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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Kankakee City Council met June 18.

Webp meeting 06

City of Kankakee City Council met June 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Mayor Wells- Armstrong: I would like to call the meeting to order. We will start with a prayer by Pastor Greg Chambers from the Eastridge Church of Nazarene.

Pastor Greg Chambers: Bow your heads in prayer please. Father as our gracious leader. You have given us this day to serve you and live in this world. We thank You for Your Grace, Mercy and energy that has carried us through this day. In Your word You have declared that government is ordained. As this room comes together this evening, our prayer is that Your work and Your will be done as those who serve make important decisions on the development of this community. We thank you for each person in this room and their willingness to serve for the betterment of Kankakee. When the evening is concluded, let it be said that You were honored in this place. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Pastor. The pledge will be led by the Council.

In Unison: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

Public Comments:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:

Mr. Frank Beaulieu: I have three things.I live in the back of Kmart. Three years ago, I was weighing over 300lbs. I couldn’t walk I was blind with Diabetes. For over 19 years I was not allowed to take an aspirin. I made it, I got well. But there are other people back there running to the bus too. Can we get bus service? You got that?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Can you come closer to the mic? Okay, you said you live behind Kmart?

Mr Frank Beaulieu: Yeah.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We will record your comments. This is not the time where we go back and forth and try to figure out solutions but we will record your comments so we can follow up. Go ahead, so the first thing you said is, you live behind Kmart and you would like bus service behind Kmart.

Mr Frank Beaulieu: Yeah.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Okay that is number 1. Go ahead.

Mr. Frank Beaulieu: The second one is what is going to go on with the rock pile right behind it.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Are you referring to Kmart?

Mr. Frank Beaulieu: Yeah, the property.from my bedroom window I can’t see nothing but rock. The reason why I can.is because I am the oldest man that marched on Selma. The oldest man that started with the Civil rights of 1955 with Dr. King and I am surely not going to let all this pass me bye at the age of 77. What can we do? I told you it was only three. I’m finished.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Mr. Beaulieu. Alderman Brown?

Ald Brown: Yes, just do you know, we do have an application submitted to Metro requesting bus services back there.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Alderman Brown. Did you hear that Mr. Beaulieu? Did you hear him? He said they have an application to submit for bus services behind Kmart.

Mr. Frank Beaulieu: No. They had bus services their 20 years ago.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: We will follow up with you.

Mr. Frank Beaulieu: Yes.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: William Boykin.

Mr. William Boykin: Hello, Mayor Wells Armstrong.I would like to thank you for placing Kankakee Proclamation Day on the Agenda today and for being so supportive of our campaign and for encouraging citizens around our town., the birthday of Kankakee Day is Thursday, June 21st, 2018. This is a great town a great community and there is a lot to love about Kankakee. It’s up to us as citizens to focus on the good, to work on the good, work on correcting the bad and never stop loving our town. To use City pride.more common knowledge and to promote positive morale throughout this Region. The Kankakee Day Committee will start celebrating June 21st of every year as Kankakee day. On Kankakee Day, citizens will be encouraged to enjoy the outdoors, learn about local history, engage in community service projects, get involved with local happenings, attend local events, support local government, talk to local leaders, eat local cuisine, patronize local businesses and most importantly of all Love Kankakee. We invite you Your Honor, and you Council Men and Council Women to join us in celebrating Kankakee on June 21st this year and every year going forward.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Mr. Boykin. We will move onto Roll Call of City Council.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

Absent: Gall and Malone Marshall

(12) Present (2) Absent

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Department Heads.

Clerk Dumas: Present: Dumas, Schuldt, Kubal, Schiel, Piggush, Bertrand, Schmitz, McGrath. Thank you.

Minutes – Monday, June 4, 2018:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to the minutes of Monday, June 4th, 2018? May I have a motion to approve.

Ald Osenga: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Osenga.

Ald Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Crawford. Any corrections? Edits? All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed? Minutes are approved. We have no petitions.


James Choi Of Boost Mobile Is Requesting Permission To Host A Sidewalk Sale At 1650 East Court Street On July 2, 3, And 4, 2018 From 10:00 a.m. Until 6:00 p.m.

Acting Out Theatre Company Is Requesting Closure Of The Alley Between North East Avenue And Schuyler From Court Street To Oak Street And North East Avenue From Court Street To Oak Street. Until 11:00 p.m., With Rain Dates Of July 23 And 24, 2018

Sammy Odeneal And The Neighborhood Community Festival Is Requesting Street Closure Of The 100 Block Of East Avenue From North Schuyler West To The Alley To Host The “Neighborhood Community Festival” On Saturday, July 7, From 11:00 a.m. Until 8:00 p.m.

