Auburn Community Unit School District 10 Board met Nov. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The following members answered roll call at the regular meeting of the Auburn Board of Education November 14, 2018: Present: Fred Jessup, Mark Killam, John Megginson, Josh Smith, Scott Norris, Matt Kern, and Chuck DuBois. Also present were Darren Root, Nathan Essex, Dave Bates, Amy Donaldson, Mark Dudley, Hank Barrington, Don Beard, Roxy Seifert, Bekah Philbrick, Jay Weber Mallory Wise, Sarah Harkness, Tim Seifert, Erin Bidleman, and Ruby Howard secretary to the board.
Kern moved to adopt the agenda. Norris seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith yea
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried.
National Board Re-Certified Teacher - Bekah Philbrick
Wendelin – Don Beard
Comfort Dog - Roxy Seifert
Killam moved to approve consent agenda. Norris seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith yea
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried.
Killam moved to approve consent agenda items which consisted of:
Approved SASED Action Items
Approved Regular Board Meeting of 10/17/2018
Approved Special Board Meeting of 11/1/2018
Approved School District Accounts Payable / Payroll
Approved School Activity Accounts Payable
Approved Monthly Financial Report
Approved Monthly Activity Accounts Report
Employed JH Cashier - Janet Stowers
Employed 7th Grade Volleyball Coach - Jodi Dobson Reese
Approved Board Policy 5:330 - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
Accepted Resignation of HS Football Cheer Sponsor - Abby Fritz
Approved July 5-8, 2020 Trip to Washington, DC - Current 6th, 7th, & 8th Graders
Approved 8th Grade Six Flags Trip - May 10, 2019
Employed 6th Grade Volleyball Coach - Taylor Stevens
Norris seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith yea
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried.
Superintendent Report
Audit Presentation
District Updates
Cash Flow Analysis / Index
School Report Card Presentation
Presentation of the Tentative Levy
County-Wide Sales Tax Information
Kern moved to approve Tentative Levy. Norris seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith recuse
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried
Megginson moved to approve 17/18 Audit. Killam seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith yea
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried.
Kern moved to approve School Report Card. Smith seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith yea
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried.
Megginson moved to adjourn at 9:00 pm. DuBois seconded the motion. The voting was as follows:
DuBois yea Megginson yea
Jessup yea Norris yea
Kern yea Smith yea
Killam yea
There being 7 “yeas”, 0 “nays”, the president declared the motion carried.