City of Chicago Committee on License and Consumer Protection met Oct. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
02017 -6259 and 0.2017 -6261 Two ordinances to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago designating precincts of the 13th Ward as Restricted Re_sidentialZone prohibiting additional shared housing and vacation rentals. (Alderman Quinn, 13th Ward)
2017-6273 An ordinance to amend Section 244-140 of the Municipal Code of Chicago prohibiting peddling in portion of the 3rd Ward. (Alderman Dowell, 3rd Ward)
0.2017-6207 An ordinance to amend Section 4-60-023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago to disallow additional package goods licenses on portion of 103'o Street. (Alderman Beale, 9th Ward)
02017-6264 An ordinance to amend Sections 4-60-022 and 4-60-023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago to correct numbering inaccuracies concern¡ng liquor sales and package goods restrictions. (Alderman Lopez, 15th Ward)
0.2017-6208 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-023 (16.64) to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion of Kedzie Avenue. (Alderman Foulkes, l6th Ward)
02017 -6255, 02017 -6257 and 0.2017 -6258 Three ordinances to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago designating precincts of the 23'd Ward as Restricted Residential Zone prohibiting additional shared housing and vacation rentals (Alderman Zalewski, 23rd Ward)
02017-6210 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-023 (35.9) to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion of West Diversey Avenue. (Aldermen Waguespack and Mell)
02017-6209 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-023 (39.35)to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion of West Lawrence Avenue. (Alderman Metl, 33'd Ward)
02017-3246 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-023 (37.22) to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion of Division Street. (Alderman Mitts, 37th Ward)
02017-6265 An ordinance to amend Section 4-60-023 of the Municipal Code of Chicago to disallow additional package goods licenses on portion of West Jackson Boulevard. (Alderman Reilly, 42nd Ward) (disallow)
02017-6294 additional An ordinance alcoholic liquor to amend licenses Section on portions 4-60-022 of of the 42nd Municipal Ward. Code of Chicago to (Alderman Reilly, 42nd Ward)
02017-6211 An ordinance to amend the Municipal Code of Chicago lifting subsection 4-60-023 (47.65) to allow the issuance of additional packaged goods licenses on portion of Western Avenue. (Alderman Pawar, 47th Ward)
The sponsoring Alderman or a staff member must be present to speak to the issue.