Kiwanis Club Of Kankakee Is Requesting Permission To Host Their Annual “Peanut Day” Tag Day On Friday, September 28, 2018

Fair Haven Church Of God In Christ Is Requesting Street Closure Of East Mulberry Street From North Hobbie Avenue To Birch Evergreen Avenue And The Alley From Birch Street To Willow Street Behind Fair Haven Church To Host “Sunshine Band Day” On Saturday, June 23, 2018, From 12:00 Noon Until 4:00 p.m.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to communications if there are no objections, I would like to combine items: A, B, C, D and E. (A) pertains to permission to host a Sidewalk Sale on July 2nd, 3rd and 4th 10:00 a. m. until 6:00 p. m. (B) is Acting Out Theatre requesting closure of the alley between North East Avenue and Schuyler from Court to Oak Street and North East Avenue from Court Street hosting “West Side Story” on July 19th - 22nd from 5:00 p. m. until 11:00 p. m. with alternative rain dates of July 23rd and 24th. (C) Sammy Odeneal and the Neighborhood Community Festival requesting street closure on the 100 block of East Avenue from North Schuyler West to the alley „to host the Neighborhood Community Festival on Saturday, July 7th from 11:00 a. m. until 8:00 p. m. (D) Kiwanis Club is requesting permission to host their “Peanut Day” on Friday, September 28th, 2018. Finally, Fair Haven Church of God In Christ is requesting street closure of East Mulberry Street from North Hobbie Avenue to North Evergreen Avenue and the alley of Birch Street to Willow Street to host the “Sunshine Band Day” on Saturday, June 23, 2018 from 12:00 Noon until 4:00 p. m. May I have a motion to approve?

Ald Kennedy: So move Mayor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Osenga: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Osenga. Any discussion? All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Standing Committee Reports:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed? They are approved. There are no standing committee reports.

Ald Brown: Mayor?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderman Brown?

Ald Brown: I apologize for not getting this in time for the agenda. However, on the desk before us we have submitted a report monthly on how many shots have been fired in Kankakee. With that being said, I would like at this time for Chief Dumas to go over this report.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Chief? So, this is pertaining to the Public Safety Committee?

Ald Brown: Yes.

Chief Dumas: What you have is the total shots fired in 2017 and total shots fired in 2018 from January to May. So, our total shots fired January thru May 2017 is 160. That was just calls for shots fired. In 2018 from January thru May our total calls for shots fired was 107 so we are down 53. If you go to the next paragraph 2017 shot fired cases which is when the shots are fired and there is property damage, vehicle, person house; anything pertaining to that nature. The total for 2017 is 4 cases out of the shots fired calls. In 2018, we had a total of 7 cases out of the 107. In the next graph we have a break down by Wards. In the 1st Ward in 2017, we had 48 calls for service. In 2018, we had 22 calls for service which is like a -54.7 and I won’t go through all of them but that is how it is broken down. If you go to cases by Wards, using the 1st Ward for example: there are 22 cases in 2017 and 9 cases in 2018 which is -59.09 percent. This is how we break it down from 2017 to 2018 from January to May.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Chief.

Ald Brown: Thank you Mayor.

Report Of Officers:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Moving on to the bills; report of officers. May I have a motion to approve?

Ald Faford: I move that we approve the report of officers, place the money in the in the proper accounts and pay the bills in the amount of $471,187.41.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman Faford.

Ald Tall: I will second the motion.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Tall. Any discussion? Roll Call Please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron (abstain from check#’s 688, 2820 and 73541) Lewis, Tall (No on check #2819), Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O‟Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

New Business

Recommendations To Accept The Engineering Proposal From Piggush Engineering Inc., Of $48,270.00 For The Riverstone Parkway Road Improvements, June 13, 2018

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motions carries. We have no unfinished business.

Moving on to new business. We have under Item (A) a recommendation to accept the Engineering proposal from Piggush Engineering Inc., of $48,270.00 for the Riverstone Parkway improvements and I will defer to Neil.

