
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Public Building Commission of Chicago Board met September 11,.

Webp meetingroom04

Public Building Commission of Chicago Board met September 11,.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rahm Emanuel, and the presence of a quorum was established.

Following the roll call, a public participation period was conducted pursuant to Section 2.06(g) of the Open Meetings Act. Kenneth Newman and George Blakemore had previously registered to provide comments under the guidelines established by Resolution No. 7611 approved by the Board of Commissioners on January 11, 2011. Kenneth Newman provided comments regarding the reuse of closed public schools and the need for additional facilities throughout the City. George Blakemore did not appear at the meeting.

Next, the Chairman presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration of approval the minutes of the regular board meeting held on August 14, 2018. The reading of said minutes, which had previously been distributed, was dispensed with and upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the August 14, 2018 meeting were unanimously approved.

The next item on the agenda was a report by Commissioner Maldonado regarding the Administrative Operations Committee meeting held on September 6, 2018 which is summarized as follows:

The Chief of Staff reported on the following recommendations:

Task order awards for Environmental Engineering Services to Carnow, Conibear & Associates, a Women Business Enterprise firm, in the sum $13,336 and to ECS Midwest, LLC for Material Testing Services in the sum of $21,015 for the Henderson Elementary School Parking Lot Renovation Project. Task order awards for Environmental Engineering Services to GSG Consultants Inc. a MBE firm, in the sum of $30,250 for the Read Dunning School Project and to Terracon Consultants for Material Testing Services for the Sarah Goode STEM Academy Project in the sum of $8,560.

Task order awards for Architect of Record services to STL Architects, a MBE firm, for the Read Dunning School Project in the sum of $192,661.92 and to Bailey Edward Design, a WBE firm, for the rehabilitation projects at Columbus Park in the sum of $4,650 and Harrison Park in the sum of $2,285.

A recommendation to approve an amendment for photographic documentation services to Multivista Services, LLC in the sum of $250,000 through July 2019. A recommendation to approve amendments for insurance brokerage services to Mesirow Insurance Services Inc. for property/casualty and health benefits coverage in the sum of $116,000 and to CS Insurance Strategies Inc., a MBE firm, for crime, bonds and Director’s and Officers’ liability insurance, in the sum of $6,000, both for terms through October 2019. A recommendation to increase the maximum compensation amount of the task order-based contract for Design Architect services in the sum of $1,000,000 to DLR Group, for upcoming fire station projects.

The Chief Development Officer reported on field orders issued on various projects and provided a recommendation to approve change orders as follows: liquidated damage credits in the sum of ($78,077.18) for the Southeast Area Elementary School Project and ($22,877.60) for the site prep scope at the Read Dunning School Project. A change order in the sum of $36,968.31 to provide a wood floor in place of rubber athletic flooring at the Sheridan Elementary School gymnasium and in the sum of $116,150 for production and acceleration costs for the Columbia Explorers Academy Modular Project.

The AO Committee accepted the recommendations and reports from the PBC representatives.

A copy of the Task Order Report is attached hereto as Exhibit “A.”

Following consideration of the AO Committee report and upon motion duly made and seconded, the following Resolution was adopted by the Board of Commissioners:

Resolution No. 8467

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to issue amendments to professional services agreements for the projects and services as indicated on the document entitled, “Proposed Amendment Report to the Administrative Operations Committee” and attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit “B”.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, James F. Ellis,

Jose G. Maldonado, Jesse Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax, Mariyana Spyropoulos and David T. Whittley- 7

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Resolution No. 8468

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to issue change orders to construction contracts for the projects and services as indicated on the document entitled, “Proposed Change Order Report for PBC Board Meeting” and attached to the minutes of this meeting as Exhibit “C”.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, James F. Ellis,

Jose G. Maldonado, Jesse Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax, Mariyana Spyropoulos and David T. Whittley- 7

Commissioners voting in the negative:


The next item on the agenda was a report by the Executive Director regarding regular reports, development status and other matters. She advised the Commissioners that the Public Building Commission had delivered four school projects to the Chicago Public Schools for the first day of school to relieve overcrowding and provide resources necessary for students to obtain a 21st century education. She also advised that PBC would conduct an information session regarding Letters of Interest and Qualifications (LIQ) for architecture and engineering services on September 20, 2018.

