
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

McSweeney sides with Ives in call for an investigation into Rauner firing of top attorney


State Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington) insists he’s not only in agreement with Rep. Jeanne Ives' (R-Wheaton) call for an investigation of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s recent firing of former top attorney Dennis Murashko, he’s also convinced it stands as yet another example of why Ives needs to replace Rauner in Springfield in 2018.

“I support Jeanne Ives call for a full investigation of what the background of this memo is and (whether) there is anything else going on,” McSweeney said on a recent appearance on the "Chicago’s Morning Answer" radio show on WIND.

"Chicago’s Morning Answer" is co-hosted by Dan Proft, who also is a principal of Local Government Information Services, which owns this publication.

All the drama over Murashko’s firing last August was sparked anew after Capital Fax published a story earlier this month alleging that Murashko may have been ousted because he dared to stand up to Rauner over his use of public resources for political work.

Capital Fax added that its story was based on a copy of a memo Murashko penned just before he was canned.

After Capital Fax went live with its story, Ives, who is running against Rauner in the Republican primary, released a press release demanding more answers from the administration.

“The administration still won’t answer questions,” McSweeney said. “They only thing they will say is he resigned. This is business as usual with the Rauner administration. They’re very secretive, good at not providing answers. That’s why we need Jeanne Ives as governor.”

McSweeney also made it a point of stressing the differences he sees in Rauner's and Ives' leadership styles, blasting Rauner for what he sees as his habit of shying away from what tough situations.

“I know Jeanne Ives will be in charge; that’s why I support her,” he said. “In a strange way, the biggest (House Speaker Mike) Madigan ally in Springfield is Bruce Rauner.”

McSweeney said he finds it more than just a coincidence that Democrats have passed some of their biggest measures during Rauner’s regime.

“We get Bruce Rauner for governor and he talks about a tax increase for two years and we end with a 32 percent increase,” he said. “Bruce Rauner worked with Madigan on making Illinois a sanctuary state, and guess who signed Madigan’s abortion bill. Bruce Rauner is the kind of guy that loves to go out and call people names, but he’s been Madigan’s biggest ally and that’s why we need real change in this state.”

With a record like that, McSweeney said he finds it no surprise that Rauner was recently dubbed the “worse Republican governor in America” in a National Review survey.

“Bruce Rauner everyday makes Madigan out to be a god; he refuses to deal with him,” McSweeney said. “He acts like he’s scared of him. He blames him for things, and then he won’t engage him. Jeanne Ives will respectfully and strongly advocate for what we need.”

With the 2018 race for governor now officially underway, McSweeney said he isn’t surprised that Rauner has thus far refused to sign on to debate Ives.  

“Rauner does not like direct people,” he said. “I think she would absolutely destroy him in a debate.”