
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Rosemont Elementary School District 78 Board met April 8


Rosemont Elementary School District 78 Board met April 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Vice President Bailey called the meeting to order at 6:29 p.m.


Vice President Bailey asked for a roll call.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Wilson, Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

MEMBERS ABSENT: President Donnelly

OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Superintendent Anderson

Principal Kovalcik

Karen Allen, Staff

Ray Baghdassarian, Staff

Vicki Cline, Staff

Vanessa Cooper, Resident

Julie Cullerton, Resident & Staff

Pamela Czaplewski, Staff

Kelly Depa, Staff

Maria Ficarella, Resident & Staff

Julie Fritz, Staff

Kate Gilhooly, Staff

Kathleen Guzaldo, Staff

Kristen Hines, Staff

Mary Houston, Resident & Staff

Janet Kester, Staff

Janine Langer, Resident & Staff

Kevin Lidbury, Staff

Scott Lindstrom, Staff

Anne Lunde, Journal & Topics Reporter

Lisa Maltais, Staff

Carolyn McAleer, Staff

Kristina Monaco, Resident

Brittany Muszynski, Resident & Staff

Kate O’Donnell, Staff

Gina O’Neill, Resident & Staff

Cathleen Pope, Staff

Sarah Rhodes, Staff

Peter Schaul, Staff

Lourene Solarz, Resident & Staff

Arielle Stephens, Resident

Cameron Stephens, Staff

Anne Tondola, Staff

Chris Vogel, Staff

John Werner, Staff

Jamie Williams, Staff

Deanna Wisniewski, Staff


At this time Vice President Bailey welcomed the visitors and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions at this time.


There was no Executive Session at this time.


There were no Additions to the Agenda.


There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve consent agenda items 5.1 thru 5.2

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

NAYS: None

ABSENT: President Donnelly

Motion Carried

The Consent Agenda Items were as follows:

5.1 Approval of Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held on March 11, 2019.

5.2 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 31, 2019.

Education Fund 3,467,469.89

Building Fund 3,180,409.63

Debt Service Fund 1,002.01

Transportation Fund 14,124.76

Municipal Ret. Fund (28,899.00)

Working Cash Fund 442,213.20

Total All Funds 7,076,320.49


Principal Kovalcik gave the Administrator’s Update.

Mrs. Kovalcik began by thanking the School Board and Benefit Club for acknowledging the outstanding staff and their accomplishments. Tributes were given to each staff member or School Board Member that reached a milestone of service: Sarah Rhodes and Cameron Stephens (5 years), Shelly Anderson, Vicki Cline, Edward Muszynski (10 years), Christine Vogel (15 years), and Dolores Wilson (30 years). Recognition of staff and Board Members took place before the regular Board Meeting. She thanked Mrs. Cline and Mrs. Guzaldo for making the night possible with all of their hard work.

- Junior Achievement was held for grades Kindergarten through 8th grade on March 22nd. Thank you to Mrs. O’Donnell for facilitating the program.

- McTeacher Night was held on April 4th. Thank you to Ms. Depa, Mrs. Allen, and Mr. Anderson for wearing the pie costume, and to Mrs. Tondola for her work collecting tips. She thanked the teachers for their time.

- Mrs. O’Donnell and her 3rd grade class have begun their Rosemont unit. Today they took a tour of Rosemont.

- Mid-quarter for 4th quarter is April 17th. Mid-quarter reports will be sent home the following week along with summer school recommendations. Thank you to Mrs. Gilhooly for facilitating the Summer School Program and to those teachers who will be teaching summer school.

- Swim Club is underway with Mrs. Tondola. Swim Club ends at the end of April with a special treat and some fun games in the pool. Thank you to Mrs. Tondola for facilitating this program.

- Girls’ soccer and Boys’ volleyball season has started. Miss Williams will coach the girls and Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. Stephens will be coaching the boys.

- The enrichment students and Mrs. Maltais have been working hard every Wednesday after school. The last enrichment class will be on April 17th. Thank you to Mrs. Maltais for providing the lessons to the students.

- Pennies for Patients raised just over $400. Thank you to Mrs. Kester for spearheading this great cause. Mrs. Kester went to the School Social Work Association of America Conference and was a presenter. Congratulations Mrs. Kester!

- The junior high’s presentation of The Music Man Jr. will take place on Thursday, April 18. Mrs. Kovalcik stated that she, Ms. Pope, Ms. Muszynski, and Mr. Lindstrom are very excited to present The Music Man Jr. The students have been working very hard.

- The 8th grade Washington DC trip is right around the corner. The trip will take place from April 24th through April 27th. She thanked Mr. Schaul for all of his hard work to make this trip possible. She also thanked all of those who helped the 8th grade meet their fundraising goals by supporting their fundraising activities.

- The Art Fair/Band Performance/Ice Cream Social will take place on Thursday, May 2nd.

- The last Scholastic Book Fair will take place from May 6th through May 13th.

- The next Board Meeting will take place a few weeks before the Kindergarten and 8th grade graduations, junior high awards assembly, and the end of the year picnic for grades 1 through 5.

- Lastly, Family Fun Night will take place on May 10th. Thank you to the Benefit Club for all of their hard work throughout the year to make our staff and students feel very special.


There was a thank you note from Janet Kester thanking the Board for allowing her to attend the School Social Work Association of America’s Conference from April 2nd through April 5th. The conference provided her with many opportunities.

Special Education Report

At this time there was no Special Education Report.

Legislation Report

Superintendent Anderson spoke about three Bills. The first one deals with consolidation of schools. The subject matter of the second Bill focuses on the time that must be allotted for physical education per week for students. Lastly, reversing the recently adopted legislation that reduced the maximum salary increase for teachers and administrations reaching retirement from 6% to 3%.

Voters’ League Assignment

Vice President Bailey stated that he would do the Voters’ League Assignment. If he is not available, someone else will be assigned to the duty.

Other Board Reports

There were no Other Board Reports at this time.

Board Calendar

Vice President Bailey stated that there would be a special Board Meeting on April 22nd at 5:00 pm to reorganize the Board and swear in the recently elected members.


There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the List of Disbursements for the month of March 2019 (reviewed by Member Houston).

Education Fund 317,653.05

Building Fund 39,111.41

Debt Serv. Fund 0

Transportation Fund 12,094.98

Municipal Ret. Fund 8,660.44

Total 377,519.88

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

NAYS: None

ABSENT: President Donnelly

Motion Carried


There were no New Business/Discussion Items at this time.


There were no Old Business Action Items at this time.


Policy Items 11.1through 11.9

There was a motion made by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Wilson, to approve the First Readings of items 11.1 through 11.9.

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

NAYS: None

ABSENT: President Donnelly

Motion Carried


There were no Personnel Items at this time.


Vice President Bailey asked if there were any Questions from the Public. There were no questions.


There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson to adjourn this meeting at 6:40 p.m.

A roll call vote

AYES: Wilson, Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

NAYS: None

ABSENT: President Donnelly

Motion Carried
