Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Egyptian Regional Human Rights Authority will meet Sept. 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the Authority:
I. Call to Order
A. Roll Call - Determination of Quorum Present
B. Introductions by Chairperson
C. Confidentiality Statement
D. Does any guest wish to speak on an agenda item?
II. Corrections/Revisions/Approval of July, 2017 HRA Meeting Minutes
III. Communications
IV. New Business
A. Ratifications
B. New Complaints
C. Other New Business
V. Unfinished Business
A. Case Progress Reports:
1. 17-110-9008 – Choate Mental Health
2. 17-110-9013 – Choate Mental Health
3. 17-110-9015 - Lakeview CILA Home
4. 17-110-9016 – Chester Mental Health
5. 17-110-9017 – Chester Mental Health
6. 17-110-9018 – Chester Mental Health
7. 17-110-9019 – Chester Mental Health
8. 18-110-9002 – Chester Mental Health
B. Draft Reports:
1. 17-110-9002 – Franklin County Jail
2. 17-110-9004 – Chester Mental Health
3. 17-110-9005 – Hamilton Memorial Hospital
4. 17-110-9006 – Oblong Elementary School
5. 17-110-9009 – Chester Mental Health
6. 17-110-9010 – Chester Mental Health
C. Closures:
1. 16-110-9016 – Chester Mental Health
2. 17-110-9001 – Integrity Healthcare
3. 17-110-9003 – Chester Mental Health
D. Other Unfinished Business: