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Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Wheaton City Council met January 22

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City of Wheaton City Council met Jan. 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

The regular Wheaton City Council Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Michael J. Gresk.

Upon roll call, the following were:

Physically Present: Mayor Gresk

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Councilman Rutledge

Councilman Scalzo

Absent: Councilman Suess

City Staff Present: Michael G. Dzugan, City Manager

John M. Duguay, Assistant City Manager

James Knippen, City Attorney

James Kozik, Director of Planning and Economic Development

Paul G. Redman, Director of Engineering

William Schultz, Fire Chief

Chad Michaelis, Director of Information Technology

Kevin Maloney, Public Works Forestry Superintendent

Princeton Youker, Deputy Police Chief

Sharon Barrett-Hagen, City Clerk

2. Presentations

Fire Chief Schultz presented 2018 Fire Department Awards to individuals for their life saving actions during emergency medical incidents which occurred in 2018. Recipients of the awards include civilian Mark Wedow, a City of Wheaton employee for his actions August 16, 2018 in saving an individual who was choking; Paramedics Beckley, Ochoa, Lt. Franzone, Firefighters Mellinger and Fennel for their actions during a cardiac arrest situation on May 28, 2018; as well as and Paramedics Greene, Kelly, Lt. Siemsen, Firefighters Ruck and Gerdes, Police Officers Zywczyk, Lundy and Palomo, and family members Maria Ghanayem and Christina Ghanayem for their actions during a cardiac arrest incident on August 27, 2018.

3. Citizens to Be Heard

Mr. Ron Almiron, 455 W. Front Street, stated the pedestrian tunnel under Roosevelt Road would be helpful for Memorial Parade participants to use and his belief that liability issues do not go to the mere existence of the tunnel but go instead to the maintenance and care of the tunnel.

4. Consent Agenda

Councilman Rutledge moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that the following action be taken on the Consent Agenda items:

1. Approve the January 7, 2019 minutes of the regular Wheaton City Council meeting and the January 14, 2019 minutes of the City Council Public Hearing.

2. Pass Ordinance O-2019-06, An Ordinance Amending the Wheaton Liquor Control Ordnance, Chapter 6, Article III of the City Code – Decrease in Class A (Restaurants) Liquor License and Increase in Class B (Restaurants) – Choun’s Restaurant/226 W. Front Street.

3. Adopt Resolution R-2019-02, A Resolution Authorizing the Release of Closed Session Minutes.

4. Adopt Resolution R-2019-03, A Resolution Authorizing the Destruction of Audio or Video Recording of Closed Session Minutes.

5. Approve Bond Waiver and Authorize Issuance of a Raffle License to St. Michael Parish School.

6. Adopt Resolution R-2019-04, A Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Certain Surplus Property (PW).

7. Approve Request and Authorize Issuance of a Special Event Permit to Synegen – Washington

Elementary 5K.

Roll Call on Consent Agenda:

Ayes: Councilman Rutledge

Councilman Scalzo

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously

5. Authorize Purchase of Replacement Brush Chipper from Vermeer Midwest Inc.

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilman Rutledge seconded that the purchase of a replacement brush chipper from Vermeer Midwest Inc., be authorized.

City Manager Dzugan stated staff has recommended the purchase of a replacement brush chipper for a total cost of $53,824 with a $12,000 trade in.

Councilman Barbier moved and Councilman Rutledge seconded that the purchase of a replacement brush chipper from Vermeer Midwest Inc., be authorized.

City Manager Dzugan stated staff has recommended the purchase of a replacement brush chipper for a total cost of $53,824 with a $12,000 trade in.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Councilman Rutledge

Councilman Scalzo

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously

6. Authorize Purchase of 14 Video Dashboard Camera Systems from WatchGuard

Councilman Scalzo moved and Councilman Prendiville seconded that the purchase of 14 video dashboard camera systems from WatchGuard, be authorized.

City Manager Dzugan stated at the last City Council meeting, the Council asked staff to consider replacing all 19 of the dashboard cameras installed in the City’s police vehicles. Staff contacted WatchGuard who indicated they can provide the additional camera systems. City Manager Dzugan stated the total cost for all 19 camera systems is $139,068, and the City hopes to receive a grant from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board in the amount of $109,288.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Scalzo

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Councilman Rutledge

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously

7. Adopt Resolution R-2019-05, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Local Public Agency Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in the Harrison Avenue Resurfacing Project

Councilman Prendiville moved and Councilman Rutledge seconded that Resolution R-2019-05, A Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Local Public Agency Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in the Harrison Avenue Resurfacing Project, be adopted.

City Manager Dzugan stated the resolution before the Council would permit the City to receive a maximum of $521,241 in federal dollars for the resurfacing of Harrison Avenue from Gary Avenue to College Avenue. He indicated that amount represents 70% of the construction costs for this work.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Councilman Rutledge

Councilman Scalzo

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously

8. Adopt Resolution R-2019-06, A Resolution Authorizing a Design Services Agreement with Primera Engineering, Ltd. for Downtown Streetscape Project Phase 3

Councilman Rutledge moved and Councilman Prendiville seconded that Resolution R-2019-06, A Resolution Authorizing a Design Services Agreement with Primera Engineering, Ltd. for Downtown Streetscape Project Phase 3, be adopted.

City Manager Dzugan stated Assistant City Manager Duguay has recommended the City approve an agreement with Primera Engineering for engineering services for Phase 3 of the Downtown Streetscape Project. He advised the amount of the contract is $846,100 for base services and $142,420 for additional services.

Assistant City Manager Duguay reviewed the scope of work for Phase 3 which includes Main Street from Illinois Street to Wesley Street, Wheaton Avenue from Wesley Street to Liberty Drive and Liberty Drive from West Street to Hal Street. He indicated the areas of additional services staff is recommending Primera perform include Phase 4 Design Study, Review of Downtown Transition Areas, and Inspection and Assessment of the Structural Design of Existing Vaults.

Ms. Erin Inman, Primera Engineering, summarized for Councilwoman Fitch the number of individuals working on this project, consisting of design, structural, roadway and lighting engineers. In response to Councilwoman Fitch, Assistant City Manager Duguay stated that any questions on the part of the Downtown Wheaton Association or other businesses regarding this project should be directed to him.

Councilwoman Fitch questioned how the Phase 2 work would proceed and if it would be completed in time for the Taste of Wheaton. Assistant City Manager Duguay stated Phase 2 work would be done in a similar fashion as the Phase 1 work.

In response to Councilman Rutledge, Assistant City Manager Duguay confirmed the two vaults are located on private property.

In response to Councilman Prendiville, Director Kozik stated staff has been in contact with Bensidoun and is working on an agreement for the French Market.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Rutledge

Councilman Scalzo

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously

9. Council Comment

Councilwoman Fitch expressed her appreciation for the work of the City’s first responders.

10. Approval of Warrant

Councilman Scalzo moved and Councilman Barbier seconded that Warrant No. 744 in the amount of $1,945,249.29, be approved.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Scalzo

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Councilman Rutledge

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously

11. Adjournment

Councilman Rutledge moved and Councilman Prendiville seconded that the regular Wheaton City Council Meeting be adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: Councilman Rutledge

Councilman Scalzo

Councilman Barbier

Councilwoman Fitch

Councilman Prendiville

Mayor Gresk

Nays: None

Absent: Councilman Suess

Motion Carried Unanimously