Neil Piggush: Thank you Mayor. We were notified by Public Works in February roughly this year about the condition of Riverstone Parkway Intersection on 45. Upon that investigation it was determined that the initial phase of development was not designed to handle the truck traffic that we are currently getting. It was built 7-8 years prior to Walmart coming. There is only about.with about 10 inches of stone and as you head to the second phase of development, it has about 12 inches of asphalt;12 inches of stone. So, there is quite a drastic difference in the pavement section. All Public Works can do is throw cold patches in the holes. So, this is to reconstruct Riverstone Parkway from the intersection of Rt 45/52 all the way passed the East side of Riverstone Court which is on the intersection where Taco Bell is at. This includes full. pavement removable and restoration. This includes survey engineering, inspection and biding as well, and coordination with IDOT. There will be some. that has to be removed and replaced as well.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: I sent you all my email updates Friday night and I mention that this particular item will come out of TIF 8. Correct Elizabeth?

Elizabeth Kubal: Yes.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: So, may I have a motion to accept the recommendation?

Ald Swanson: I will make the motion.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson.

Ald Faford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Faford. Any discussion Alderman Osenga?

Ald Osenga: Is this in conjunction with what the construction company is doing work down there now?

Neil Piggush: No this is completely separate. That is an IDOT project, their second phase work to what they did last year.this would connect to that but it is not coordinated by us. It just happened to work out that way.

Ald Osenga: Okay Thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderwoman Swanson?

Ald Swanson: I guess, if you are doing the whole entire project, wouldn’t we need to another bid from somebody else? I don’t understand. Can you explain? Do you know what I mean?

Neil Piggush: Yes, we would be bidding the plans out to the contractors, if that’s your question.

Ald Swanson: So, this is just to get the party started and then you will find somebody and come back with the bids?

Neil Piggush: Yes. Any project over $20,000.00 for construction we bid out. Put a public notice in the paper; publically advertised for contractors.

Ald Swanson: So, this is just for the engineering the job?

Neil Piggush: Correct.

Ald Swanson: Determine scope of work, come up with construction document specifications, and coordinate with IDOT. This will have to be reviewed by IDOT District 3 and the traffic control piece of this will be rather important.in the middle of the roadway; how to shift traffic and if we want to continue to keep the island there, it will all be done during the design phase.

Ald Swanson: Okay.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Any other questions? Roll Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O‟Brien, Kennedy

Abstain: Baron (conflict of interest)

(11) Ayes (0) Nays (1) Abstention

Recommendation To Accept The Engineering Proposal From Piggush Engineering Inc., Of $119,520.00 For The City Of Kankaee Downtown Tif Streetscaping Project

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Under Item (B) we have a recommendation to accept the Engineering proposal from Piggush Engineering Inc., of $119,520.00 for the City of Kankakee Downtown TIF Streetscaping project and I will defer to Neil.

Neil Piggush: Thank you Mayor, this is for the Streetscaping Project the we have talked about; the surveying was approved about two months ago. The situation with Rock Island, this was a logical backup plan. This is based on the 1.5 million dollar Streetscaping budget for the downtown project. This includes: engineering bidding coordination as well, any construction.most of these or half of these expenses won’t be incurred this year.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to approve the recommendation?

Ald O’Brien: So Move Mayor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman O’Brien.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Alderman Crawford?

Ald Crawford: Will this be leaving us money in the kitty for.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Yes, we will have money in the kitty.

Ald Crawford: What.Two million in there? Thank you.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Any other discussion? Roll Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Lewis, Tall , Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

Abstain: Baron (conflict of interest)

(11) Ayes (0) Nays (1) Abstention

Recommendations To Accept The Proposal From Teska For The City Of Kankakee Schuyler Avenue Streetscape Plan

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Under Item (C) we have a recommendation to accept the proposal from Teska for the City of Kankakee Schuyler Avenue Streetscape plan and again this is pertaining to downtown TIF #1 and I will defer to Neil.

Neil Piggush: Thank you Mayor. In anticipation of the downtown Streetscaping Project we put out a request for qualifications of qualified consultants in landscaping architecture and space planning due to the unique nature of this project we wanted to get consultants to submit qualifications in order to evaluate what we thought would be the best fit for determining what the scope of the would be. In late April early May, we received 6 or 7 firms and those were narrowed down to 3 firms which were interviewed by the Capital Team and Teska was selected based on their extensive experience in Streetscaping improvements. This proposal includes the public outreach piece which the Administration feels is very important piece of this project to get input form business and residents, on what the improvements look like, as well as, them conceptualizing that feedback to the clients for the downtown improvements.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Some of you have met with us to discuss your thoughts and ideas about the Streetscape project and we have some additional meetings scheduled as well. We encourage you to share them with us. May I have a motion to approve the recommendation?

