
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Forest Preserve District of Cook County Finance Committee met April 24.

Webp meetingroom04

Forest Preserve District of Cook County Finance Committee met April 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


Present: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)

There will be a meeting of the committee or subcommittee of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners at the date, time and location listed above.

Public Testimony:

Chairman asked the Secretary to the Board to call upon the registered public speakers, in accordance with Cook County Code, Sec. 2-107(dd)

1. Mark Armstrong


Committee Minutes:

Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 3/13/2018

A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to approve 18-0228. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Recommendation Of The Finance Subcommittee (Litigation):

Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation -3/13/2018

The Finance Subcommittee on Litigation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:

Proposed Settlements Approved Fiscal Year 2018 to Present: $136,982.64

Proposed Settlements to Be Approved: $0.00

Legal Fees Approved Fiscal Year 2018 to Present: $151,095.47

Legal Fees for 3/13/2018 to Be Approved: $93,566.28

A motion was made by Commissioner Silvestri, seconded by Vice Chair Deer, to recommend for approval 18-0203. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Recommendation Of The Finance Subcommittee (Workers’ Compensation):

Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Workers’ Compensation -4/24/2018

The Finance Subcommittee on Workers’ Compensation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:

Workers’ Compensation Claims approved Fiscal Year 2018 to present: $61,778.50

Workers’ Compensation Claims to Be Approved: $162,289.20

A motion was made by Commissioner Schneider, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to recommend for approval 18-0224. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Presented by: Arnold Randall, General Superintendent

Proposed Bid Recommendation

Department: Planning & Development

Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into a construction contract with Robe Inc., Chicago, Illinois for replacing the roof at Trailside Museum in River Forest, Illinois.

Reason: Contract #74000003212 issued under specification 17-80-80 Rebid Roof Replacement at Hal Tyrell Trailside Museum. The work includes, but is not limited to, removal and replacement of the existing roofs and other related work as specified in the plans & specifications. Approval is required because the recommended bidder was awarded a separate and distinct contract at the 7/20/2017 board meeting (Item 17-0251 for Contract #17-80-44 New roof and exterior renovations at McGinnis Field Station and Sagawau Farmhouse) in the amount of $272,890.00. The Forest Preserves’ purchasing policy is to require board approval for cumulative contract awards exceeding $150,000.00 within a twelve (12) month period to the same vendor. Bids for this project were originally solicited exclusively to contractors that were determined to be pre-qualified as per RFQ #17-80-62 Pre-qualified Contractor Pool. The original bid opening date of 2/7/2018 was cancelled due to limited attendance at the original mandatory pre-bid meeting and the project was re-bid without limitation.

Bid Opening Date: 2/21/2018

Bid Results:

Company Amount of Bid

Genesis Construction* $112,322.69

Robe Inc. $143,600.00

* Genesis Construction did not comply with the Forest Preserves’ Responsible Bidder Ordinance.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $143,600.00

Contract Period: Two hundred and ten (210) days from notice to proceed

Account Name/Number: Building Accounts: 51009.560106, 51025.560106, 51026.560106, 51054.560106, 51055.560106, 51056.560106, 51057.560106, and 51058.560106.

District: 9


The Chief Attorney and Chief Financial Officer have approved this item. The vendor has met the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance provision.

A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to recommend for approval 18-0197. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Presented by: Arnold Randall, General Superintendent

Proposed Bid Recommendation

Department: Planning and Development

Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into a construction contract with Anchor Mechanical Inc., Chicago, Illinois for masonry repairs at South Police in Palos Heights and Palos Maintenance Headquarters in Palos Township.

Reason: Contract #74000003213 issued under specification 17-80-59 Rebid Masonry Repairs at South Police and Palos Maintenance Headquarters. The work includes, but is not limited to, selective masonry repairs, masonry tuck pointing and other related work as specified in the plans & specifications. Approval is required because the recommended bidder was awarded a separate and distinct contract at the 9/12/2017 board meeting (Item 17-0251 for Contract #17-80-21 Rebid for HVAC systems at South Police, McGinnis Field Station Garage and Palos Maintenance Garage) in the amount of $156,949.30. The Forest Preserves’ purchasing policy requires approval for cumulative contract awards exceeding $150,000.00 within a twelve (12) month period to the same vendor. Bids for this project were originally solicited exclusively from contractors determined to be pre-qualified as per RFQ #17-80-62 Pre-qualified Contractor Pool. The original bid opening date of 2/9/2018 was cancelled due to limited attendance at the original mandatory pre- bid meeting and the project was re-bid without limitation.

