
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Illinois Department of Public Health Perinatal Advisory Committee will meet October 19.


Illinois Department of Public Health Perinatal Advisory Committee will meet  Oct. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order & Welcome.Beau Batton

2. Review/Approval of Minutes from June 15th 2017 and October 3rd 2017.Beau Batton

3. IDPH Update.Shannon Lightner

4. Chair Update.Beau Batton

- 2017 PAC Meeting Dates.

- PAC and Subcommittee Attendance.

- Attachments: State Perinatal Codes, Maternal Health Articles.Beau Batton

5. Old Business.

- NAS Task Force Update. Jodi Hoskins

- Update: CoIIN, LOCATE, Birth Certificate Data. Amanda Bennett

- LOC Workgroups Update.LOC Workgroup Chairs

6. New Business.

7. Committee Updates.

- MMRC.Robin L. Jones

- MMRC – Violent Deaths.Maripat Zeschke

- SQC: Statewide Quality Council. Stephen Locher

- HFDSC: Hospital Facilities Designation Sub-Committee.Cindy Mitchell


Next Meeting:

December 14th, 2017