Ald O’Brien: So Move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned made by Alderman O’Brien.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion?

Ald Curtis: Mayor?

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Alderman Curtis?

Ald Curtis: Is there a timeline in which this is to be completed?

Neil Piggush: I think the plan right now is we don’t want to rush public input; very important to give input on this high traffic area. Our plan is to get contractor under contract by the end of the year. So, we will have the funds committed by the end of the year and maybe start early Spring next year. That will give the public plenty of time so people won’t feel like this is being rushed. It will also allow us to generate construction documents, bid out the project and get a contractor selected by Thanksgiving.

Ald Curtis: All that has to be done prior to December 31st correct? And the work will be done next year.

Neil Piggush: Correct. That is our interpretation of the TIF funds. That we are able to spend the money as long as they are committed by the end of the year.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Any other discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O‟Brien, Kennedy

Abstain: Baron (conflict of interest)

(11) Ayes (0) Nays (1) Abstention

First Reading

Ordinance Declaring Certain Property Surplus Of The City Of Kankakee Environmental Services Public Works And Authorizing The Sale Thereof

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motions carries. Under Item (D) we have an ordinance declaring certain property surplus of the City of Kankakee- Environmental Services/Public Works and Authorizing the sale thereof. We did just have an Environmental Services Committee meeting and they did recommend that we bring it to Council. May I have a motion to suspend the rules?

Ald Swanson: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson.

Ald Kennedy: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

Second Reading

Ordinance Declaring Certain Property Surplus Of The City Of Kankakee Environmental Services Public Works

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. May I have a motion to put the ordinance of final passage?

Ald Swanson: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson.

Ald Kennedy: Second

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

First Reading

Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Entitled “Handicapped Parking” Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Kankakee Handicapped Parking Sign(S) Established At 1332 East Chestnut Street

Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Entitled “Handicapped Parking” Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Kankakee Handicapped Parking Sign(S) Established At 347 Curtis Avenue

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Items (E) and (F) pertains to handicap parking. If there are no objections, I will combine those. May I have a motion to suspend the rules?

Ald Tetter: So move Your Honor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman Tetter.

Ald Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Crawford. Roll Call.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

Second Reading:

Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Entitled “Handicapped Parking” Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Kankakee Handicapped Parking Sign(S) Established At 1332 East Chestnut Street

Ordinance Amending Chapter 32, Section 231 Entitled “Handicapped Parking” Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Kankakee Handicapped Parking Sign(S) Established At 347 Curtis Avenue

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to place the ordinances on final passage?

Ald Tetter: So move Your Honor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion made by Alderman Tetter.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. Any discussion? Roll

Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

Motions And Resolutions Proclamation Declaring June 21, 2018 As Kankakee Day:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion Carries. Item (G) we have no appointments. Under 13 (A) we have a Proclamation Declaring June 21, 2018 as Kankakee Day. Mr. Boiken are you still here?

Mr. Boykin: Yes.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Do you know what Ward you reside in?

Mr. Boykin: I know it’s these guys.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong:.3rd Ward.I remember you coming to Council a couple years ago with this idea. I think all three of us were new at that time around 2015 and we were pretty impressed with your enthusiasm for the City and so we are glad to see this move forward and that you are positive promoting the City. We have a proclamation designating June 21st, 2018 as Kankakee Day (Mayor proceeds to read the resolution dated the 18th day of June 2018). May I have a motion to accept the proclamation?

Ald Crawford: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Crawford.

Ald O’Brien: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman O’Brien. All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Resolution Authorizing The Acceptance Of A Proposal From Teska Associates Inc., For The Implementation Of A Tif Feasibility Study And Requisite Housing Impact Study For The Proposed Downtown Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed? Motion carries. Thank you. Next we have a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a proposal from Teska Associates Inc., for the implementation of a TIF feasibility study and requisite housing impact study for the proposed Downtown Riverfront Tax Increment Financing District and I will defer to Neil.

Neil Piggush: Early June Frank had put out a proposal for the qualified consultants for the Riverfront TIF with the proposed TIF area. There is a housing impact feasibility study. He received four proposals.Teska resume was pretty impressive and they were the cheapest of all. So, we selected Teska to perform the study and the anticipation is to have the TIF in place by the end of the year. This is reimbursable expenses.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to approve he resolution?

Ald Kennedy: So move Mayor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Lewis: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Lewis. Any discussion? Alderman Curtis?

Ald Curtis:.Do you know what the price was? Was it ever determined?