Bid Opening Date: 2/23/2018

Bid Results:

Company Amount

Anchor Mechanical Inc.




JSL Building Restoration Group $102,240.00

MertesConstruction $123,000.00

UnionContracting $127,500.00

MBB ENT of Chicago $128,564.00

Bulley & Andrews Masonry $146,224.00

GolfConstruction $183,745.00

* Anchor Mechanical’s bid was read into the record as $74,870.00, but after further examination, they made a mathematical error in their calculations. Their actual bid is $79,355.00.

Estimated Fiscal Impact: $79,355.00

Contract Period: Two hundred and ten (210) days from notice to proceed.

Account Name/Number: Building Accounts 51009.560106, 51025.560106, 51026.560106, 51054.560106, 51055.560106, 51056.560106, 51057.560106, and 51058.560106

District: 17


The vendor has met the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance provision.

The Chief Attorney and Chief Financial Officer have approved this item.

A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to recommend for approval 18-0204. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Presented by: Arnold Randall, General Superintendent

Proposed Disbursement

Department(s): Conservation and Experiential Programming

Action: Authorization to disburse payment

Payee: Swim Chicago Southland, Bridgeview, Illinois

Good(s) or Service(s): Management and operations associated with three (3) Aquatic Centers

Fiscal Impact: $1,037,814.00

Accounts: Professional Services 51001.520840

Contract Number(s): 16-35-01

District(s): 4, 9, 10 and 16

Summary: Payment of expenses for managing the three (3) Aquatic Centers for the swim season which is Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, unless extended due to weather conditions. Payments will be based upon working capital needs, invoices, and backup documentation submitted by Swim Chicago Southland for the management and operations including staffing, supplies and concession items for the Aquatic Centers, pursuant to the Aquatic Center Management Contract approved by the board on 3/22/2016.

A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to recommend for approval 18-0207. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Sponsored by: Toni Preckwinkle (President), Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners

Proposed Ordinance Amendment

Forest Preserve Fee Schedule

Be It Ordained, by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Title 7 - Fees, Chapter 1 - Fee Schedule of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as Follows:

7-1-1: Fee Schedule


Bicycle Rental Fees Adult Bicycle: Hourly Rate - $7.00 - All Day Rate - $28.00 Half-Hour Rate: $2.50 For special events, additional bicycle types or amenities may be offered for cost not to exceed $25 per half-hour, $35 per hour or $40 per day.

Tag-a-long Bicycle (attached to adult bicycles): Hourly Rate - $5.00 - All Day Rate - $10.00

Bicycle Wagon (attached to adult bicycle): Hourly Rate - $10.00 - All Day Rate - $20.00

Baby Seats (attached to adult bicycles) Hourly Rate - $5.00 - All Day Rate - $10.00

Tandem Bicycle: Hourly Rate - $15.00 - Four-hour Rate - $30.00 - All Day Rate - $40.00

Cruiser Bicycle: Hourly Rate - $7.00 - All Day Rate - $28.00

Comfort Bicycle: Hourly Rate - $10.00 - All Day Rate - $30.00

Small Quadricycle Bicycle: Half-Hour Rate - $15.00 - Hourly Rate - $25.00

Large Quadricycle Bicycle: Half-Hour Rate - $25.00 - Hourly Rate - $35.00

Annual "Bike The Preserves" Membership: $60/annually (only applies to Adult Bicycle rentals). Veterans, students and seniors with proper documentation qualify for a reduced rate of 10% on annual membership.

Fees listed above represent not to exceed fees that the District’s vendor may charge.

Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption

A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Silvestri, to recommend for approval 18-0161. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


Presented by: Arnold Randall, General Superintendent


Department: Finance and Administration

Request: Receive and File

Report Title: Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expense

Report Period: 1/1/2018 - 2/28/2018

Summary: Detailed Fund Analysis Revenue and Expense Report for February 2018

A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Morrison, to recommend for receiving and filing 18-0211. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)


A motion was made by Vice Chair Deer, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Goslin, Deer, Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Fritchey, Gainer, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, Sims, Suffredin and Tobolski (15)

Absent: Butler and García (2)