Photos were displayed depicting various school openings, including the ribbon cutting ceremony held on August 25, 2018 for the Lake View High School Turf Field project featuring completed Phase One improvements consisting of updated playground equipment, an enlarged parking lot and renovations inside the school building; Phase Two exterior work is ongoing and scheduled for completion in 2019. In addition, a ribbon cutting ceremony held on August 31, 2018 was depicted featuring the new Annex at Mark Sheridan Math & Science Academy Annex. The project included a new gymnasium with office and storage space, a STEM classroom, restrooms and an elevator along with upgrades to the parking lot, fencing and landscaping. The next project displayed photographically was a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Columbia Explorers Academy which features six classrooms and restroom facilities as well as a new playground with parking and landscaping upgrades. Finally, the Byrne Elementary School ribbon cutting was displayed. This project included 16 classrooms, a science laboratory and music room as well as a new library and cafeteria, new artificial turf field and landscaping.

Following discussion, the Executive Director’s report was accepted.

The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of a Partial Undertaking Request from the Board of Education for the delivery of eight school annex projects previously initiated through a Formulation Request approved at the August Board Meeting. The projects include the following:

Decatur Classical School Annex, 7030 N. Sacramento Avenue

Dirksen Elementary School Annex, 8601 W. Foster Avenue

McCutcheon Elementary School Annex, 4865 N. Sheridan Road

McDade Elementary Classical School Annex, 8801 S. Indiana Avenue

Palmer Elementary School Annex, 5051 N. Kenneth Avenue

Poe Elementary Classical School Annex, 10538 S. Langley Avenue

Rogers Elementary School Annex, 7345 N. Washtenaw Avenue

Waters Elementary School Annex, 4540 N. Campbell Avenue

The proposed budget for the Partial Undertaking is $145,350,000 and does not include items to be provided by CPS such as fixtures, furniture and equipment, CPS project management, IT equipment and text books. Funds for the Partial Undertaking will be identified by the Chicago Public Schools including, but not limited to, CPS Capital Funds. PBC’s scope of services for the projects may include but is not limited to Planning through Construction and Closeout.

Upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8469

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago that the Partial Undertaking Request from the Chicago Public Schools for the delivery of eight Chicago Public Schools, namely: Decatur Classical School Annex; Dirksen Elementary School Annex; McCutcheon Elementary School Annex; McDade Elementary Classical School Annex; Palmer Elementary School Annex; Poe Elementary Classical School Annex; Rogers Elementary School Annex; and Waters Elementary School Annex for an Undertaking Budget of $145,350,000 is hereby approved.

Be It Further Resolved that the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to undertake such action and to execute, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, such documents as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, James F. Ellis,

Jose G. Maldonado, Jesse Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax, Mariyana Spyropoulos and David T. Whittley- 7

Commissioners voting in the negative:


Next, the Commissioners were presented with consideration of approval of a request from the Board of Education of the City of Chicago for the Public Building Commission to transfer title to four former former school sites as listed below, namely:

Former School Name; Address; Successful Bidder; Sales Price:

Henson 1326 S. Avers Single Room Housing Assistance Corp. $55,000

Melody 412 S. Keeler Single Room Housing Assistance Corp. $80,000

Songhai 11725 S. Perry VLV Development & Financial Corp. $125,000

Yale 7025 S. Princeton VLV Development & Financial Corp. $65,000

According to the corresponding Board Reports, the property is no longer needed for school use and is being sold “as is, where is”. The respective quit claim deeds will provide that the Board of Education, the Public Building Commission and the City of Chicago shall be released and discharged from any and all future responsibility and liability relating to the physical or environmental condition of the sites. The quit claim deeds shall also include restrictive covenants as set forth in the respective Board Reports.

On motion duly and made, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8470

Be It Resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission hereby approves the request from the Chicago Board of Education for the Public Building Commission to transfer title to the following-described property to the designated grantees as approved by Chicago Board of Education Board Reports.

