
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, March 15, 2025

City of Chicago Committee on Finance met December 11.

Webp meeting 11

City of Chicago Committee on Finance met December 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1.A proposed order concerning the cancellation of a warrant for collection for inspection fees for the Historic Pullman Foundation.


2.A proposed resolution calling for pertinent City officials, departments, and sister agencies to assemble a Chicago Vehicular Terrorism Task Force.


3.A proposed ordinance concerning the authority to amend Chapters 4-6 and 7-28 of the Municipal Code of Chicago regarding private scavengers.


4.A proposed ordinance concerning authority to amend Chapters 3-80 and 11-12 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, regarding Self-Service Laundry Operators,


De Partment Of Law

5.A communication transmitting a list of cases in which judgments or settlements were entered into for the month of October, 2017.

Direct Introduction

6. Four (4) proposed orders authorizing the Corporation Counsel to enter into and execute a Settlement Order for the following cases:

A. Michael Saunders V, City of Chicago, Chicago Police Detectives Kenneth Boudreau, Richard Paladino, James Cassidy, Thomas Coughlin, William Foley, Frank Valadez, and Pat McCafferty, Chicago Police Youth Officer Charles Bowen, Chicago Police Sergeant L. Tuldier, Cook County Assistant State's Attorneys Fabio Valentini and Terence Johnson, and Cook County, Illinois, cited as 12 C9158 (U.S. Dist. Ct. N.D. Ill.)

Vincent Thames V, City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, Detectives Kenneth Boudreau, Richard Paladino, James Cassidy, Thomas Coughlin, William Foley, Frank Valadez, and Pat McCafferty, Chicago Police Sergeant L. Tuldier, Terence Johnson, Cook County State's Attorney, cited as 12C9170 (U.S. Dist. Ct. N.D. Ill.)

Harold Richardson v. City of Chicago, Chicago Police Detectives Kenneth Boudreau, Richard Paladino, James Cassidy, Thomas Coughlin, William Foley, Frank Valadez, and Pat McCafferty, Chicago Police Youth Officer Charles Bowen, Chicago Police Sergeant L. Tuldier, Cook County Assistant State's Attorneys Fabio Valentini and Terence Johnson, and Cook County, Illinois, cited as 12 C9184 (U.S. Dist, Ct, N.D. Ill.)

Terrill Swift v. City of Chicago, Chicago Police Detectives Kenneth Boudreau, Richard Paladino, James Cassidy, the estate of Thomas Coughlin, Willian Foley, F. Valadez, and P. McCafferty, Cook County Assistant State's Attorneys Terence Johnson, and Cook County, Illinois, cited as 12 L 12995 (Circuit Court of Cook County, Ill.) Amount: $30,990,000

B. Herbert E. Robinson V, City of Chicago and Police Officer Vieyra, cited as 14L 7606 (Circuit Court of Cook County).

Amount: $290,000

C. Samuel Brown, DeAngelo Adams, Ernest Smith v. City of Chicago, Michael Dearborn, Shaun Jaudon, Erik Schreiber, Matthew Sedory, Fernando Soto, Jon Vainagas, and Joshua Wallace, cited as 15 CV 1694 (U.S. Dist. Ct. N.D, Ill.)

Amount: $285,000

D. Patasa Johnson v. City of Chicago, Chicago Police Sergeant George Granias, the Illinois State Police, and Illinois State Police Officer Thomas Marshall, cited as 15 CV2608 (U.S. Dist. Ct, N.D.Ill.).

Amount: $185,000

Department Of Planning And Development

7.A communication recommending a proposed ordinance concerning the authority to approve an Amendment to the boundaries of Enterprise Zone 4.


8.A communication recommending a proposed ordinance concerning the authority to repeal the Chicago Lakeside Development-Phase I Redevelopment Project Area.


9. A communication recommending three (3) proposed ordinances concerning the authority to approve the levy of taxes, to approve or amend Service Provider Agreements, and to approve the 2018 budgets for various Special Service Areas.

A. A proposed ordinance authorizing the imposition of a tax levy, the approval of the 2018 budget, and the approval of the Service Provider Agreement for Special Service Area. Number 14,


Amount of Levy: $492,580

B.A proposed ordinance authorizing the imposition of a tax levy, the approval of the 2018 budget, and the approval of the Service Provider Agreement for Special Service Area. Number 52.


Amount of Levy: $38,326

C. A proposed ordinance authorizing the imposition of a tax levy, the approval of the 2018 budget, and the approval of the Service Provider Agreement for Special Service Area. Number 63.


Amount of Levy: $128,054

10.A communication recommending a proposed ordinance concerning the authority (1) to approve the enlargement of boundaries of the Original Area of Special Service Area Number 47, and authorize the levy of a Services Tax upon the property within the enlarged area; (2) to approve the Special Services distinct from the Original Special Services; (3) to approve the extension of the Levy Period for the Levy of the Services Taxes within Special Service Area. Number 47; (4) to approve the 2018 budget; and (5) to approve the Service Provider Agreement for Special Service Area Number 47.


Amount of Levy: $326,100

11.A communication recommending a proposed ordinance concerning the authority to establish Special Service Area Number 73, to approve the imposition of a tax levy, to approve the 2018 budget, and to approve the Service Provider Agreement.


Amount of Levy: $93,605

12.A communication recommending a proposed resolution concerning the authority to approve the renewal of a Class 6(b) Tax Incentive Classification for the property generally located at 3507 West 51 Street pursuant to the Cook County Real Property

Assessment Classification Ordinance.

Direct Introduction


13. One (1) proposed order authorizing three (3) applications for City of Chicago Charitable Solicitation (Tag Day) permits.

A. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)

January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018


B. Greenpeace Inc.

January 2, 5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26, 30, & 31, 2018

February 2,6 7,9 13 14 16 20 21 23 27 & 28 2018


C. Southern Poverty Law Center

December 14, 2018 through May 15, 2018


14.Four(4) orders authorizing the payment of hospital and medical expenses of Police Officers and Fire Fighters injured in the line of duty.

15.A proposed order authorizing the payment of various small claims against the City of Chicago.

16.A proposed order denying the payment of various small claims against the City of Chicago.

17.A proposed order authorizing the payment of various Condominium Refuse Rebate claims against the City of Chicago.

18.A proposed order authorizing the payment of senior citizen rebate sewer claims.

19.A proposed order denying the payment of senior citizen rebate sewer claims.
