advance of the meetings. They also requested personal

email addresses of the board member trustees; however, the Library

does not distribute trustees' personal email addresses.

2. The Alliance Group is disbanding, and the money remaining in

their fund has been disbursed equally among the member entities.

The Library received a check in the amount of $1,083.00; which will

be used to purchase youth materials.

3. The COD LTA program has requested a tour of the West Chicago

Library to be held March 14th, 2017.

4. Literacy DuPage is discontinuing their ESL conversation group

held at the Library due to lack of membership.

J. Reports:

1. President: No report.

2. Library Director: A written report was contained in the board packet.

Mr. Weseloh reported that the Library has received property tax

revenue at the rate of 99.71 percent; overall income received is at

96.99 percent of budget. Interest income has improved over last year.

The Library is 50 percent through the fiscal year elapsed; the

expenses are currently at 48.44 percent; and once the AJEs are

made, the expenses should be closer to an even 48 percent.

Mr. Weseloh requested that the doors to the Youth Services

Department be removed, which has opened up the lobby space.

Spielman Plumbing performed repairs to faucets and toilets, which

were original to the building 23 years ago.

Mr. Weseloh attended the intergovernmental meeting at a District 94

school. District 94 has approved going to referendum for

approximately $37 million for an expansion project. That question

will be on the ballot in April 2017.

The Per Capita Grant application and the 2015 expenditure report

were submitted January 12, 2017. In 2016 the Per Capita Grant

award was reduced from the previous year; the expected funds were

$43,000.00, and actual received were approximately $23,000.00.

Sikich provided the Library in November a quote for setting up the

email backup and archive, which totaled $17,000.00 for the two

services. An additional ongoing monthly cost for services to

backup and archive would be approximately $1,000.00. SWAN will not

be participating in the email services.

Mr. Weseloh was asked to try to find alternatives providers,

possibly receiving recommendations from the other LINC libraries

who will also be seeking to find a replacement to the LINC provider.

Voting is not yet completed for the SWAN membership; however,

enough votes have been received to accept the LINC and Magic

libraries into the SWAN system. The consolidation into the SWAN

system will not occur until 2018. In the meantime, LINC will

continue with its functions.

LINC board of directors did not meet this month. LINC will be

looking at the new budget at the February meeting.

The next Council of Governments meeting will be hosted at the West

Chicago Library on January 30, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. The trustees are

to let Mr. Weseloh know if they would like to attend.

There are four prospective candidates for three seats open for the

spring election of the West Chicago Library District Board of Trustees.

The library will be closed on Friday, February 10, 2017, for our

staff in-service. The annual ILA Legislative Luncheon will be held

at the Chicago Marriott in Oak Brook on February 13, 2017, at 11:30

a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; the cost is $40.00 a person. Reservations must

be in by February 1, 2017.

The Trustee Forum will be held at the Chicago Marriott in Oak Brook

on February 18, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; the cost is

$135.00 per person.

3. Department Managers: Written reports from the Department

Managers were included in the Board Packets. Short oral reports

were provided by Amanda Ghobrial from the Adult Services Department

and Dominique Roman from the Youth Services Department. (Staff left)

4. Policy: Ms. Weninger reported that the Policy Committee met

January 19, 2017. They reviewed the Internet and Electronic

Information Network, Freedom of Information, Confidentiality of

Library Records, Special Services, Library Card and Circulation,

and Bloodborne Pathogens policies; the only policy with substantive

changes recommended to be made was the Internet and Electronic

Information Network.

5. The Evaluation Committee met to review the Performance and

Evaluation tool developed by the Board in 2016. Present were

Ms. Weninger, Mr. Bloom, Ms. Jakacki, and Ms. Kelsey. The document

was slightly modified, and it will be included in the February

Board Packets. The committee believes that rather than set

specific goals in advance for the Library Director to achieve, the

goals would be eliminated to enable the Director to attend to

specific projects as they arise during the year at the request of the Board.

K. Unfinished Business: None.

L. New Business:

1. Policy Review:

a. Internet and Electronic Information Network: Mr. Fokta stated

the Policy Committee recommends the changes to the Internet and

Electronic Information Network as provided in the board packet.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

b. Freedom of Information: Mr. Fokta stated the Policy Committee

recommends changes to the Freedom of Information policy as provided

in the board packet.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

c. Confidentiality of Library Records: Mr. Fokta stated the Policy

Committee recommends approval of the Confidentiality of Library

Records as provided in your packet.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

d. Special Services: Mr. Fokta stated the Policy Committee

recommends passage of the Special Services policy.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

e. Library Card and Circulation: Mr. Fokta stated the Policy

Committee recommends changes to the Library Card and Circulation

policy as provided in the board packet.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

f. Bloodborne Pathogens: Mr. Fokta stated the Policy Committee has

reviewed the Blood Borne Pathogens policy and recommends no changes

to the policy at this time.

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

2. Appointment of Committee for Semi-Annual Review of Closed

Session Minutes and Executive Session Tapes of July through

December 2016: Ms. Conradt appointed the Committee for the

Semiannual Review of Closed Session Minutes and Executive Session

Tapes of July through December 2016. The committee will be Frank

Fokta and Diane Kelsey. The committee will note the process of

this procedure for reference by future review committees.

3. Sale or Disposition of Property (75 ILCS 16/30-55.32):

a. Phone Booth: Mr. Weseloh stated he would like to sell the phone

booth that is located in the lobby. Consideration has been given

to the possibility of utilizing the existing phone line to have a

fax machine put in for patron use as a revenue-generating service.

Mr. Weseloh has reviewed the Disposition of Surplus Library

Property policy as well as researched on the Internet the value of

the English phone booth. The value appears to be between $1,000.00

to $8,000. He will contact the City Museum to inquire whether they

would have an interest in this item.

The policy provides that property having a value of more than

$1,000.00 and less than $1,500.00 may be displayed at the library

along with a public notice of its availability, and the date and

terms of the proposed sale shall be posted.

The management team has discussed the possibility of having coffee

available for sale in the lobby as a revenue generator.

4. Strategic Planning: Mr. Weseloh had included funds for a

Strategic Plan in the budget. Discussion was had regarding the

cost of the strategic planning process and the consistent goals of

the Library comprising engagement, space utilization, and technology.

Mr. Weseloh proposed to extend the current Strategic Plan for two

more years, at which time the Library will be recognizing the 25th

year of being in its new building. Outreach and space utilization

continue to be at the forefront of the Library's initiatives.

The consensus of the Board at this time is not to spend money on a

consultant for a new strategic plan.

5. Board Retreat: The Board had decided, two or three years ago,

that it would have a board retreat only if necessary. Mr. Weseloh

made the recommendation to invite the Library's lawyer, Roger

Ritzman, to a board retreat, possibly in June. A board orientation

will be held if a candidate is elected to the board who is new to

serving on the Library District Board.

L. Closed Session: None held.

M. Adjournment: President Conradt adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m.
