
Chicago City Wire

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Illinois Liquor Control Commission met February 23.

Webp meeting240

Illinois Liquor Control Commission met February 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call the Roll:

Constance Beard, Chair

Cynthia Cronin Cahill, Commissioner

James Pandolfi, Commissioner

Donald 0' Connell, Commissioner

Thomas Gibbons, Commissioner

Patricia Pulido Sanchez, Commissioner

Maria Saldana, Commissioner

Also Present:

Donovan Borvan, Executive Director

Sean O'Leary, Chief Legal Counsel

Barbara Btuno, Deputy Director

Dusanka Marijan, Licensing Administrator

Richard Haymaker, Administrative Law Judge

Kristen Sweat, Industry Education

Lee Roupas, Industry Education

Meagan Sharkey, Administrative Assistant

I. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Chair Beard to defer the approval of the minutes for the January 181 1\ 2017 Business Meeting to March 15111 , 2017. The motion was unanimously approved by the Commission.

II. Licensing Division

Dusanka Marijan stated that the online license renewal rate has increased to 69.5%. Mrs. Marijan also provided a report of all new licenses issued for December and January.

III. Enforcement Division

Barbara Bruno stated that tree training sessions took place for the LC-13 pilot program in January, totaling 11 trained local inspectors. Currently, there are six training sessions scheduled for February. The LC-13 inspectors have prefonns 282 inspections, resulting in 103 total violations.

There were two SAM details conducted in January and there are five more scheduled for February. The Commission currently has 16 approved underage employees statewide.

Plans are underway to conduct tree UACC details in conjunction with Cities of Champaign and Urbana as well as the County of Champaign in March 2017.

IV. Legal Division

Sean O'Leary explained that staff is in the final stages of preparing a draft for "of value" regulations. The Commission is asking for feedback on the "of value" regulations until March 15th, 2017.

Sean O'Leary provided a summary explanation of legislation pending. The summary did not include every bill outstanding.

V. Executive Director's Report

Donovan Borvan introduced himself to the commission.

VI. ALJ Recommendations

See attached for approved ALJ recommendations.

VI. Closing Remarks and Adjournment to Hearing

Chair Beard made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 2:02 pm.