Neil Piggush: I believe the price was $35,000.00 or $33,000.00.

Ald Curtis: It’s the $34,250.00?

Neil Piggush: Yes, I dont have it in front of me.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: $76,000.00 I think.

Neil Piggush: Yes, $76,000.00 was the highest.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Any other discussion? Roll Call please.

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

Executive Session:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. We do have a need for Executive Session this evening for the purpose of personnel; a resolution authorizing the approval of the stipulation regarding Public Safety Employees Benefits Act (PSEBA). May I have a motion to go into Executive Session?

Ald Kennedy: So move Mayor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Kennedy.

Ald Osenga: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Osenga. All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed? Okay we are in Executive Session. Roll Call

Clerk Dumas: Present: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

Absent: Gall and Malone Marshall

(12) Present (2) Absent

Return To Open Session:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to return to Open Session

Ald Baron: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Baron.

Ald Swanson: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Swanson. All in favor?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed? We are back in Open Session. We do have one action item and that is the resolution authorizing he approval of the stipulation regarding Public Safety Employees Act Benefits.

Ald Osenga: I will make that motion Your Honor.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderman Osenga.

Ald Crawford: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderman Crawford. Roll Call

Clerk Dumas: Ayes: Tetter, Brown, Curtis, Baron, Lewis, Tall, Faford, Swanson, Crawford, Osenga, O’Brien, Kennedy

(12) Ayes (0) Nays

Alderman Comments:

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motion carries. Moving on to Alderman Comments. Alderman Curtis?

Ald Curtis: I would like to comment that on Friday night we had our First Stroll on Schuyler Avenue.from all indications it came out very well. The only thing is they thought it was a little short. There was a comment that it should be a monthly thing. I do want to thank Environmental Services and Public Works Department for giving the assistance of closing the streets. Thank you to the Police Department for helping with the close of the Streets and for their very active presence that night. It came of very well and we will continue going forward.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Anyone else? I just have a few things. On May 21st we had a representative for the National League of Cities and there were several of you that were out that week. So, we have folders at the Administration Building, so if you can pick your folder up. I did send a couple of sheets to.that were helpful to go ahead and review that. It pertains to the Utility Services Partners warranties for our residents. It will cover their sewer lines, water lines, lines under the foundation of the home and generates revenue for the City. Go ahead and take a look at those I want to get that on the agenda. Kris can you provide an update of the property on South Indiana?

Kris Schmitz: The owner has until July 9th to respond to the.and published in the newspaper and thee is a fence around the property. We are just waiting now; it’s a time thing now.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Thank you Kris and that was I your updates as well. The Riverfront draft, I know it’s a lengthy document. I just want to encourage you guys to keep working your way through that. We did have a very good meeting last week. Elizabeth and I, with three of our City Council Members, I want to thank you guys for coming. This will be done in incremental stages with a number of tools that are available to Municipalities. Elizabeth and I did schedule an additional meeting day of Thursday, July 5th at 3:30 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. is another time slot. I believe we have two Council Members signed up for the 5:00 P.M. slot please contact us and get signed up.Alderman Curtis stole my thunder, the Sunset Stroll has lots of positive comments.I want to thank you in your role as President of KDC and KDC. It was very well attended and very good comments. Also, Alderman Curtis and I met in his KDC role again. New fencing and rodding will be going up at Rigos in the next 30 days. I did speak with him and he is excited about that idea. We are going to lower the fence so it does not look like we are saying keep out and create some openings for landscaping so it will fell more welcoming. There will be a special Budget meeting on Monday, June 25th.your input is important.please be at that meeting. There is an error in updates.Elizabeth will follow up and let you know if he will make it to that meeting. Finally Cities United Coalition of Mayors across the Country is working to reduce homicides of African American Males. The City of Kankakee is one of the 46 selected. We did identify a fellow last we his name is Charles Deloach, he resides in the 3rd Ward and he is a recent graduate of Olivet Nazarene University with a degree in Criminal Justice and he is working on his Masters of.he is a very strong candidate and great asset to our Community.he will be working with us to make sure the youth have a voice, a safety plan implanted and that they are engaged in this whole process.I don’t have any other comments. If you guys need anything you have my number; email.


Mayor Wells-Armstrong: May I have a motion to adjourn?

Ald Swanson: So move.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Motioned by Alderwoman Swanson.

Ald Kennedy: Second.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Seconded by Alderwoman Kennedy. All in favor aye?

Council: Aye.

Mayor Wells-Armstrong: Opposed same sign. We are adjourned.
