
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Chicago Public Library Board of Trustee met March 27

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West Chicago Public Library Board of Trustee met March 27.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

A. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by

President Nancy Conradt. President Conradt appointed Pat Weninger

as Secretary Pro tem.

B. Roll Call:

Trustees Present: Nancy Conradt, President; Frank Fokta, Vice

President; Richard Bloom, Treasurer; Pat Weninger, Secretary Pro

Tem; Rosario Herbst and Diane Kelsey, Members.

Staff Present: Ben Weseloh, Library Director; Joan Happel,

Administrative Secretary; Amanda Ghobrial, Adult Services Manager;

Dominique Roman, Youth Services Manager.

C. Approval of the Minutes:

1. Board Meeting - February 27, 2017: Mr. Bloom moved to approve

the Minutes of the February 27, 2017 Board Meeting as amended;

seconded by Pat Weninger.

- Page 1, Item G-1, the second paragraph should read "A low

deductible PPO, a high."

Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

D. Recognition of the Public: None.

E. Public Comments: None.

F. Agenda - Additions/Deletions: None.

G. Treasurer's Report:

1. Approval of the Bills for March 2017: Mr. Bloom moved the board

approve expenses in the amount of $157,535.42; seconded by

Ms. Herbst.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Rosario Herbst, Frank Fokta,

Diane Kelsey, Pat Weninger, Nancy Conradt. Motion carried.

The Finance Committee is entering the budget season. They will

meet at 6:30 p.m., April 26, 2017. A second budget meeting will be

scheduled in May, as needed.

2. Financial Statements for February 2017 will be covered under the

Library Director's Report.

H. Communications: None.

I. Reports:

1. President: President Conradt reviewed the May 2015 agenda

because May of 2015 was the District's last election year. If an

incumbent trustee was not reelected, that trustee's last meeting

will be the May meeting. At the May meeting the election results

are provided; the oath of office is given to the three newly

elected trustees; an election of officers is held for the board

positions which begin as of the May meeting; and then the new board

considers the proposed budget.

The Library Director's yearly evaluation should be completed prior

to the May meeting. President Conradt would like to set at the

April board meeting the date to perform the Director's evaluation.

President Conradt asked the Library Director to complete a

self-evaluation on his yearly progress.

2. Library Director: A written report was contained in the board

packet. Mr. Weseloh reported that the Library has collected 98.11

percent of its budgeted revenue; fiscal year-to-date expenses are

at 59.62 percent of budget; and the Library is 66 percent through

its fiscal year elapsed. The Per Capita Grant, budgeted at

$23,000.00, has not yet been received.

The security camera project and the interior signage project are

still in progress.

Mr. Weseloh emailed to the trustees a copy of the IMET annual

report; he attended the annual meeting on March 14, 2017 in

Lombard. The proposal was received from Sikich for auditing

services, which was included in the board packets for review.

Lighting repairs in the Adult Services Department were completed.

One of the fixtures needed to be replaced. They were not under

warranty. Mr. Weseloh spoke with the architect from the project,

and they discussed the replacement of several of the fixture

drivers. These repairs will be noted in the event a question

arises whether the fixtures were defective in this regard, at which

time the manufacturer would be contacted.

Mr. Weseloh and Jason Rock attended the Sikich quarterly business

review meeting; and the email backup, storage and retrieval was

discussed. The Library has two servers that are eight years old

and recommended to be replaced. However, with the email backup

systems that are being considered, the two servers would not need

to be replaced if the service would be provided through a

cloud-based option. Mr. Weseloh will provide at the April meeting

an outline of the options and the costs associated with those

options. Sikich offered to speak to the board at a future meeting

regarding the services they provide.

The LINC Directors meeting was held at Bloomingdale Public Library

on March 10, 2017. SWAN is mailing a biweekly newsletter. Jason

Rock submitted the IT survey to make sure that the West Chicago

Library has everything it needs from an IT perspective; and he will

research whether any additional technology needs may be eligible

for some RAILS grants to offset some of the cost.

The LINC budget was provided to the trustees, and it needs to be

voted on for approval by this board. The evaluation for the

Executive Director of LINC was discussed in closed session at the


The second survey in the survey series went out; this one seeks to

measure satisfaction with the library's materials collections.

Mr. Weseloh is investigating printing options for a program guide.

The annual ILLNET ILL traffic survey and the data survey was


3. Department Managers: Written reports from the Department

Managers were included in the Board Packets. Short oral reports

were provided by Amanda Ghobrial from the Adult Services Department

and Dominique Roman from the Youth Services Department.

Access services, of the 952 materials items recently acquired, 63

percent were e-books or e-audio books. The e-book checkout saw a

4.8 percent increase over last year. The percent of the District

residents who are Library cardholders is 44.3.

(Staff left)

J. Unfinished Business: None.

K. New Business:

1. Report of the Committee for the Semi-Annual Review of Closed

Session Minutes and Executive Session Tapes of July through

December 2016: Mr. Fokta will meet with Ms. Kelsey over the next

month and give a report at the April meeting.

2. LINC budget: Mr. Bloom moved to approve the LINC budget in the

amount of $574,280; seconded by Ms. Weninger.

The transition of the LINC office was discussed. The Executive

Director of LINC may have a new laptop and printer purchased for

her use.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Pat Weninger, Frank Fokta,

Rosario Herbst, Diane Kelsey, Nancy Conradt. Motion carried.

3. Resolution 17-01: A Resolution to Transfer $75,000 From Within

the Corporate Fund to the GASB 54 Fund: Mr. Bloom moved to approve

the transfer of $75,000.00 from the Corporate Fund to the GASB 54

Fund; seconded by Ms. Herbst.

Roll Call Vote - Yes: Richard Bloom, Rosario Herbst, Frank Fokta,

Diane Kelsey, Pat Weninger, Nancy Conradt. Motion carried.

L. Closed Session: None held.

M. Return to Open Session: No closed session held.

N. Adjournment: President Conradt adjourned the meeting at 7:37 p.m.