Name of Facility: Former Henson Elementary School

Property Address: 1326 South Avers Avenue, 1306 S. Avers, and 1355 S. Springfield Avenue

Permanent Index Numbers: 16-23-109-001, 16-23-109-032, 16-23-109-042 and 16-23-109-043

Grantee: Single Room Housing Assistance Corporation, NFP

Purchase Price: $55,000.00

Board Report 18-0822-OP1

Legal Description: Lots 1 To 13 Inclusive, Lots 35 To 45, Inclusive, And Parts Of Lots 14 And 46 (Except Those Parts Opened For Public Alleys) In Block 6 Frank Wells And Company’s Boulevard Subdivision Of The North West Quarter Of The North West Quarter Of Section 23, Township 39 North, Range 13 East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois, And Vacated Alley. 

Name of Facility: Former Melody Elementary School

Property Address: 412 S. Keeler Avenue, 4153-4159 W. Van Buren, 407-409 S. Keeler and 4222 W. Congress

Permanent Index Numbers: 16-15-225-048 and 16-15-225-049

Grantee: Single Room Housing Assistance Corporation, NFP

Board Report 18-0822-OP2

Legal Description: Lots 12 Through 33 And The Vacated East- West Alley Which Lies North Of An Adjacent To Lots 25 Through 33 (Except The West 16 Feet Of Said Lot 33) And South Of And Adjacent To Lots 16 (Except The West 16 Feet Thereof) And Lots 17 Through 24 All In Block 1 In Colorado Second Addition To Chicago, Being A Subdivision Of Lots 3 And 4 Of Circuit Court Partition Of The East 1⁄2 Of The Southwest 1⁄4 Of The Northeast 1⁄4 Of Section 15, Township 39 North, Range 13, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois.

Name of Facility: Former Songhai Elementary School

Property Address: 11725 S. Perry Avenue

Permanent Index Numbers: 25-21-420-006, 25-21-420-007, 25-21-420-029, and 25-21-420-034

Grantee: VLV Development and Financial Service Corporation

Board Report 18-0822-OP3

Legal Description: Parcel 1:

The South 9 Feet Of Lot 17, All Of Lots 18 To 32, Inclusive, And North 1/3 Of Lot 33 Of Block 5, In Fallis And Gano’s Addition To Pullman, Being A Subdivision Of That Part Lying East Of The West 49 Acres Of The East Half Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 21, Township 37 North, Range 14 East Of The Third Principal Meridian And Vacated Alleys; Also

Parcel 2:

Lots 15 To 30, Inclusive, Of Block 6 In Walter H. Field’s Addition To Pullman, Being A Subdivision Of Blocks 3 To 6 Of Allen’s Subdivision Of West 49 Acres Of The East Half Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 21, Township 37 North, Range 14 East Of The Third Principal Meridian, All In Cook County, Illinois, And Vacated Alley; Also

Parcel 3:

Lots 6 To 14, Inclusive, Of Block 6 In Walter H. Field’s Addition To Pullman, Being A Subdivision Of Blocks 3 To 6 Of Allen’s Subdivision Of West 49 Acres Of The East Half Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 21, Township 37 North, Range 14 East Of The Third Principal Meridian, All In Cook County, Illinois

Name of Facility: Former Yale Elementary School

Property Address: 7025 S. Princeton and 7004 and 7034 S. Princeton Avenue

Permanent Index Numbers: 20-21-421-025

Grantee: VLV Development and Financial Service Corporation

Board Report 18-0822-OP4

Legal Description: Lot 1, North 49.2 Feet Of Lot 2 And All Of Lots 10, 11 And 12 In Block 13 In Normal School Subdivision Of West Half Of The South East Quarter Of Section 21, Township 38 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian, In Cook County, Illinois, And Vacated South Princeton Avenue.

Be It Further Resolved that the Public Building Commission hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission to undertake such actions and to execute, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, quit claim deeds and such additional documents as may be necessary and appropriate in order to effectuate this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, James F. Ellis,

Jose G. Maldonado, Jesse Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax, Mariyana Spyropoulos and David T. Whittley- 7

Commissioners voting in the negative:


There being no further business to come before the Board during the regular meeting, the meeting was adjourned.
